segunda-feira, setembro 27, 2004


Mais uma notícia tirada do site da Liga Ariana do Irão, desta feita abordando as consequências da coexistência entre povos de diferentes etnias, logo, diferentes mentalidades, nomeadamente no que respeita aos Iranianos, povo Ariano, e aos seus vizinhos nada irmãos, os Árabes.
Demonstra também que o Irão se abre ao Ocidente, cada vez mais, ou então nem sequer poderíamos saber de nada disto. Efectivamente, o poder islâmico radical já treme por aquelas paragens.

Engrossei as partes que me parecem mais pertinentes. É longo, o texto, mas vale a pena ler-se:

Interview With Information Minister Morteza Ali Alavi Concerning Complicity Of Foreign Press In Iran (Part 1) - 09 April 2003

TEHRAN - What follows is an interview by the Aryan National Press with the Information Minister of the NSAL, Morteza Ali Alavi. Mr. Alavi spent several years as a translator and editor for the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) until 1379/2000 when he was arrested for attempting to publish (independant of IRNA) a series of damning articles exposing the decadence and corruption behind the scenes of the regime, including detailed exposé's of the life of Ayatollah Rafsanjani and his family.

He spent over eight months in detention at Towhid Prison, experiencing torture and heavy physical abuse on a daily basis, without ever having been granted a trial. His experiences as a journalist and a fierce and determined opponent of the terroristic clerical regime have proven invaluable in the Aryan struggle.

Aryan National Press (ANP): Mr. Alavi, I would like to first thank you on behalf of our loyal readership for taking the time to speak with us. It is a rare event when we are able to conduct such an interview and your effort is greatly appreciated.

Information Minister Morteza Ali Alavi: You are quite welcome. I myself would like to extend the highest level of gratitude to the entire staff of the Aryan National Press for their daring commitment and perseverance in the face of brutal persecution and oppression. I would also like to offer my deepest condolences to the families of those who have been arrested and martyred at the hands of this criminal regime.

ANP: Now the issue has arisen several times over the last year or so concerning the lack of coverage by both the domestic and foreign media about the student movement and the actions they have taken to harm the regime and also the actions of other resistance groups, such as the Pan-Iranists and our own. We ourselves know that many actions have taken place, by both our own members and the members of other resistance organizations as well as by the religious-nationalists and the student movement. Why has coverage of these actions and events not taken place?

Mr. Alavi: You raise an excellent question and I am very glad you brought it up. Now of course the reasons for the lack of coverage by the domestic media is obvious and that is state censorship. Like any dictatorship, this regime is in a severe state of denial and refuses to allow any serious coverage of internal attacks upon it's institutions and affairs, to maintain the illusion that everything is fine and alright. But people know better and get much of their information concerning these resistance actions by word of mouth.

This state censorship extends to the foreign media, believe it or not, but in a much different way. It is a voluntary censorship. There are hundreds of foreign journalists and writers in Tehran, and many more spread out through the rest of the nation, however I can tell you that every single one of them has been bought and paid for by this regime. I will not name names, but suffice it to say that this regime favors British journalists, and they receive the highest material rewards over the rest. Vast amounts of alcohol, expensive rugs, lavish seaside villas in the North, the latest Mercedes-Benz, and much more, all compliments of the regime.

And so the reasons for the lack of coverage by the foreign media is quite obvious. What the foreign media reports is exactly what the regime wants the world to hear. Even when the reports portray the regime negatively.

ANP: The regime intentionally wants itself portrayed negatively in the foreign media?

Mr. Alavi: Of course! The regime was founded out of conflict and it has only survived due to the continuation of this conflict. Without conflict, this regime is doomed. For the regime, the "revolution" is a neverending process. There must always be an enemy to struggle against, even when there are no more enemies. For eight long and bloody years, Iraq was the enemy. Then during the Persian Gulf War, the regime tried to portray Iraq as a friend! Can you believe it? It is absurd and everyone knows it and yet they continue to uphold this strategy. It is similar to the story of the emperor being caught without his clothes on. The criminal gangster Rafsanjani fits this role quite perfectly!

And it must be noted that this goes to the heart of the issue of what has been termed the "Palestinianization of Iranian politics." The regime covertly supports and maintains contact with the State of Israel. The Israeli's provided a great amount of support to Iran during the war with Iraq and went so far as to destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor. And yet the regime continues to fund and arm the Palestinians and refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Zionist State. Why? Because the Arab-Israeli conflict is a conflict. And because it is a conflict, it is of immense benefit to this regime. What most people do not realize is that without the Arab-Israeli conflict, without Palestinian terrorism, this regime would have collapsed on it's own a long time ago.

ANP: But how does Palestinian terrorism against Israel benefit this regime to such a degree?

Mr. Alavi: Firstly, as I previously stated, it is a conflict. Any conflict that this regime can get involved with is of immense benefit to it's survival. Secondly, it is a conflict that has destabilized not only the region, but the entire world. Thirdly, because the conflict creates massive numbers of refugees. This is an extremely important point. The regime has imported huge numbers of Palestinian refugees, the majority of them young men, specifically brought in to work as trained killers and mercenaries. If you have noticed over the last couple of years, the majority of the members of the regime's security forces look different. They are clearly not Iranian, but Arabic. Most of them are not even able to speak or understand Persian and those who are able to speak, do so with a heavy Arabic accent.

So the majority of people working for the survival of the regime are foreigners. On the one hand you have the foreign media, the British and European press in particular, and on the other, a massive number of Arab refugees and illegal immigrants from Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, who make up the security forces and terrorist criminal elements of the regime.

ANP: That is an important point, because what most Westerners don't realize is that the regime is utterly foreign and alien to Iran and to Iranians. And yet the media never focuses on the real Iran, but instead on the regime.

Mr. Alavi: Exactly. When you look at pictures taken by foreign media, you rarely find photographs taken of White Iranians, who make up the majority, especially in the North of Iran, but instead they focus on the non-White population who are completely foreign to our country! As an example, let us take the coverage of those so-called demonstrations and protests which are held in favor of the regime, with so-called students and workers chanting the usual line of "Death to America, Death to Israel" and the rest of that garbage. There were several reports coming out of the Associated Press and Reuters about student protests condeming the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. These were all organized and funded by the regime, with the vast majority of these protesters being all ugly, bearded, and dark-skinned Arabs! The students were not Iranian university students, but Islamic theological seminarians, most of whom came from Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon! And yet the foreign media omits these vital facts.

Where in the foreign media do you find coverage of the severe anti-immigrant, anti-Arab sentiment in Iran? There are millions of non-White Afghan and Arab refugees in Iran and no one wants them in the country. Before they began importing these criminals en masse just a few years ago, crime was a rare occurence in Tehran. But now Tehran is slowly becoming like New York City!

What is extremely ironic is that of all the Afghan refugees that have been brought in, only a small fraction of that number are actually Aryan. The regime intentionally brings in the non-Aryans and leaves the others to die at the hands of warlords and aerial bombing campaigns. This is something the Arabs have attempted several times, and that is the genocide of the Aryan Race.

ANP: Do you think this is the reason why Western liberals love this regime?

Mr. Alavi: Absolutely! You hit it right on the mark there. European liberals love this regime because of the hand outs, similar to what they do for journalists but instead on a much greater scale, and of course, the one major factor: oil. Europeans get their oil from Iran for practically nothing. Russia, China, and North Korea, the Red Axis as I like to refer to them, receive oil for free in exchange for nuclear and weapons technology, though Russia has ceased providing the regime with any valuable technology and information, with China and North Korea taking the lead in this regard.

ANP: Would it be safe to say that the United States is potentially Iran's greatest ally?

Mr. Alavi: Of course. This goes back to the close relationship between the Shah and the U.S. But that was also the Shah's biggest mistake: getting too close. The United States most definitely is able to become Iran's strongest ally after the fall of this regime, but we must be careful that this friendship does not lead to the same mistakes that led to the downfall of the Pahlavi regime. When this regime is destroyed and the rule of law reestablished, we must ensure that we continue to develop our system of democracy based upon the classic Aryan model, and not based upon a Western parliamentarian or republican model. I firmly believe that the system of Aryan democratic rule which existed for thousands of years here in Iran is still very much a viable model and had the Allied invasion of 1941 not taken place, it was a system which would have ultimately been reestablished under Reza Shah the Great.


Blogger vs said...

Eu sou dos que acho que não existe impedimento algum á entrada do Irão na UE (não, não estou a brincar, estou mesmo a sério), isto, claro, depois da queda do regime fundamentalista dos atoalhados Ai-a-Tólas :)
Depois das costumeiras reformas exigidas pela UE, o Irão poderia ser uma importante mais-valia para tão vasto conúbio de países....e de interesses, é claro!

Nelson Buiça

27 de setembro de 2004 às 16:08:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Penso que mais Arianos que os Iranianos, ainda, são os hindus, em cultura e raça, e, apesar de serem caucasianos da mais pura estirpe - sobretudo nas castas mais elevadas - não necessariamente brancos de pele, mas trigueiros. Isso pode-se dever ao sol da Índia (como os indo-arianos crêem, ou a alguma mistura com povos de pele mais escura, caucasianos ainda assim). Muitos afegãos e persas são de facto brancos de pele como os ocidentais - assim como muitos indianos -, mas esta obsessão com a cor de pele nesta entrevista parece demasiado alienígena e semelhante a teses racistas europeias. Nunca tinha ouvido falara antes desta tal Liga Ariana do Irão, e acho que a maioria dos Iranianos muito menos....

29 de setembro de 2004 às 14:58:00 WEST  
Blogger vs said...

Melhor ainda!
Temos assim que, para além do Irão, a Índia e o Afeganistão podem, sem problemas de maior, ser integrados na UE.
Venham eles, venham eles. Quantos mais, melhor!
El mundo es nuestro!

Nelson Buiça

29 de setembro de 2004 às 15:43:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

Caro anónimo, não terei muitas certezas sobre a maior pureza étnica dos Árias da Índia sobre os do Irão, mas de qualquer modo, é verdade, como o próprio anónimo disse, que também há gente de pele claríssima na Índia.
O senhor duvida da autenticidade de tal Liga Ariana com base no facto de que a valorização da cor da pele parece mais ocidental do que oriental. Mas saiba que o imensamente arcaico sistema de castas indiano é, desde há milhares de anos, diferenciado pela cor da pele.

Entretanto, também achei estranho que o site esteja todo em Inglês, mas pode tratar-se de uma tentativa iraniana de aproximação ao Ocidente. Uma coisa é certa: o sentimento racial árico está bem presente no Irão moderno desde pelo menos 1980, ano em que manuais universitários de Teerão realçavam a diferença étnica entre Arianos e Semitas e as constantes guerras entre uns e outros ao longo da História:
- Medos, do lado Ariano, contra Assírios, semitas;
- Persas, arianos, contra Babilónios, semitas.

E, naquela altura, Iranianos, arianos, contra Iraquianos, semitas.

29 de setembro de 2004 às 20:02:00 WEST  

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