Recomendo muito vivamente a leitura de um texto sobre o efeito que o Cristianismo tem tido sobre o Ocidente, em
Diz muito do que é essencial - embora não tudo - de um modo claro e sucinto, mas sem simplismos.
Efectivamente, explica com justeza o mal que o universalismo igualitário cristão tem feito à Europa, uma vez que é visceralmente inimigo da mais salutar consciência étnica, a qual é condição sine qua non para que um povo sobreviva e viva, perante todo e qualquer tipo de ameaça dissolvente de identidades.
Só discordo da sua última frase, em que o autor mostra ainda esperança no Cristianismo...
Alguns excertos dos mais relevantes:
Today's Christians have confused the Biblical injunction to be our brother's keeper--a moral code based on blood kinship--with the opposite notion that every human on earth is our brother. More than a century ago, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon observed, "If everyone is my brother, I have no brothers." Prof. Hardin adds: "Universalism is altruism practiced without discrimination of kinship, acquaintanceship, shared values, or propinquity in time or space."
Biblical testimony on universalism is, in fact, mixed. The Old Testament praises altruism only within the community, and commands the Children of Israel to shun other peoples.
Os Judeus, sabem o que lhes convém. Sabem por isso colocar a sua estirpe em primeiro lugar, embora o façam muitas vezes de um modo abjecto e inaceitável (isto é, com genocídios, como aquele que o seu misericordioso Jeová ordena que se faça contra Amalec, Primeiro Livro de Samuel, 15).
But all too often the New Testament, particularly in the letters of Paul, promotes universalism. Today's Christians love to cite passages such as Galatians 3:28-29: " 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Christianity Today
It is on the basis of passages like this that Christianity has abandoned the defense of our people and has become an accomplice of those who would displace us. The National Council of Churches donated money to Marxist revolutionaries in Africa--revolutionaries who sometimes murdered white missionaries. The Southern Baptist Convention's leadership recently bowed before its one black member, apologizing for slavery and racism. Typically, the black member showed little gratitude for the gesture, complaining that not nearly enough had been done to alleviate the lingering effects of slavery.
Like their atheist counterparts, Christian trend-setters preach what amounts to the dissolution of the white race.
With ministers preaching racial suicide, Christianity may now be more of a threat to our survival than liberalism. At least with liberalism, one recognizes the enemy. But when Christian leaders take liberal positions, they leave the flock defenseless.
Isto é que é realmente grave, um cavalo de Tróia poderosíssimo, e o mais poderoso veneno doutrinal, é a sida do Ocidente, por assim dizer, que destrói as defesas da estirpe.
If even "the Christian right" has become part of the rout of traditional Christianity; it is because the New Testament opens the door to universalism. Oswald Spengler wrote that "Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism," and indeed, ministers routinely preach the "social" gospel, invoking a universalism that differs little from the agenda of the radical left.
Enfim, a Esquerda, esse Cristianismo sem Deus.
A group that practices universal altruism--and whites are the only group that does--cannot compete against groups that do not.
Um aviso.
Selfishness thus joins universalism in modern Christianity, completely inverting nature's design of loyalty to family and tribe.
Pois, o veneno...
Diz muito do que é essencial - embora não tudo - de um modo claro e sucinto, mas sem simplismos.
Efectivamente, explica com justeza o mal que o universalismo igualitário cristão tem feito à Europa, uma vez que é visceralmente inimigo da mais salutar consciência étnica, a qual é condição sine qua non para que um povo sobreviva e viva, perante todo e qualquer tipo de ameaça dissolvente de identidades.
Só discordo da sua última frase, em que o autor mostra ainda esperança no Cristianismo...
Alguns excertos dos mais relevantes:
Today's Christians have confused the Biblical injunction to be our brother's keeper--a moral code based on blood kinship--with the opposite notion that every human on earth is our brother. More than a century ago, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon observed, "If everyone is my brother, I have no brothers." Prof. Hardin adds: "Universalism is altruism practiced without discrimination of kinship, acquaintanceship, shared values, or propinquity in time or space."
Biblical testimony on universalism is, in fact, mixed. The Old Testament praises altruism only within the community, and commands the Children of Israel to shun other peoples.
Os Judeus, sabem o que lhes convém. Sabem por isso colocar a sua estirpe em primeiro lugar, embora o façam muitas vezes de um modo abjecto e inaceitável (isto é, com genocídios, como aquele que o seu misericordioso Jeová ordena que se faça contra Amalec, Primeiro Livro de Samuel, 15).
But all too often the New Testament, particularly in the letters of Paul, promotes universalism. Today's Christians love to cite passages such as Galatians 3:28-29: " 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Christianity Today
It is on the basis of passages like this that Christianity has abandoned the defense of our people and has become an accomplice of those who would displace us. The National Council of Churches donated money to Marxist revolutionaries in Africa--revolutionaries who sometimes murdered white missionaries. The Southern Baptist Convention's leadership recently bowed before its one black member, apologizing for slavery and racism. Typically, the black member showed little gratitude for the gesture, complaining that not nearly enough had been done to alleviate the lingering effects of slavery.
Like their atheist counterparts, Christian trend-setters preach what amounts to the dissolution of the white race.
With ministers preaching racial suicide, Christianity may now be more of a threat to our survival than liberalism. At least with liberalism, one recognizes the enemy. But when Christian leaders take liberal positions, they leave the flock defenseless.
Isto é que é realmente grave, um cavalo de Tróia poderosíssimo, e o mais poderoso veneno doutrinal, é a sida do Ocidente, por assim dizer, que destrói as defesas da estirpe.
If even "the Christian right" has become part of the rout of traditional Christianity; it is because the New Testament opens the door to universalism. Oswald Spengler wrote that "Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism," and indeed, ministers routinely preach the "social" gospel, invoking a universalism that differs little from the agenda of the radical left.
Enfim, a Esquerda, esse Cristianismo sem Deus.
A group that practices universal altruism--and whites are the only group that does--cannot compete against groups that do not.
Um aviso.
Selfishness thus joins universalism in modern Christianity, completely inverting nature's design of loyalty to family and tribe.
Pois, o veneno...
intiresno muito, obrigado
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