terça-feira, agosto 09, 2005


É curioso o modo como a «imprensa livre»(sic) desta nossa «sociedade da informação»(sic), ignora por completo que ocorreu ontem, no Estado indiano de Assam, um pesado atentado bombista islâmico contra instalações industriais de petróleo, de gás, de energia, contra caminhos de ferro também, tendo acabado por causar a morte de quatro pessoas.

A quem interessa este tipo de ignorância a respeito do que se passa no mundo?
Será que a generalidade da tropa jornalística não tem vontade de falar no terrorismo feito por muçulmanos?

Enfim, talvez ainda não tenham «estruturado» bem o modo de dar este tipo de notícias - quando os alvos dos atentados são inocentes ocidentais ou muçulmanos acusados de auxiliar os ocidentais, é fácil dizer que é por causa do Iraque, da Palestina, e tal. Se for contra os Russos, também não há problema em explicar, é por causa do imperialismo russo na Tchetchénia.
Mas quando este tipo de crime é cometido por muçulmanos em contextos que nada têm a ver nem com Israel, nem com o Iraque, nem com o Afeganistão, nem com a Tchetchénia, nessa altura é um bocado difícil «perceber», isso confunde o povo, o qual até pode começar a pensar que afinal o terrorismo islâmico não acontece só por causa dos Russos, dos Judeus e dos Norte-Americanos...

Recordo que a Índia tem sido um dos países do mundo que mais tem sofrido com a ofensiva muçulmana, em curso desde há mil trezentos e tal anos. Ao longo de mais de um milénio, milhares de templos hindus foram destruídos (a chamada «tolerância muçulmana» em acção) e milhões e milhões de hindus foram massacrados naquilo que se pode considerar como o maior holocausto da História.

Para quem tiver um bocadinho de curiosidade cultural nalgum canto recôndito da cachola, recomendo a consulta desta magnífica página com extensa informação (a sério) sobre o Hinduísmo.


Anonymous Anónimo said...


Exposed – media lies about suicide bomber

8th August 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

Cast your mind back a month and you will recall the newspaper articles in almost all daily newspapers, from the intellectual “Times” to the comic rags of the “Mirror” and the “Sun” expressing shock and horror that the young men who committed the largest and deadliest post-war atrocity on British soil on 07/07 were reported to be “normal lads”, “cricket players”, “aspiring students” and just all very nice everyday folk.

Well apparently not. A mention in dispatches for Anne Marie Bradley, a reporter with the Huddersfield Daily Examiner who has proved on more than one occasion to be a thorn in the side of the establishment and for her article in today’s Examiner which exposes one of the suicide bombers as a vile, hate-filled, anti-white, anti-British drug dealer.

It turns out that the bomber who lived in Aylesbury, Jermaine Lindsay, was hardly the respectable loving son that the media would lead us to believe. This crazed Islamic fundamentalist of Jamaican background was the terrorist who carried a bomb on to a Tube train at Kings Cross on July 7, killing himself and 26 innocent commuters.


Much of Miss Bradley’s report, the full text of which can be seen here is based on an interview with a victim of Lindsay’s wicked trade in hard drugs.

Former addict Juliet Davidson has revealed how she used to buy heroin and crack cocaine from teenage bomber Jermaine Lindsay in Dalton.

The single mother - who has been free from drugs for three years - said she was shocked to discover her former dealer was at the centre of the London terrorist attacks.

Juliet, 26, first met Lindsay - known to her as “G” - five years ago outside a row of shops in Harp Inge, Dalton.

He was just 14 at the time and a student at Rawthorpe High School.

She said: "He used to hang around and when I was going there to score one day he asked me to get my drugs off him.

"I used to get heroin and crack cocaine off him every day for about two years.

"He thought all white people were trash and said he was going to get them all on drugs to kill them off.

"I don't think he was into anything more himself than a bit of cannabis."

Juliet, formerly of Rawthorpe, said Lindsay also became more aggressive as time went on.

She said: "He started getting arrogant and snapping at anything.

"He once badly beat up someone I knew for just a fiver.

"He looked down his nose at everybody.

"I can't understand why people are saying he was a nice person. He wasn't."


An excellent piece of work from a provincial journalist and we must say how very surprising from a title which is part of the Trinity Mirror group.

This is yet more evidence that the multi-cultural experiment has failed, the newspapers that were so effusive in their praise for open borders and the idea that diversity is our national strength are now back tracking and reporting news that many Britons have long known to be the truth – multi-culturalism in our already overcrowded islands has been a disaster and the quicker we all address the national security issue of the presence of over 1.5 million Muslims in this country, the better and quicker we can get on with our lives.

9 de agosto de 2005 às 15:38:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Racist violence soars in East London

6th August 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

London's top cop -Ian Blair turning blind eye to attacks on whites

Britain's politically correct police chiefs seem to have learned nothing from their shocking intelligence failure on 7/7.

As BNP leader Nick Griffin pointed out in his website article not long after the first attacks, West Yorkshire's Chief Constable Colin Cramphorn had several pieces of intelligence which could quite possibly have led his men to apprehending the Dewsbury/Beeston suicide bombing cell. But political correctness and 'good community relations' came out on top and his officers were not allowed to follow up the leads.

Now Cramphorn's main rival for the title of The Most Islamophile Police Chief, the Met's vainglorious Ian Blair, is presiding over a similar turning of a blind eye to violent extremism among young Bengalis in London's East End. And, needless to say, the mainstream media are backing him up all the way.

Local newspaper

Only the East London Advertiser has dared to print some of the truth about what has been happening in Tower Hamlets since 7th July.

On that very evening, several gangs of young Muslim men were out in force on the streets, swaggering around and intimidating and attacking as many as possible of the remaining mainly middle aged and elderly whites in the area. And the trouble has continued ever since. According to a report in the ELA on 3rd August:

"Residents of the Jesus Green estate in Bethnal Green claim the police have failed to take action over a spate of attacks in the area in the last few weeks. An anonymous resident claimed that since July 21, Asian youths have carried out over a dozen attacks on whites in and around Columbia Road. She said one man had been admitted to the Royal London Hospital in a critical condition after being glassed and kicked, while a retired priest had been set upon with bike chains. Police could not confirm these incidents."

Another report in the paper on the same day told of how an Australian barman working in the area was attacked by "a large group of 15 and 16 year-old" Asians. "They said: 'What the f**k are you doing walking down our street?'"

"Meanwhile, Linda Wilkinson, of the Jesus Hospital Estate Residents Association in the area, says a gang of Asian youths there has been attacking white people for almost a year. 'It's been absolutely appalling, people have been hospitalised, it's a gang of Asian youths and it's a turf war,' she claimed."

Ethnic cleansing

The police have finally been forced by the severity of the attacks to meet local residents and suggest the installation of CCTV cameras, but under Ian Blair's Islamophile regime nothing really effective is being done. It has been left to a Brick Lane Imam, Ajmal Masroor, to confirm the racist nature of the ethnic cleansing campaign being waged by some in his community, and to condemn it:

"From talking to people a pattern has been identified that a group of young Bangladeshi boys are attacking middle aged white men. I am a Bangladeshi myself and I find it absolutely loathsome and despicable that young people are doing this, and I call on Bangladeshi parents and elders to try and put a stop to it."

Good for him, but isn't the really despicable thing the way in which senior police officers and the national media are refusing to address this problem? The real danger is that this kind of low- to medium-level anti-white racist violence will create the atmosphere of righteous 'kufr-hating' aggression and confidence that will turn some of the young thugs involved into potential recruits for a future Islamic terror campaign in London.

The idea that terrorist jihad should start with a group of young men walking down the street and punching an innocent passing white person was first publicised in a remarkable Channel 4 exposure on 'Islam in Burnley' several years ago. This showed Abu Hamza making just that suggestion while preaching in a mosque in Burnley.

Decoys needed

Given the close connections already established between the two gangs of suicide bombers and the Hamza-influenced Finsbury Park and Brixton mosques, it is clear that the police should be taking any sign that young Muslims are following his wicked advice very seriously indeed. The anti-white racist gangs operating in East London should therefore be targeted by police operations using older plain-clothes decoy officers (it would be nice to be able to insist on Ian Blair being personally involved, as it would make a change from making vain and idle boasts about how well his 'force' is handling everything) to draw them out for arrest and very rapid justice.

Continued failure to do so not only risks someone being beaten, kicked or stabbed to death, but also giving the confidence to act to another home-grown Islamic terror cell. Neither result is acceptable. The police must stop pussy-footing and get tough with the criminals now.

9 de agosto de 2005 às 15:40:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Rise in Muslim numbers worries Church

5th August 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

A growing number of mosques

The rise in the number of Muslims has raised concern amongst church leaders that the country could one day become a Muslim majority nation.

The afore mentioned church leaders are not the supine Archbishops of the Anglican Church and the country is not the UK, it is in fact the largest nation on the planet- Russia and the church leaders are from the Orthodox Church.

According to a leading Muslim the number practicing Islamic faiths in Russia is well over 50% more than the official census. The last Russian census in 2002 reported that 14.5million (10%) of the total Russian population of 144 million classed themselves as Muslims but according to estimates by Ravil Gaynutdin, chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, there are 23 Muslims (16%) in Russia. Gaynutdin was speaking in Moscow on Wednesday at a meeting of the European Union of Muslims which was dedicated to counteracting extremism.

Indigenous residents

“They are indigenous residents of our country, they are not migrants or immigrants and have been living here from time immemorial,” Gaynutdin said.

He went on to say that “the number of people professing Islam in Russia is constantly growing”.

Gaynutdin also condemned acts of terror “propagated under the name of Islam.”

Differing birth rates

Russia is home to an estimated 4 million refugees from ethnic clashes in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Chechnya but there has been growth in the number of European ethnic Russians, as well as Ukrainians and Belarussians adopting Islam, mirroring a similar trend in the UK and western Europe. A spiritual void due to the collapse of traditional church values and the growth in morally damaging consumerism are believed to be forces driving young middle class professionals towards Islam. This together with a fall in the ethnic Russian birth rate while Islamic migrants maintain a higher birth rate is worrying Orthodox leaders.

The growth of Islam in Russia has spiralled since the collapse of the Stalinist Soviet Union. In 1991 there were 500 mosques throughout the former Soviet Union, in Russia alone, 14 years on there are an estimated 5,000 mosques and Moscow is home to about 1.5 Muslims. One expert on Islam suggests that within 50 years Russia could be a Muslim society.

Cultural clash

The clash of civilisations is brewing along fault lines from Pennine Lancashire and London through the major cities of western Europe to the southern borders of Russia with on one hand European scientific progress, innovation and its cultural basis in democracy, equality of the sexes and freedom of thought pitted against the Islamic culture of intellectual repression, concentrating power in the hands of a misogynistic theocracy.

While we in the BNP are principally concerned about the growing influence of Islam on our own shores, we have to look to our closely related kinfolk on the continent and beyond and watch carefully the battle lines being drawn up in what is clearly a cultural clash of civilisations. How the Dutch, Spanish and Russians deal with their own growing Islamic populations who seek tolerance for their faith, while at the same time demanding change and concessions should be observed with interest by all Britons who are concerned that we are losing a cultural war against the forces of Islam.

9 de agosto de 2005 às 15:42:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Stopping immigration - a lesson from India

7th August 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

While many former call centres are angry and bitter that their own jobs have been exported to Third World countries, mainly in India but perhaps we should let the Indians look after our Immigration Department!

Anxious Indians in the north eastern state of Assam have long endured a flood of migrants from neighbouring Bangladesh through a porous border of forest, swamp and farmland.

It is claimed by some Assam political leaders that there are 4-5 million illegal Bangladeshi migrants in its population of nearly 26million. Opposition members say the "demographic invasion" could reduce Indian residents to a minority in their own state in years to come.

The Bangladeshis are mostly Muslim and the Indian mostly Hindu and ethnic tensions have soared in recent years with India fearful of a rise in terrorist attacks from separatist militants from across the border.

Sealing the border

Apart from the sole land transport link with the continent, the Channel Tunnel, Britain is a collection of islands and as such our borders should be easy to control. India’s response to the mass migration and problem of militant insurgents is to build a massive wire fence along the 400 mile border crossing rivers, through forests and swamps.

"Half of the border has already been fenced. The task will be completed by 2006," Home Minister Shivraj Patil said in India's Parliament.

"India has acquired floating border observation posts to prevent illegal migration by people using small rivulets and rivers," Patil said.

India also is building wire fences along much of its border with Pakistan to stop Islamic fighters from infiltrating.

Job swap

Maybe the best solution for the British problem of mass illegal immigration would be to outsource our own Home Secretary, Charles Clarke’s job to India. He is the man in charge of immigration issues yet his counterpart in India’s Home Minister Shivraj Patil understands the importance of guarding a nation’s border while Clarke doesn’t have a clue

9 de agosto de 2005 às 15:44:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Who really runs the United Kingdom?

7th August 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

Lord Chancellor stops Blair's anti-terror move

A constitutional crisis is brewing over the ability of the government to implement legislation designed to curb the growing threat of Islamist terrorism in Britain.

The counter-terrorism strategy which Tony Blair outlined to the nation on Friday (5th) is in chaos after the Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer said that the government could not amend the Human Rights laws because by doing so, it would be in breach of the European Convention of Human Rights.

Tony Blair was eager to be seen as a national statesman and to be tough on religious extremists who preach terror and praise the actions of suicide bombers. However, attempts to deport some fundamentalists have been blocked by British judges on the grounds that they would contravene the European Convention on Human Rights, which holds that individuals should not be deported to countries if they face ill-treatment or torture.

Amending human rights laws

Blair told reporters on Friday "Should legal obstacles arise, we will legislate further if necessary, amending the Human Rights Act in respect of the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights."

But yesterday he was contradicted by Lord Falconer who told the BBC that "We need to have a measured response to terrorism to identify what the right measures are and seek a consensus. A balance has to be struck between ensuring security and making sure of our basic values. We need to do it quickly but with as wide support as possible."

Falconer is backed by other leading members of the British judiciary who have already stated their opposition to Blair's plan to cut back Human Rights laws.

European Court

In our Alice-in-Wonderland situation created for us by our political master, preachers of anti-British hate and those who praise terrorists could take the British government to the European Court in Strasbourg!

Human rights lawyers - who include Cherie Blair QC, the Prime Minister's wife - are also expressing major resistance to any changes.

Even though the government does not have the backing of the majority of the British electorate (only 22.7% of the entire British electorate voted for Labour in May this year, hardly a majority) it has a mandate to enact legislation it so chooses, whether such new laws are popular with the voters or not. Well that is what should happen but not even the British government can have its way if the European Courts disagree.

No democracy

Put another way, British voters who vote for a party on the expectation of certain manifesto policies being enacted in law, can no longer expect the government to introduce legislation if the introduction of that legislation falls foul of laws drawn up by an unelected, unaccountable body in Strasbourg.

British “democracy” can be seen for what it really it; a sham, a façade, an illusion that voters have a choice when what really exists is a situation when the largest party in parliament, which makes up the government, is a victim of its own treason and stupidity. Labour and the Conservatives alike have in the past two decades gradually surrendered sovereignty to European institutions and now the handcuffs and gags on our ministers and politicians.


The election process dominated by three political parties which all favour either the status quo or who bizarrely actually want to give away more power to Brussels and Strasbourg gives British voters no choice and while Labour politicians argue amongst themselves on the legal issues, 3,000 young Muslims who have returned to the UK from Al-Qaeda training camps are, if they cannot contain their mirth at the government’s botched job, watching and waiting, planning and preparing their next campaign of jihad against the British people.

9 de agosto de 2005 às 15:45:00 WEST  

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