segunda-feira, dezembro 06, 2010


Tripoli - O presidente da Comissão da União Europeia (UE), José Manuel Durão Barroso, afirmou em Tripoli, na Líbia, que a zona monetária europeia poderá ser ampliada à África daqui a 2050.
"Viemos a Tripoli com a fascinante ideia de criação a longo prazo duma zona económica euro-africana que oferecerá oportunidades a dois biliões e 500 milhões de habitantes daqui a 2050", declarou Durão Barroso ontem, na cerimónia de abertura da III Cimeira África-UE.
"A crise económica e financeira ainda não terminou. Mas à medida que trabalharmos para sair desta crise, outras oportunidades se oferecem à África e à Europa para restaurar e acelerar o crescimento", acrescentou o presidente da Comissão da UE.
A Cimeira África-UE, que vai durar dois dias, abordará, entre outros, a política de criação de empregos, de investimentos e as relações económicas e comerciais entre os dois continentes.

Isto já para não falar no facto de que a ligação à União Europeia em termos económicos acarreta, tarde ou cedo, uma equivalente ligação política e a facilidade de circulação em toda a Europa.
Já não bastava portanto a africanização por via da iminvasão, tinha de vir agora mais este anúncio de futuramente próxima machadada na Identidade Europeia.

Resta aos Nacionalistas Europeus cerrar fileiras e preparar-se para o pior.



Anonymous Anónimo said...

só na identidade?o dna de vc´s vai ficar mais podre que o do sul da asia..

6 de dezembro de 2010 às 20:34:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Os minho timorenses devem de dar pulos de contente com isto,na pratica é o recriar do imperialismo racista do passado.
Somente o Nacionalismo étnico é defensor do direito á autodeterminação dos povos

6 de dezembro de 2010 às 23:10:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Os minho timorenses devem de dar pulos de contente com isto,na pratica é o recriar do imperialismo racista do passado.
Somente o Nacionalismo étnico é defensor do direito á autodeterminação dos povos

vc apenas esta a reproduzir o discurso antifa..o racismo é contra o povo europeu a nivel genomico e cia..só a nivel economico é que é um novo imperialixo pra tentar criar novas romas e concentrar o pib todo do mundo em meia duzia de cidades e suas respectivas elites minoricas ultra-subsidiadas podres..

7 de dezembro de 2010 às 00:21:00 WET  
Anonymous Anti-ex-ariano said...

«Os minho timorenses devem de dar pulos de contente com isto,na pratica é o recriar do imperialismo racista do passado.»

Os minho-timorenses não querem saber de raças, apenas de impérios. O que eles nem sequer imaginam é que o único império viável é mesmo o império de mediocridade preconizado pelos terceiro-mundistas. Só o nacionalismo racialista pode evitar o fim dos europeus! Vota PNR!!! Para salvar Portugal!!!

7 de dezembro de 2010 às 19:01:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


que porcaria de união europeia!

7 de dezembro de 2010 às 22:57:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

The Guardian 25 Nov. 2010

Hundreds of millions of pounds of European Union aid to help the poor in Africa is being handed over without public scrutiny to banks and private equity companies and funnelled into tax havens, a new report claims. Counter Balance, a group of non-government organisations, has investigated the €1.1bn (£932m) of annual aid from the taxpayer-funded European Investment Bank to Africa and the Caribbean. It alleges that the cash disappeared into African banks, a Luxembourg tax haven and a Nigerian bank whose managing director was under investigation for fraud. The report condemns the EIB for lack of checks and failure to make public what is happening to the cash. “The bank provides next to no information on where this money ends up.”

8 de dezembro de 2010 às 00:20:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Os minho-timorenses não querem saber de raças, apenas de impérios.

claro, afinal raças são nações e imperios são anti-nações e portanto anti-raç é o inverso do outro..

8 de dezembro de 2010 às 00:51:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

que porcaria de união europeia!

por isso que bruxelas precisa ser destruida logo..aquele esgoto podre está acabando com ela propria e com o resto da ue..

8 de dezembro de 2010 às 00:51:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Centenas de milhões de libras de ajuda da União Europeia para ajudar os pobres em África está sendo entregue sem escrutínio público a bancos e empresas de private equity e afunilado em paraísos fiscais, afirma um novo relatório. Counter Balance, um grupo de organizações não-governamentais, investigou a € 1,1 bilhão (£ 932m), da ajuda anual do contribuinte-financiada Banco Europeu de Investimento à África e no Caribe. Alega que o dinheiro desapareceu em bancos Africano, um paraíso fiscal do Luxemburgo e um banco nigeriano, cujo diretor estava sob investigação por fraude.

no minimo racharam a grana com os corruptos africanos..

8 de dezembro de 2010 às 18:23:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

As the snow is falling densely and people die of cold in the northern hemisphere after a cold winter in the southerm hemisphere, illuminist world leaders are gathering on a lie in warm Mexico: That the world is warming due to anthropogenic CO2. The fraudulent Company, Britain’s Met Office, said in October that 2010 will be the second-warmest year since 1850! The Met is involved in the CRU Climategate scandal and has not delivered a true weather forecast for summer or winter in the last 3 years - and predicted a mild winter this year! The Met launched the warning about a not existing Icelandic ash cloud over Britain, thus stopping all European air traffic just because of an incorrect computer analysis without a single measurement. Whereupon the EU took over control of all European airspace. Its head stranded at Gatwick in a many inches thick layer of global warming, as she was going to Cancun. In Cancun, 15,000 civil servants and politicians from 190 countries meet for a 14-day conference at a luxury Mexican beach resort, where they produce as much CO2 as a normal English village during a full year, the total carbon footprint of the conference is equivalent to 4,500 UK households for a year. All the while a rabid English scientist requires rationing as during the second World now with reduction of heat, food and import consumption congress participants are living in gluttony down in Mexico at our cost. The highly compromised IPCC chief, Pachauri, found a receptive audience when he said that the situation was so threatening that there is no time to investigate CO2´s (non existent) effect on the nonexistent global warming which is now being denied even by the arch fraudster behind the Climategate, CRU Prof. Phil Jones. Also, Pachauri recently admitted global warming not to be based on science but complied politically commissioned work. Now instead ,Pachauri wants to pour all the poison that can be mobilized out on us in chemtrailing and other forms of geoengineering - which has long been co-ordinated by London’s Royal Society by means of corporations, governments, the UN, the EU etc.

But all that is only a circus show to collect money from the rich for the poor countries - or rather for the banksters and dictators. Previously an economist in an interview with the Neue Zürcher Zeitung said the same - that the meeting is the largest economic summit on the redistribution of world wealth since the second World War - and has absolutely nothing to do with climate. It concerns the international elite´s world government´s Communist redistribution of the working people´s money for the part of humanity, who declares itself unwilling to work. Acc. to Ban Ki-Moon, the Western countries only cough up with 30 bn dollars in 2011 - but Ban wants at least 100 billion dollars a year by 2020. Several leaders are predicting a poor outcome, including the EU’s climate commissioner.

At the same time, the depopulationist preacher, Illuminist and CNN founder, Ted Turrer, found the opportunity to vent his hobbyhorse to have the world´s population reduced to 2 billion instead of the current 7 billion - Otherwise we will be cooked, he says! Preferably by the Chinese (forced) one child policy. But there are, of course, other options!

9 de dezembro de 2010 às 08:30:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

The Telegraph 29 Nov. 2010:

In one paper, Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough is to halt economic growth in the rich world over the next twenty years.
Prof Anderson admitted it “would not be easy” to persuade people to reduce their consumption of goods He said politicians should consider a rationing system similar to the one introduced during the last “time of crisis” in the 1930s and 40s. This could mean a limit on electricity so people are forced to turn the heating down, turn off the lights . Food that has travelled from abroad may be limited and goods that require a lot of energy to manufacture.

The Express 3 Dec. 2010:

Britain was running out of food last night as the big freeze paralysed the transport network. Fuel supplies were also at risk

But of course the rationing is only for the “useless eaters”. The “useful UN gluttons” have quite another bonvivant style of living –

9 de dezembro de 2010 às 08:34:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

The Daily Star 29 Nov. 2010

Britain was officially the coldest country on Earth yesterday with temperatures hitting teeth-chattering –17C (1F). CNN 2 Dec. reports heavy snow in Buffalo, N.Y., USA. Seventeen people died from the cold in Central Europe in the past 24 hours, bringing the total this week to 45. A further 11 died in Russia, plus three in France and one in Germany, according to local authorities. At least 30 people, mainly homeless men, have died in Poland in the past week, and temperatures dropped to minus 15 degrees Celsius (five degrees Fahrenheit) overnight– AFP 3 Dec. 2010.

9 de dezembro de 2010 às 08:35:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

The Express 2 De c. 2010:

The Coldest Winter For 100 Years. AFP 30 Nov. 2010: Europe – even France and Spain and Portugal, are shivering with cold and snow.

9 de dezembro de 2010 às 08:37:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

This is not about Climate – but about redistribution of our money

Neue Zürche Zeitung 20. Nov. 2010:

Climate change has hardly anything to do with environmental protection, says the economist Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is really a business summit about the distribution of resources. The climate summit in Cancun is one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War.

9 de dezembro de 2010 às 08:39:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Just like the Soviet Union, the population of their one-world state will consist of a tiny superrich elite and a homogeneous layer of proletarian slaves the number of which is to be drastically reduced.

9 de dezembro de 2010 às 08:41:00 WET  

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