segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2009


Agradecimentos ao camarada que aqui trouxe esta notícia:

La rama de Al Qaeda en el Magreb ha vuelto a confirmar su obsesión por la España musulmana que desapareció hace más de cinco siglos bautizando su aparato mediático con el nombre de Al Andalus, según un largo comunicado al que los expertos otorgan total credibilidad.
La compañía de producción mediática de Al Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico (AQIM) se llama Al Andalus mientras que la que difunde los mensajes de Osama Bin Laden o de su lugarteniente, Ayman el Zawahiri, es As Sahab (Las nubes).Al Andalus coloca en Internet, con un determinado logotipo, comunicados, mensajes audio, vídeos y probablemente cree sus propias páginas webs que emigrarán de un servidor a otro.
¿Por qué ese nombre que recuerda a casi toda la Península Ibérica bajo dominación musulmana durante cerca de ocho siglos? "Porque es el paraíso perdido de los musulmanes y que durante ocho siglos fue su propiedad e implantaron su religión y levantaron la bandera de la yihad (Guerra Santa), y por eso Alá afianzó esa tierra para ellos", responde el comunicado a lo largo de siete párrafos.
Al Andalus, prosigue el texto, "se derrumbó en 1492 cuando fue ocupado por los españoles porque los musulmanes se hicieron vagos, se alejaron de la yihad, pasaron a depender de sus gobernadores judíos y cristianos y se dividieron lo mismo que sucede ahora con las malditas fronteras heredadas de Sykes-Picot", los acuerdos secretos que Francia y el Reino Unido suscribieron en 1916 para dividirse Oriente Próximo.
"La compañía Al Andalus surge en este preciso momento para recordar a los musulmanes, en general, y a los habitantes del Magreb Islámico, en especial, cuya historia está estrechamente vinculada con Al Andalus, que su deber es hacer la yihad, que es necesario que luchen por la causa de Alá para recuperar hasta el último trozo de la tierra del Islam invadida y aplicar esa regla de Alá que es la sharia (...)", explica el comunicado.
"Resulta muy significativo que, a partir de ahora, la estructura propagandística de AQMI esté diseñada para que en cada una de sus comunicaciones, con independencia de cual sea el asunto del que trate, se haga una alusión explícita a Al Andalus como territorio islámico bajo ocupación", señala Fernando Reinares, que investiga el terrorismo en el Real Instituto Elcano y en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.

A guerra vem a caminho.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Esses filhos da puta têm que ser corridos de cá de Espanha e Portugal o quanto antes!


Honra aos nossos antepassados que já o fizeram uma vez.

2 de novembro de 2009 às 15:59:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Que tal,amigo Caturo?

2 de novembro de 2009 às 15:59:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"A guerra vem a caminho."


2 de novembro de 2009 às 16:04:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A prática da antropofagia,entre tribos ameríndias,tal como representada na letra deste tema Thrash Metal,serviu,no passado,como alibi para o extermínio de milhares e milhares de índios sul-americanos.Agora,sem querer entrar pela via do relativismo filosófico aplicado à observação etnográfica de culturas,poder-se-á afirmar que o modelo cultural/espiritual Europeu é o mais adequado à evolução sócio-cultural,sem se ser apodado de "supremacista" ou "racista primário"?Que vos parece?É um tema deveras complicado

2 de novembro de 2009 às 16:09:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...



by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

It is time for Leftists who wish to abandon the Land of Israel to Muslim Arab Palestinians and the Muslim/Arab nations who will soon thereafter take the surrendered Jewish Land away from the Arab Muslim Palestinians. Keep in mind that Palestinians are a despised low and endangered people, insofar as the larger Arab and Muslim nations, namely, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon consider them and keep them contained in the slums of permanent refugee camps instead of absorbing them and using their talents to build their societies. The Palestinians have proved to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Gulf Oil States that they are accomplished Terrorists - trained, from childhood, to hate and kill Jews.

By the way, in 1970 there were 100,000 Muslims in Europe; today in 2009 there are 52,000,000 (that’s 52 Million!!) Muslims in Europe.(1) How many will there be in 2050? When will they reach the "critical mass" to take over and rule their host countries?

The Leftist Jews, as enablers, must accept a new and demeaning life-style, living under the rules and laws as dictated by the Muslim Mullahs and Ayatollahs. First the Leftist Jews must learn their subservient place under the Muslim rules of Dhimmitude....a low second (or third) class person with no human rights. That’s assuming they are left alive to serve their Muslim masters.

In the past, (for 1878 years) Jews lived in the Land of Israel and then (for 1300 years) when they were a minority in Arab Muslim lands, they were treated as low people according to Koranic law. By Muslim law they had to step off the sidewalk into the street (usually also a running sewer) when they saw a Muslim coming. Jews were required to wear a distinctive piece of clothing or head-dress. As another method of contempt, Jews were not allowed to carry a knife or a sword for self defense. Weapons were reserved only for "manly" Muslims, therefore, according to the Koran, Jews (and Christians) had to pay a special tax, a "Jizra", to "be protected" by the Muslims. When the tax was paid, they were traditionally slapped in the face to be reminded of their low status. Christians had to plead with the Mullahs to obtain a key to enter their church (especially the Church of the Holy Sepulcher) and that too came with a slap. Jews and Christians also could not defend themselves in court against a Muslim. Their homes and synagogues could not be higher than a Muslim’s. If a Jewish boy’s father died before the boy was 13, the boy was taken and raised as a Muslim. Prevailing claims by the Muslim Mullahs are that all children are born Muslim and then "spoiled" by Jews and Christians into the "wrong faith". Therefore, the Muslims could again gain dominance, all children who have been weaned from their mother’s milk would be transferred to Muslim Madrassahs to complete their education (brain-washing) as devout Muslims. (2)

President Barack Hussein Obama was educated in his early impressionable years and was raised as a Muslim. No doubt, he retains the teachings of his father and the Mullahs.

Many more Islamic laws were engraved in Muslim stone to subjugate the Jews and the Christians who lived in Muslim Arab lands. That’s why they’re called "Dhimmis".

Here again the Leftist Jews are well practiced in lying in Leftist -dominated Courts - against other Jews so they are already acclimated to appeasing Arab Muslims and assuming a kneeling position before Muslims.

Naturally, Leftist Jews - not being prideful of their religion - would accept the Islamic doctrine of subservience created in the 7th Century, that no synagogue may be built that exceeds the height of any Muslim Mosque, demonstrating Jewish acceptance of the their debased and lowly status.

2 de novembro de 2009 às 16:11:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


In the first year of Muslim conquest (G-d forbid), Leftist Jews would have to give up their wives to Muslim men for rape and subservience. Jewish children would be taken to be raised in the "true faith" of Islam. The Jewish men would be either slaughtered or put into forced labor, following the example set by Mohammed when he broke the 10 year Hudabiya Treaty in 2 years with the Jewish Koreish tribe who once offered him protection from his pursuers.

The Leftist Jewish leaders of today, like the "Judenrat" of Adolph Hitler’s time would expect better treatment given their betrayal of their own Jews and the Jewish nation to the Palestinian Muslims and the Arab nations. But, the "Judenrat", after assisting the Nazis were themselves shipped to the Death Camps - with their families.

Instead, leaders like Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, ‘et al’, I suspect they would be judged by a Muslim Court; judged guilty and hung or had their heads chopped off by the Mullahs’ executioners. Then as a final gesture of humiliation for lost 7 wars they waged against the despised Jews, the bodies of Israeli leaders (Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Supreme Court Judges) who worked on behalf of the New - Second State of Palestine, would likely be buried in the cesspools of Gaza. This would be an extreme gesture of contempt for their perfidious betrayal of their own people. There the Muslims could relieve themselves on Israel’s Leftist leaders as their gestures of appreciation for their betrayal and subversion of their own nation and their own people.

Regrettably, real Jews will also suffer for the betrayal and cowardice of their leaders. Their names will go down in history - not only as traitors but, what remains of their bodies will not be allowed to be buried in sacred soil of Israel. Those that will use their privileged status as Prime Ministers, Defense Ministers, Judges, Peace Now advocates, J Street double-talkers, will try to escape and gain entry to other nations.

But, as during WW2, the nations of the world will close their borders and Jews will not be allowed entry. Of course, some will sneak through and try to hide themselves as did the Nazi war criminals who found refuge in South America through the "rat-lines" of the Church and the Red Cross. (3)

However thereafter, they will (or should) be hunted down by real Jews for betraying the Jewish people and the crimes that were committed because of them. Not one should escape Justice, no matter how long it takes. No Nuremberg Tribunals but, if found guilty, they deserve summary Justice and execution. Those Jewish collaborators would do well to hide themselves - lest they share in the vengeance of retribution.
- Emanuel A. Winston

2 de novembro de 2009 às 16:13:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Na blogosfera política, sentiu-se durante as últimas semanas uma exagerada excitação em torno de declarações avulsas de Carolina Patrocínio, Maitê Proença e Rita Rato, excitação essa que dificilmente se compreende pela (pouca) relevância das ditas declarações, e que é mais explicável como um subproduto da salivação masculina. (Eu sei, ninguém resiste a uma carinha laroca...)

Não entendo, portanto, como está a ser praticamente ignorada a emergência da nova estrela do cinema português, Erica Fontes, e as suas francamente revolucionárias declarações: «Estou a fazer o que gosto, de livre vontade e não ligo ao que os outros pensam, se não o País não avança. O corpo é meu».

Seria mais honesto/explícito salivar com a Erica. Ela não engana ninguém: afinal, o trabalho dela é mesmo fazer salivar.

2 de novembro de 2009 às 16:26:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...


Um início valioso, uma continuação agradável.

2 de novembro de 2009 às 18:43:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Na blogosfera política, sentiu-se durante as últimas semanas uma exagerada excitação em torno de declarações avulsas de Carolina Patrocínio, Maitê Proença e Rita Rato, excitação essa que dificilmente se compreende pela (pouca) relevância das ditas declarações, e que é mais explicável como um subproduto da salivação masculina. (Eu sei, ninguém resiste a uma carinha laroca...)"

Eu salivei (mais de raiva que outra coisa) com a Rita outras, enfim, desocupadas que valem o que valem. Agora a comunada tira-me do sério! E não é pela beleza de certeza lol

2 de novembro de 2009 às 19:33:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

estava a fazer zapping e apanhei um programa de culinária que já estava a dar...
um africana a chamar o fogão de racista porque, não sei porquê, o fogão não cozeu a comida que ela preparou... hã???? :O

2 de novembro de 2009 às 20:57:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


2 de novembro de 2009 às 20:59:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"estava a fazer zapping e apanhei um programa de culinária que já estava a dar...
um africana a chamar o fogão de racista porque, não sei porquê, o fogão não cozeu a comida que ela preparou... hã???? :O"

É natural... "Racista" é a palavra que um indivíduo negro ou de esquerda utiliza para chamar "preto" a um branco, mas no sentido pejorativo...

2 de novembro de 2009 às 22:01:00 WET  

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