sexta-feira, outubro 08, 2004


Um partido islâmico em solo europeu:

Excerto da página dessa formação política:
The Islamic Party of Britain began its work in 1989 with the purpose of encouraging public debate about the Islamic alternative. Being the very first national Islamic political organisation in the UK and the only Islamic political party in the non-Muslim Western world, it has helped Muslims to gain confidence in the political discussion, it has researched Islamic answers to contemporary issues and come up with convincing policies on economy, environment, health, education, social affairs, international relations, and many other aspects of modern life. It has provided accurate, well presented information about Islam to the general public, and many have found their way to Islam through its dynamic approach.

Engrossei uma da partes que me pareceu mais significativa.

É um dos sinais de que a conquista do Ocidente pelo Islão está em marcha acelerada. O campo da política é central e demonstra frontalmente o que o Islão pretende fazer.

Mas há ainda demasiados ocidentais a dormir.