terça-feira, julho 06, 2004


Diz o povo que «Tarde ou cedo, a verdade vem sempre ao de cima».
Nunca vi nem concebo melhor concretização deste ditado do que o moderno retorno do culto aos Deuses ancestrais da Europa, em marcha um pouco por toda a parte do Ocidente, desde a Rússia até aos E.U.A., passando por praticamente todos os países europeus, tais como Portugal,Inglaterra, berço deste renascimento espiritual e Lituânia, cujo povo é já de si especialmente receptivo à restauração das suas antigas tradições pagãs, que sobreviveram aos ataques perpetrados, primeiro pelo Cristianismo e depois pelo Comunismo.

E passa também pela Grécia, matriz cultural do Ocidente e trono étnico do panteão europeu mais bem conhecido, a par do romano, sobre o qual exerceu considerável influência.

Por trágica ironia do Destino, esta mesma nação vive hoje sob um férreo domínio totalitário.

Mas resiste.

Campaign to De-Criminalize the Worship of the Greek Gods in Greece.

It is essential that the worship of the Greek Gods in Greece be de-criminalized for those people who wish to honour and follow the ancient Olympic Gods and traditions of their country. Many people outside of Greece will be surprised to learn that the current followers of the ancient religion in Greece are to be counted in the thousands!

For many years these people have suffered quietly, unable to do anything about the very difficult situation they find themselves in. One might have thought that now that Greece is a European Union member the situation would have changed - sadly not. Therefore, this
'campaign' is now hoping to make a real improvement in this situation during 2004, Olympic year, when the world's eye will be on Greece.

At the moment the situation is one of real state intimidation in Greece for all those people who worship the ancient Gods of Greece - even in the privacy of their own home. A five year prison sentence could be imposed on people who organise worship or meetings, and even on those people who take part in such meetings and ceremonies. This state enforced intimidation is an obvious abuse of human rights and the 'freedom of conscience' (as declared by the Council of Europe) of this significant group of people. Clearly, the basic human right to
assemble for worship is an extremely important one. Indeed, it is quite
unbelievable for people outside of Greece to think that a government of a European Union country who has signed the 'declaration of human rights' can act in this way against a large number of its own people.

Please contact us if you are interested in this important area and would like more information. We would also like to hear from Greeks and 'international' supporters who would be prepared to sign a new petition to the Greek Ministry of Culture in support of the legalisation of a 'group' of followers and a place of worship in Delphi.

Supporters of this campaign of course do not necessarily have to follow the Greek Gods themselves - they only have to have an interest in human rights and wish to see this legal 'wrong' corrected officially so that those Greeks who wish, can worship the in religion they choose without fear of intimidation from the state.

Followers of the ancient religion inside or outside Greece who can help in anyway with this important Delphi based campaign please get in touch.

Campaign Contacts:

Delphi Co-ordinator - James Head, email: phoebus.delphi@e...

Canada Contact - Jane Calderin email: phoebe@e...

More details on Website: www.geocities.com/greekgodslegal