terça-feira, janeiro 22, 2008


O director da Comissão de Política Externa e Segurança Nacional iraniana Alaeddin Boroujerdi declarou que a Holanda irá enfrentar protestos em larga escala se der luz verde à exibição de um filme anti-muçulmano.
Declarou igualmente que o Irão irá reagir contra qualquer insulto ao Islão. E que os muçulmanos não irão tolerar qualquer insulto à sua religião.
O Irão aguarda que o tribunal da cidade de A Haia proíba o controverso filme, caso contrário o Parlamento (Majlis) irá pedir ao governo que reconsidere as sua relações com a Holanda.
Como é sabido, um político de Direita holandês, Geert Wilders, anunciou recentemente que irá em breve exibir um filme por ele feito que exprime os seus pontos de vista anti-islâmicos e adversos ao Alcorão.

Assim se vê como os escravos de Alá não poupam no descaramento arrogante quando se trata de impor aos Europeus, na própria terra dos Europeus, uma limitação de um dos mais sagrados valores do Ocidente, nomeadamente o da Liberdade - de expressão, neste caso.
Enfim, mais uma notícia que os islamófobos inventaram, visto que ninguém na comunicação sucial dominante se lembrou de dar a conhecer mais esta atitude vinda do país «heroicamente inimigo do Bushhhhhhhhhh!!!!»... porque o que é preciso é alimentar o ódio contra a América, vai daí qualquer inimigo dos Ianques só pode ser referido por bons motivos...


Anonymous Anónimo said...


22 de janeiro de 2008 às 19:46:00 WET  
Blogger Silvério said...

. Suleimão Paxá cercou, com cerca de 70 galés turcas e um exército de terra de 23.000 homens, a fortaleza de Diu, defendida por apenas 600 portugueses.Após meses de lutas incessantes e a perda de milhares de homens, o turco desistiu do cerco, considerando os portugueses invencíveis. Entre os mortos e feridos do lado português, já só havia 40 guerreiros capazes de lutar quando o exército inimigo se retirou.

. Um piloto português veio da Índia para Portugal num pequeno barco a remos com uma só vela, tendo o Rei D. João III mandado queimar a minúscula embarcação para não constar que uma viagem destas fosse possível.

. Um português desafiou sozinho um exército turco de milhares de guerreiros para recuperar um capacete perdido que lhe tinha sido emprestado.

. Cinco portugueses tomaram uma galé turca de 150 guerreiros.

. Dois portugueses defenderam um baluarte em ruínas contra 700 turcos que o estavam a escalar, impedindo a sua tomada.

. 120 portugueses conquistaram e queimaram uma fortaleza defendida por um exército de 50.000 guerreiros.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 21:39:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Porquê um excerto do livro «Homens, Espadas e Tomates», caro Silvério?

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 21:45:00 WET  
Blogger Silvério said...

Nada de mais, não conhecia e dei de caras com isto agora. Achas que estas "peripécias" têm algum fundamento?

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 21:52:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Esperemos então pelo douto comentário do catedrático Caturo.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 21:55:00 WET  
Blogger Silvério said...

Anónimo também podes dar a tua opinião, não é preciso amuares.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 21:57:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Não acredito que Rainer Daehnardt as tenha inventado...

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 22:00:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Qualquer dia isso chega a Portugal.
O perigo do fundamentalismo islamico não é só no médio oriente e áfrica, mas cada vez mais perigoso na Europa.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 22:08:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Gostava de saber a opinião do pnr, sobre o fundamentalismo islamico?
Digo isto porque os nazis que por lá vegetam, sempre foram a favor do Irão e dos outros islamicos que são contra o Grande Israel !

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 22:11:00 WET  
Blogger Inês said...

Silvério, não conheço a obra em questão mas parece-me que tais factos, tendo existido ou não na realidade, se tornaram em lendas. Quando há uma batalha geram-se lendas à volta do acontecimento envolvendo as personagens que nela tomaram parte. E essas histórias ficam na memória colectiva, atravessam os tempos e resistem à história. O seu interesse, para além da sua veracidade ou não, a qual nos pode dar uma perspectiva histórica dos acontecimentos, pode deter-se numa vertente antropológica e cultural. Não importa tanto, destes pontos de vista, se tais histórias aconteceram ou não de facto, embora sejam histórias que nos honram. Essas histórias possuem valor em si mesmas e na relação estrutural que mantém com o seu povo.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 22:18:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Muitíssimo bem comentado, cara Inês. Porque, no fundo, o Mito conta mais do que a História, pelo menos em matéria de identidade e de cultura.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 22:21:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Continuo a achar que és um caburro de merda.

22 de janeiro de 2008 às 23:12:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

E em troca, continuo sem dúvidas de que és um castrado baboso de raiva e mal parido.

Isto com a agravante de que a minha opinião é válida e a tua não, note-se.

23 de janeiro de 2008 às 03:05:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Caturo disse...
Muitíssimo bem comentado, cara Inês. Porque, no fundo, o Mito conta mais do que a História, pelo menos em matéria de identidade e de cultura.

aldabrão, confessa-se :)

23 de janeiro de 2008 às 10:36:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

aldabrão, confessa-se :)

Andando por aqui merda iletrada como tu, já se esperava esse comentário.

23 de janeiro de 2008 às 15:17:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

GONDES writes this on the islamo-fascist cult, for all the readers and honest thinkers (not mentally blind!):

Here I send you a personal essay, a testimony, depicting my personal saga that was completely worth.
Now I grew up as a Mankind Worldwide citizen without fanaticism and lies and misconceptions, that have been blinding most of middle easterners northern africans and fellow asians for centuries.
But as it is know to any rational person, only the donkeys do not change the choice or path once shown The Way. I do not want to be a donkey, nor do I want anyone to be a donkey. I want to be A Man Citizen of the World and of God Created Universe. And I want that for everyone, quite rationaly and universaly.

After readings comparisons thoughts and personal decision making, here I post for the world just a few of my reasons (of hundreds others I still could write) why the arab mohammad was a false prophet and why the false koran is sinner-man emanated and not God inspired.
I hope this can help anyone in the world to be free from the darkness of mental blindness and fascism-fanaticism and move into Light.
I became a Christian for ever and ever, and I will die with Jesus Christ and God's thoughts in my brain. My blood and my body will be now for ever on His service wherever I will be.

WAKE UP islam (stop destroying yourselves and the God created Mankind and world) AND RAISE UP IN UNISSON AGAINST ISLAMO-FASCISM! Stop your involution with the devil, stop the fascination for the fanaticism and mental blindness of such islamo-fascist cult, and BE CHRISTIAN!
The arab leader of the 7th century (D.C.) never was and never will be a prophet in the Religious sense of the word.
The arab mohammad was a criminal in the complete sense of the word:
(1) he killed by his sword and personally cut the throat to several hundreds (cumulatively, thousands!) of what he considered enemies (just because they were Jews or Christians and did not believe in him, a criminal!)
(2) he was a hatemonger because hated is enemies and therefore incited his stupid followers to kill and persecute in his false name (it is written in the false quran, reason for which it does not emanate from God; may be from the devil or any pig you want)
(3) he was not a peacemaker (as Jesus Christ was; as well as MK Gandhi, Dr Livingstone, Pope John Paul II, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, ML King even Nelson Mandela, etc) and in his name and because of this islamo-fascist cult, millions of Christians and Jews were killed murdered or enslaved from the 8th to the 12th centuries, from Syria and Iran to Palestine, to northern Egypt, and northern Africa until Morocco; and the thousands of churches and synagogues these deceivers and un-holly people destroyed because of their mental blindness racism and stubbornness.
(4) he was a womanger, since he had 10 official wives, 3 concubines and several others non-nominated female slaves
(5) with the third wife (Aisha) he even was a paedophile by any Human Standards (but not under animal standards) since he consumed the physical act even before her to become a teenager
(6) he was a male chauvinistic in view of his tremendous and continuous disrespect for women
(7) he was a liar since he never was a prophet from God, because God does not select for His messenger this type of erratic criminal behaviour (may be he was on service of the devil, but never was on God Holy service)
(9) he was a falsifier and deceiver, since he recited copied plagiated and forged several parts of the HOLY BIBLE and presented Its Holy contents and ideas in a distorted way, as prepared hoaxes and false ideas only full of biased arab origins (or ordered others to do so, since he was illiterate). The false book koran or quran (that does not have nothing of holy that was not said before) contains distortions of the HOLY BIBLE so it is a falsification forgery and partial adaptation – so much distorted and adjusted to arab local interests and to the reality of the false prophet life and his real sinful existence.
(10) most of quran contents (above 70%) refer to incitements to killings to destructions violations assault, falsely legalizing for this islamofascist cult anything done to anyone non-muslim, also True God created. So its contents cannot come from God, but solely from the sinner and criminal mohammad and his blind followers (eventually with evil's influence).
(11) his false inspired book allows for bestiality, paedophilia, even prostitution and rape with non-islamic, so never could emanate from the perfect God concept, the One and Only
(12) he never was an never will be a prophet, because he did not prophesize anything
(13) under Law and Justice, mohammad or mafoma will always be a criminal, a murderer and a leader full of prejudice that incited several crimes to Mankind created in God's Image. If he was alive he had to be judged by these known crimes against Humanity (and many others not here listed), listed and set as example in the false religious book coran or quran, and be in jail several years for them (or have his hands cut, his head cut, stoned to death, etc by his own standards in his false religious book), and by having led his arab followers in a wrong, pharisaic, confused, out-of-focus, lying and misleading way. Such criminal must be in hell for the sufferings this psychopath impinged on his akin, on others at his time and throughout the world thereafter. Definitely not a man of God, may be only an instrument of the devil in disturbing then and now the Mankind peaceful co-existence otherwise.
(14) besides all these crimes and sinful attitudes he, and the one's who wrote and adapted the 'koran' for him (150 years after his death), still exerted the final arrogance of claiming for mohammad to be the last prophet! That is absolutely ridiculous, to say the least, since with such un-holly arrogance he his trying to silence God and All of His Holy Messengers (of whose list he will never belong).
(15) because of being one of the most successful criminals and deceivers of Mankind (may be with devil's help!), the arab merchant and sinner mohammad was then converted into an economic political and tribal leader, but he also revelled to have a psychopath a racist and a schizophrenic character common to mentally-blind illiterate people.
What is regretful is that some pious, God's fear and God's devoting character of many non-Christian arabs and middle east citizens, is not devoted to Jesus Christ. Under Law and Justice there is nothing to judge Jesus Christ for: He was a Lover of All Mankind, believers and gentiles, jews and non-jews, God-abiding people and people labelled by public as sinners !
Jesus Christ only gave examples of The Great Lover of Mankind and his best Peacemaker. Jesus Christ was is and will always be The Holy Being, a Holy Soul!.
Jesus Christ is the true God, the one and Only God of Jews (from whom Arabs also supposedly descend, from Abraham, as half-brothers) and Christians (and one day also The Prophet-God Messanger of the present muslims), the Almighty Reason and Perfect karma of Buddhists and Hinduism, the God of gods of many civilizations not directly visited or witnessing His Human facet (Jesus Christ Himself).
In modern scientific terms, Jesus Christ can be thought as the three-dimensional intersection of God's multi-dimensional space with our three-dimensional human physical space on Earth and the Universe; so Jesus Christ is also the Creator or Cause of the Universe, and the leitmotiv of Humanity existence on His Image.
WAKE UP islam (stop destroying yourselves and the God created Mankind and world) AND RAISE UP IN UNISSON AGAINST ISLAMO-FASCISM! Stop your involution with the devil, stop following this satanic cult, and BE CHRISTIAN for ever and ever!

Please post this as a help for all needed, and as a Human Testimony of my personal survival with Jesus Christ, the Lover of Mankind and of All God Creation.

20 de fevereiro de 2008 às 23:21:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

(by Gondes)

The ability to think and to rationalize (what distinguishes Mankind – created on God’s Image – from animals) enables us to reason and therefore enables us to concretely arrive to conclusions.

This has been characterizing innumerous contributions of known Mankind heroes from Plato, Socrates and Aristotle to Euclid and Archimedes, from Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus and Newton to Kant, Descartes and Leibniz, and more lately from Albert Einstein to Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawkins.

And even innumerous unknown throughout the entire World, but equally important because of their sheer number, which are considered imprescindable because they are the anonymous salt of the Earth and the anonymous fertilizer of Humanity Growth throughout the ages.

With such God given Rationality, one should understand the false and deceiving character of mohammad or mafoma and of ‘koran’ as well. Islam is mohammad creation not God revealed. Even ‘allah’ is not God, at least not the God of Israelis (from whom also Arabs claim to descend, as half-brothers, through the son of Abraham with the Egyptian slave Hagar of his wife Sara) and the God of Christians.
The name ‘allah’ refers to the name of one of the then most venerated stone idols at the Kaaba in Mecca (Saudi Arabia). So ‘allah’ is just a stone, and ‘koran’ was cleverly projected or machinated to such stone (‘allah’).

Therefore mohammad or mafoma did not receive anything from God, because ‘allah’ is a stone. Besides it took 23 years to put it (the ‘koran’) together, by invented revelations from a stone (‘allah’) through an invented visit from Gabriel. Its contents was continuously changed and written by others (because mohammad or mafoma was basically illiterate, although he might know basics from his merchant character and formation), as soon as he changed his mind.

True God Divine Thoughts, even through an Angel, would not be so imprecise, so slow, so wrong and so bare of new contents in relation to previous God inspired Revelations to the Jews Prophets of the Old Testament and to the God inspired (through the Holy Spirit or Holy Perfect and Holy Rational Divine Thought) Holy Contents in the four Gospels and the Apocalypse of Saint John that constitute most of the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

Besides, the New Testament was registered as a Catholic or Universal Mankind Message for the entire Mankind (Jews and Gentiles alike, because all were create in God’s Image) of every age or generation (since 2000 years ago!) and therefore was written in the communicative language between the nations then involved in the known world (Greek, Aramaic and even other versions).

God is not solely arabic! Through the Holy Spirit or Holy Thought of His presence among us, He His Multinational Multicultural and a Polyglot with respect to the language with which his Message is to be read, spoken and spread. He definitely is not solely arabic, although the arabs should read his Holy message through Jesus Christ in the arabic language.
It is not the english, the mandarin, the spanish or the portuguese version of the Holy Gospels that they should read. They can and they should read it in their own language for better absorption of meanings and adherence to values and inherent principles.

God’s Messages in the Old and specially in the New Testament were further strengthened and explained in latter years after the spread of the Gospel in the Acts of the Apostles (that contains the letters written by some of them to the christianized communities everywhere, always strengthening the Faith and never instigating crimes wars conquers etc but True Love of One’s neighbour through Jesus Christ example and Holy Sacrifice).

The ‘koran’ was plagiated and plundered from Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians ideas and principles; nevertheless is full of wrong sayings and wrong references to Bible contents – therefore a falsification forgery and partial adaptation – so much distorted and adjusted to arab local interests and to the reality of the false prophet life and his real sinful existence.

Mohammad never was and never will be historically a Prophet in the true religious sense of the word: he just was an illiterate arab, albeit a war and economic leader of his time because supported by the wealth and power of some of the merchant host families of his sometimes convenient wives (seeking political and economic alliances); he was tremendously womanger and even a paedophile with one (Aisha) of the 9 wives, 3 concubines and several non-listed slaves.
He deceived to be a prophet because he did not predict anything.
He was a warmonger, by decreeing war on all the Humanity if not following them.
He was a hatemonger by persecuting those who would not follow them.
He personally led fights, territory conquering, killings (his criminal pig hands are full of the blood of the people he personally killed decapitated and even cut the throat, people created by The True God Will but that this bastard destroyed as a barbaric act of the devil), wars and destructions (of God’s Creations, be it human creatures and/or be it their works and civilizations), therefore he was a murderer and incited to murder, he induced slavery and terrible discrimination for all the adversaries and non-followers.

Under Law and Justice, mohammad or mafoma will always be a criminal, a murderer and a leader that incited several crimes to Mankind created in God’s Image. If he was alive he had to be judged by these known crimes against Humanity (and many others not here listed), and be in jail several years for them, and by having led his arab followers in a wrong, pharisaic, confused, out-of-focus, lying and misleading way. For the sufferings this psychopath impinged on his akin, on others at his time and throughout the world thereafter. Definitely not a man of God, may be only an instrument of the devil in disturbing then and now the Mankind peaceful co-existence otherwise.
Besides all these crimes and sinful attitudes he, and the one’s who wrote and adapted the ‘koran’ for him, still exerted the final arrogance of claiming for mohammad or mafoma to be the last prophet! That is absolutely ridiculous, to say the least, and childish; truly the vision and the instigation of a psychopath and squizophrenic character and of mentally-blind or illiterate people.

What is regretful is that some pious, God’s fear and God’s devoting character of many non-Christian arabs and middle east citizens, is not devoted to Jesus Christ. Under Law and Justice there is nothing to judge Jesus Christ for: He was a Lover of All Mankind, believers and gentiles, jews and non-jews, God-abiding people and people labelled by public as sinners ! Jesus Christ was is and will always be The Holy Being, a Holy Soul!.

Jesus Christ is the true God, the one and Only God of Jews (from whom Arabs also supposedly descend, from Abraham, as half-brothers) and Christians, the Almighty Reason and Perfect karma of Buddhists and Hinduism, the God of gods of many civilizations not directly visited or witnessing His Human facet (Jesus Christ Himself). In modern scientific terms, Jesus Christ can be thought as the three-dimensional intersection of God’s multi-dimensional space with our three-dimensional human physical space on Earth and the Universe; so Jesus Christ is also the Creator or Cause of the Universe, and the leitmotiv of Humanity existence on His Image.


3 de julho de 2008 às 09:43:00 WEST  

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