terça-feira, setembro 08, 2009


A Esquerda presente no Conselho da capital dinamarquesa, Copenhaga - o partido social-democrata, o Partido Socialista do Povo e a Aliança Vermelha-Verde - quer cortar dez por cento dos fundos públicos às escolas privadas que não adiram à política de integração da cidade de aceitar crianças de origem não dinamarquesa. Por outro lado, as escolas que aceitarem as crianças imigrantes irão receber contribuições extra.
Esta política de integração consiste em disseminar crianças filhas de imigrantes e de refugiados em todas as escolas da cidade para as ajudar a «assimilar o modo de vida dinamarquês e evitar a guetização.»

Um conselheiro social-democrata explica assim a ideia: é bom que as escolas independentes recebam subsídios, uma vez que fizeram excelentes inovações no campo da educação, «mas estes subsídios são um pouco altos de mais e ao mesmo tempo temos o problema de que os pais que têm posses escolhem as escolas privadas em vez das escolas públicas.»

Um grande problema, sim senhor: não se pode permitir que em parte alguma do país, ou do mundo, haja um grupo de brancos indígenas que têm o seu próprio espaço, sem alienígenas... não pode ser não. É preciso obrigar os nativos da Europa a viver com gentes de fora em sua própria casa, porque sim, porque a miscigenação é um imperativo moral...

«Na Terra Em Parte Alguma» é o título de uma obra de ficção científica, dos anos setenta, creio, que se passa num futuro próximo em que as pessoas vivem um pesadelo inquisitorial, pois que em lugar nenhum do mundo podem ter privacidade. É isto, o totalitarismo: a tentativa de vergar a intimidade alheia aos ditames de uma ideologia moralmente salvadora, e de punir quem quer que ouse contestar o projecto de criação do «novo homem» - no caso do totalitarismo anti-racista, este «novo homem» é um ser que nasce já sem estirpe, é um pária de nascença, e ignora por isso tudo o que seja diferenciação racial, étnica ou até, num estádio posterior, familiar. É a maior monstruosidade que o Sol, a Lua e a estrelas jamais viram sobre a Terra, é a destruição profunda do mais sólido alicerce da identidade humana.


Blogger Rio sur Seine said...

Cabo verdiano de 22 anos morto a facada em França, quando tentava interpor-se numa zaragata entre uma centena de pessoas de origem turca e maroquina.

Resultado, um morto e quatro feridos.




8 de setembro de 2009 às 04:50:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...




8 de setembro de 2009 às 05:15:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


UK: Muslim Cleric: Sebastian Faulks Should Face Sharia Justice

MUSLIM firebrand Anjem Choudary caused new outrage last night after demanding author Sebastian Faulks be tried before an Islamic court where the penalty could be possible execution.

He said the bestselling novelist should be hauled before a Sharia court to answer charges that he had insulted the Prophet Mohammed by describing the Koran as the “rantings of a schizophrenic”.

In the interview last week, Mr Faulks added that the English translation of the Koran was a “depressing read”.

Although the bestselling author has since apologised, Islam4UK a radical group associated with Choudary and his mentor, the banned cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, posted an article on its website entitled, “Sebastian Faulks on a Death Wish?”

The article goes on to say that “with other individuals having faced disturbing consequences over the last few years for similar rants, [Mr Faulks] cannot provide himself an excuse for not being aware of the repercussions of such careless comments, which is a great cause for concern”.

Author Sebastian Faulks

It concludes: “May Allah punish the oppressors and deal with the slanderers.”

Mr Choudary, a former supporter of banned extremist group Al-Muhajiroun, denied writing the article, but said he agreed with its content.

The father of three, who sits as a judge in the London Sharia court and wants the “flag of Allah” flying over Downing Street, went further.

He said the murder of Dutch film director Theo van Gogh, who was killed by a Muslim extremist in 2004 after criticising Islam, should serve as a warning.

“Mr Faulks was extremely naïve for what he said and it could have some grave consequence for him,” he said.

“He’s not the first person to insult the Prophet. You can see with Theo van Gogh and Salman Rushdie and whole host of other people that it does have those consequences.

“There are many people out there who do like to take things into their own hands.

“Someone like this needs to be assessed in an Islamic court of law and if he’s found guilty then there would be capital punishment.


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:03:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Netherlands: Immigration Costs Not Available, Says Minister

The cabinet will not come up with detailed figures about the cost of immigrants to society, integration minister Eberhard van der Laan has told MPs.

This summer, the anti-immigration PVV asked all 12 ministries to come up with a detailed analysis of the cost of non-western immigrants between 2004 and 2014.

‘We look at the effect of policy but we do not measure our citizens in terms of their cost in euros,’ Van der Laan was quoted as saying in the Volkskrant.

The cabinet would not come up with a total figure as a question of principle and because it was not available, he said.

‘We are not going to do sums or make estimates because we do not keep accounts based on groups of people,’ he was quoted as saying.

Van der Laan also pointed out that immigrant groups may be over-represented in terms of visits to family doctors but are less likely to use hospital specialists. ‘They also make far less use of mortgage tax relief and cultural subsidies,’ the minister said.


But Socialist Party leader Agnes Kant told a tv programme on Sunday that the PVV’s questions should be answered.

‘As a member of the opposition, you have a right to information,’ Kant said, adding that she did not agree with the reasoning behind the party’s questions.

Liberal (VVD) MP Paul de Krom said the minister’s reasoning was ‘odd’. De Krom said his party was only interested in the cost of immigrants who did not contribute to society, he was reported as saying in the NRC.

PVV leader Geert Wilders described the minister’s response as ‘elitist arrogance’ and said people were not being allowed to know how much ‘mass immigration’ cost.


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:06:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Sudanese ‘Trousers Woman’ Jailed

A Sudanese woman has been jailed for a month after refusing to pay a fine for “dressing indecently” by wearing trousers, her lawyers say.

Lubna Ahmed Hussein did not want to “give the verdict any legitimacy” by paying the fine of about $200 (£122), her lawyer, Nabil Adib, told the BBC.

Ms Hussein, a journalist in her 30s, could have been given up to 40 lashes.

Before the verdict, she had said she wanted her trial to become a test case for women’s rights, correspondents say.

Ms Hussein had resigned from her job at the UN, which would have given her immunity.

“She thinks she was unfairly tried and convicted and was not given a proper chance to put her defence case,” Mr Adib said.

He said Ms Hussein would appeal to both the Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court.

Kamal Omar, another of Ms Hussein’s lawyers, told the AFP news agency his client had been taken to the women’s prison in Omdurman.

The BBC’s James Copnall, at the court in Khartoum, says that Ms Hussein had previously said she was determined not to pay the fine but her lawyers had been trying to convince her to do so.


Ms Hussein’s supporters were heckled by Islamists, who tore up some of the women’s homemade signs, says our correspondent.

The chairman of the SPLM’s parliamentary group, Yasser Arman, told the BBC the prosecutions were adding to “the violations of the constitution of the peace agreement and of women’s rights — Muslims and Christians”.

“We reject it, we denounce it. The law itself it is unconstitutional, it is contradicting the constitution,” he said.

‘Nothing wrong’

Ms Hussein was arrested in July together with 12 other women who were wearing trousers.

Several of the women pleaded guilty and were given 10 lashes immediately, Ms Hussein said at the time.

She said several of those punished were from the mainly Christian and animist south, even though non-Muslims are not supposed to be subject to Islamic law.

During the trial, Ms Hussein argued that she had done nothing wrong under Sudan’s indecency law.


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:11:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Islamic Extremists Guilty of Liquid Bomb Plot to Kill Thousands by Blowing Up Transatlantic Jets


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:12:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Irish Prime Minister Still Confused on Lisbon

Twenty-nine days until the Irish are forced to vote again on Lisbon, and the Irish prime minister still can’t give more than muddled answers about what is in the treaty.

Yesterday the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, launched his party’s campaign for a Yes vote, and insisted again that he had read all 306 pages of the treaty. But when an Irish Daily Mail reporter asked him how Lisbon would affect employment policy in Ireland, Mr Cowen could only give a rambling reply that never answered the question.

Here is the best the head of the Irish government could come up with on Lisbon and employment policy: ‘Clearly, the way it’s going to affect employment in Ireland is that by having a Lisbon Treaty passed we’ll have more effective decision making in all aspects of both Council, Parliament and Commission in terms of their right of initiative.’ Then he wandered into something he called ‘social protection area’ and so-called ‘workers’ rights.’

In fact, the crisp answer to the question,- and Mr Cowen clearly doesn’t have what it takes to give a crisp answer on Lisbon: 23 pages in on the 306, and he must have dozed off — is: ‘The Union shall take measures to ensure co-ordination of the employment policies of the Member States, in particular by defining guidelines for these policies.’

In other words, Lisbon means that employment policies will be taken out of the hands of Irish business, Irish trade unions, and the Irish government and placed into the hands of the EU institutions.

Irish voters have a right to expect their head of government would know that. Either he doesn’t know, or he does know but he won’t admit this further surrender of power to Brussels before the referendum on October 2nd.


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:16:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


US Mayor Under Fire for Anti-Muslim Email

The mayor of an American town came under fire over the weekend for forwarding an anti-Islam email calling on recipients to protest against a U.S. postage stamp recognizing Islamic holidays as it was a “slap in the face” to Americans.

Stereotyping the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims, the email cites “Muslim terrorist attacks” and calls on people to “remember the Muslim bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!” in a bid to call on “Patriotic Americans” to protest against the postage stamps first issued in 2001 to mark the Eid holidays.

Forwarded by Mayor Johnny Piper of Clarksville, Tennessee, who defended his actions, the email was sent to around 22 city council members, city officials and even a local newspaper editor.

The email called the stamps, which were wrongly assumed to have been issued under President Barack Obama’s administration, a “slap in the face” to the Americans who “died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.”

Piper said his actions were not anti-Muslim and that he was passing on “information.”

Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, said it would send a copy of the Quran, Islam’s holy book, to Piper and other council memebrs.

While president of the Islamic Center of Clarksville, Ahmed Joudah, said: “I laughed when I read it, but at the same time, I felt sorry that we still have people around us that think that way.”

Joudah said he was surprised the mayor had forwarded the email and added: “I don’t want to say harsh things, because he’s a very nice man. I know him personally, and he’s a very nice, decent man.”

8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:24:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Court Document Swears Kenyan Birth Cert Legit

Owner risks perjury in high-profile case to insist Barack Obama born in Africa

With a scheduled hearing date Tuesday, Lucas Smith, the man who tried to sell an alleged Barack Obama Kenyan birth certificate on eBay, has filed court papers in a high-profile eligibility case insisting — under threat of perjury — that the Obama birth certificate in his possession is the genuine article.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:25:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


A Hot, Green Fire

The forests of the state are in dangerous condition because of activist environmentalists who have, via propaganda, lobbying and lawsuits, managed to virtually stop commercial logging and debris salvage in the woods.

They claim the land needs to be free of “human intervention.” Fire roads, providing firefighter access to remote areas, have been reduced or removed. Following a fire, salvage of still viable trees for lumber is forbidden and underbrush and debris removal prohibited.

The green rationale is that “nature” will take care of it. Unfortunately, “nature” also involves fire, whether lightening or man caused, and fire feeding on ample, dry fuel burns more ferociously, destroying everything, including healthy trees.

Centuries ago, “nature” did take care of it, cleaning forests with smaller, ground-hovering fires that destroyed brush, didn’t harm big trees and burned themselves out.

As humans moved into the areas and began “caring” for the forests, they worked to extinguish fires. The idea was nice, but in reality it led to accumulation of underbrush and dead wood, which encourage insect infestation, which in turn, kills healthy trees.

The environmental view that nothing should be removed from the woods caused the situation that exists today.

According to Bob Mion, spokesman for the California Forestry Association, “… dead trees account for 38 percent of the forest in Stanislaus National Forest and 34 percent in El Dorado National Forest.”

Bob Tanner, owner of Tanner Logging, told Ag Alert “… we’ve got a lot of standing firewood in our forests.”

And it burns. Figures show that compared to a five-year average, disastrous California wildfires increased 300 percent in 2007 and 315 percent in 2008. The 2009 fire season has barely begun.


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:27:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Australia Shuts Down the Internet for an Hour After Condemning China for Doing the Same Thing in June of This Year.

On June 3, 2009, one day before the 20th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in Beijing, the Chinese government censored its own people by blocking their access to the Internet. In addition to blocking the ability of Chinese people to access the Internet, international sites like Blogger, Flickr, and Twitter were placed behind the Great Firewall of China, as were Wordpress and Hotmail. The Australian Parliament was the first official government body to condemn the actions of the Chinese. Green Party Senator Scott Ludlam of the Austrian Parliament criticized China, noting that the “…newly blocked sites now join the existing ban on YouTube and Wikipedia, among a growing list that is thought to include over 6,000 online university websites.” The timing of this move is no coincidence.


On March 18, 2009 WikiLeaks published a list of 2,300 websites which were on the Labor Party’s hit list. The Australian government replied, on March 19 that since the ACMA list contained only 1,370 websites, this was not their list. In point of fact, it now appears that there are about 9,000 websites that are being targeted by the Labor Party. Two websites that are on the ACMA blacklist were made public. Both are political content websites that do not, nor never have, posted sexual content of any type. Nor do either display or advocate violence. They are simply political websites like any of those read daily in this country.

One was a pro-life, anti-abortion website. The other contained political content. Most of the content dealt with efforts by government to restrict freedom of speech through State filtration devices that censor content. While the Labor Party insisted they are not violating free speech rights of Australians, civil libertarians insist that the two websites which were censored proves that the Australian government will censor political content. The ACMA admitted they had blocked some political content, but they would admit to doing so only on sites that originated from other countries.


The main problem with Internet free speech in Australia is that almost every Aussie depends on one ISP—the State-owned Telstra for Internet service.


To the media, Telstra called it the problem an outage. The company said they had formed a major incident response team to investigate the outage, claiming they had no idea what caused it.


The webcaster said he knew Telstra was lying because they checked all of the government’s websites, and they were all up and running. Clearly, every government in the world that uses a website for whatever purpose, uses a government secured ISP that it simply won’t crash when common usage glitches cause universal outages. And, of course, it will also be immune from intentional glitches designed to test the ability of government interrupt service in a national emergency. In other words, the government can close down the commercial and private sectors without impacting service to the public sector.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:34:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...



On April 9 of this year, the German government raided the offices of WikiLeaks.de and transferred control of that Internet domain to the government. The conspiracy website, The Inquirer, reported on Sept. 6, that WikiLeaks was taken over by the German government because it posted what the Inquirer called “Australia’s secret Internet censorship list.” What WikiLeaks purportedly showed was that, contrary to the rhetoric of the Labor Party, the Family First Party, and the ACMA, far from simply censoring child porn sites, the list of targeted websites included many sites whose only crime was that they opposed policies of the Aussie government.


Clearly, as the governments of the world get closer to their corporate dream of global government, their peoples increasingly realize just how fleeting is the nature of freedom. The people in the industrialized nations of the world no longer trust their governments, nor do they trust the corporate news media which the world’s elites use to spoonfeed propaganda to their “subjects” and to the politicians who theoretically lead them. Increasingly, the media of the common people has become the Internet. And, that’s a problem for the taskmasters of Utopia who need the people communicating with one another even less than they need them reporting what is happening in, and to, their nation over the Internet.


Cybersecurity bill will give Obama’s cyberczar unfettered authority to invade any privately-owned website, platform or operating system without regard for any provision of law restricting such access.

If S.773, the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 which was proposed by Senators Jay Rockefeller [D-WV] and Olympia Snowe [R-ME] with cosponsors Bill Nelson [D-FL] and Evan Bayh [D-IN] on April 1, 2009, somehow finds enough votes in the House and Senate, Obama will have the power to create a cadre of regulations that will virtually suspend the 1st Amendment and silence his political detractors on the Internet. The legislature will provide the Secretary of Commerce—or Obama’s cyberczar (authorized by this legislation)— who, without congressional oversight, will be allowed to access any process, program or protocol from any Internet website, platform, network or operating system without regard of any provision of law, rule, or policy restricting such access. The bill, as it’s written, risks giving the federal government unprecedented power by federalizing critical infrastructure security— particularly within those system used by telecommunications companies and banks that are in the hands of the private sector, by shifting the power to control those systems away from those companies which created them, to the federal government


8 de setembro de 2009 às 07:34:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ireland: We Have a Duty to Create an Immigration Policy That Matches Our National Requirements

The nub is this. The immigration figures from Britain are even more terrifying than the already stupefying ones for Ireland. Almost a quarter of all babies born in Britain last year were to foreign-born mothers. But that doesn’t even begin to tell half the truth.

Foreigners in Britain are not equally spread. They concentrate in urban areas, where the proportions of foreign to native are often either parity, or in the majority. How does one inculcate a sense of Englishness amongst schoolchildren in entire cities where the majority of their mothers are foreign?

But even that is to presume that all native-born mothers are culturally English (the immigration crisis being more acute in England than in Scotland or Wales). And this is simply not so. Many young English-born mothers have been raised in alien cantonments, in which they might well speak a regional English (or a Caribbean/Asian patois thereof), but they are as much part of England as one of Somerset Maugham’s tea-planters was culturally Malay.

Moreover, for the first time in decades, a straightforward increase in fertility, rather than immigration, was a prime mover in the overall growth of population in Britain, by some 408,000 people. But this was not of British people. Nearly 60pc of the increase was due to the fecundity of foreign-born mothers. More births in Britain does not necessarily mean more Britons. Britain doesn’t need immigration to have lots of foreigners any more, because now it’s growing them at home.

Just about every single statistic in the British birth survey should be ringing action stations in the British media,

8 de setembro de 2009 às 08:21:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...




8 de setembro de 2009 às 08:49:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Uma das desvantagens da intervenção do Estado na iniciativa privada... Nem deviam dar nada a escolas privadas, agora entalaram-nas.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 09:17:00 WEST  
Anonymous observador said...

então tu achas que se devem construir escolas só para os não dinamarqueses? ou melhor, não se constroi escolas nenhuma, se quisessem instrução que não tivessem saido de onde vieram! Se estão no pais é para trabalhar, crianças e tudo!

8 de setembro de 2009 às 12:56:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

O que se não deve fazer é obrigar as escolas privadas a receberem estudantes que não querem.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 12:59:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

É ao contrário - os Dinamarqueses é que não têm de ser obrigados a conviver com os alienígenas. E não, não se devem construir escolas para os não dinamarqueses, era o que faltava - estes devem é ficar à parte, enquanto estiverem na Dinamarca, enquanto não voltarem para os países de origem.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 13:00:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"então tu achas que se devem construir escolas só para os não dinamarqueses? ou melhor, não se constroi escolas nenhuma, se quisessem instrução que não tivessem saido de onde vieram! Se estão no pais é para trabalhar, crianças e tudo!"

Deves ser meio iliterado, lento, não sei...
O que não se deve é penalizar ou incentivar financeiramente seja quem for em nome de critérios como imigrante/nativo. Se o imigrante quer ir para a privada, paga como todo os outros. E os critérios de entrada nas escolas privadas são os que cada um escolher, legalmente. Por exemplo, desempenho escolar.
Percebeu agora, ou vais continuar na tentativa de distorção?

8 de setembro de 2009 às 13:03:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A entrevista do José Pinto-Coelho passou ontem na RTPN.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 13:13:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

E está acessível no site do PNR.

8 de setembro de 2009 às 13:19:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

para observador não é muito atento; nick ridiculo! lol

8 de setembro de 2009 às 15:11:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

É ao contrário - os Dinamarqueses é que não têm de ser obrigados a conviver com os alienígenas. E não, não se devem construir escolas para os não dinamarqueses, era o que faltava - estes devem é ficar à parte, enquanto estiverem na Dinamarca, enquanto não voltarem para os países de origem.


8 de setembro de 2009 às 23:15:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Anónimo disse...
para observador não é muito atento; nick ridiculo! lol

8 de Setembro de 2009 15:11:00 WEST


8 de setembro de 2009 às 23:19:00 WEST  

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