segunda-feira, outubro 31, 2005


A escritora russa Elena Chudinova lançou há alguns anos um conhecido livro (só se for no estrangeiro, porque em Portugal, nicles), «A Mesquita de Notre Dame de Paris», obra cujo título diz tudo, a partir do momento em que se saiba que se trata de uma distopia, isto é, de uma utopia negativa (ou seja, muito provavelmente, consiste num futuro de pesadelo em que o Islão tenha tomado conta de França e, presumo, da Europa Ocidental, apoderando-se dos seus símbolos e convertendo-os à fé mafomética).
Numa entrevista recente, Elena expressou com clareza um raciocínio que muita falta faz em todo o Ocidente, inclusivamente no seio de certos grupos nacionalistas, que ainda acham que os muçulmanos são uns gajos porreiros porque querem dar cabo do Judeu. A mensagem essencial é esta: «se a Rússia fosse tomada por Americanos, nós podíamos resistir, e ir contando umas anedotas contra o poder, como acontecia durante o poder soviético; mas se fosse o Islão a dominar a Rússia, o Povo Russo deixaria de existir enquanto tal.»
Creio que o ponto de vista da senhora é um bocado limitado e até contrário à verdadeira cultura europeia pelo facto de promover uma resistência ao Islão em nome do Cristianismo; no entanto, o final da entrevista compõe o ramalhete: diz Chudinova que gosta de ler Dostoyevskiy e de ouvir Rachmaninov, que quer que as pessoas o possam fazer daqui a cinquenta anos, que fala Russo e quer que as pessoas daqui a cinquenta anos o falem também - e que tudo isto só pode ser garantido se se lutar contra o Islão agora.

Chamo a atenção para o paralelismo e diferença entre os estilos de pensamento de Elena Chudinova e do jovem turco cujos livros foram referidos neste tópico: ambos escrevem livros de ficção sobre um futuro próximo; ambos dão conta de um choque civilizacional; ambos incitam os seus conterrâneos a preparem-se para este combate contra o inimigo civilizacional - só que, enquanto a russa preconiza uma acção meramente defensiva, porque pura e simplesmente não quer ter nada a ver com o Islão, o jovem turco mostra uma vontade de invadir/destruir o Ocidente - embora diga que os seus líderes deviam abandonar a ideia de se juntarem à Europa, o que acaba por exaltar nas suas «fantasias» é uma destruição do modo de viver europeu.

Pode ser que seja só coincidência. Mas, pelo sim pelo não, e porque o que está em risco é demasiado importante para ser descurado por uma questão de ingénua crença na bondade do «outro», é tempo de recuperar no Ocidente a firmeza de D. Afonso Henriques na tomada de Lisboa, de D. Afonso IV na batalha do Salado e dos Francos da batalha de Poitiers...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Do mesmo site, e para quem gosta de diminuir os nossos resultados:

Member of Extremist Party Becomes Mayor of Russian City

(October 27, 2005)
For the first time, a member of the extremist National Bolshevik Party has become mayor of a Russian city, according to Natalya Novozhilova, a participating local human rights activist in a European Commission sponsored project to monitor xenophobia in Russia (UCSJ, the Moscow Helsinki Group and the Moscow Bureau on Human Rights are the main grantees of the project).

Irina Tabatskova, a long-time member of the National Bolshevik Party who only recently switched party affiliation to the Kremlin-connected Party of Life, won an October 16, 2005 mayoral race in the city of Kovrov (Vladimir region). She collected 15,000 votes (34% of the total), with her nearest opponent (the incumbent mayor) only getting 3%. Her chance in party affiliation probably made little difference, since in 2002, four National Bolsheviks were elected to the city council.

The National Bolshevik Party began as an effort to combine elements of Communism with fascism, but in recent years has played down its fascist roots. It is among the most radical of opposition parties to the Putin government.

Ms. Novozhilova also reported that a deputy of the regional legislature who heads the local chapter of the extremist nationalist Russian All-National Union, Igor Artyomov, publicly beat the head of the leftist Union of Communist Youth, an attack that was captured by video cameras. Mr. Artyomov reportedly attacked the youth leader, whose name Magomed Akhmatov strongly hints at a non-Russian ethnic origin, after calling him “Chechen scum.” A policeman managed to pull Mr. Artyomov away, but he does not appear to have been arrested, though Mr. Akhmatov is calling for a criminal investigation of the incident.

31 de outubro de 2005 às 12:54:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Para mais notícias, ver

31 de outubro de 2005 às 12:55:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

DNA Shows ‘Race’ is a Reality

31st October 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

DNA - building brick of life

Whilst recognising that mass immigration’s affects on housing, the NHS, education, crime, are good enough reasons for calling for a halt to further immigration ,the BNP has consistently opposed Afro-Asian immigration on the grounds that it is altering the very make-up of our nation as a part of the European race with its own inherent culture. It is for this reason that we have been most vilified by the liberal establishment and its kept media.

When the Human Genome Project to unravel mankind’s DNA was completed in 2000 the results showed that there appeared to be only some 350 genes that were different between peoples from different parts of the globe, i.e. ‘races’. Liberal-left pundits had a field day in proclaiming that this meant that there was no genetic basis for race – a view that was also supported by some geneticists who let their political views – or fear of losing their job in this ‘PC’ age – obscure the scientific findings.

Whilst making no claims to having practical experience of genetic studies, or medicine in general, John Bean spent many years editing and abstracting scientific papers for various technical journals. Over two years he used this experience to read through much of the literature and try and highlight the advances that have been made in understanding how important the small differences in DNA really are.

Identity article

His findings were published in the October issue of the BNP’s magazine Identity, and the full article can be read on John Bean’s Nationalist Notebook. It is work of this quality which makes subscribing to Identity, essential for patriotic nationalists to increase their depth of understanding of the fundamental issues confronting our people.

In summary he says that the latest research work clearly demonstrates that quite small genetic differences can produce disproportionate results that substantiate the fact that racial differences are a reality and that they are far more complex than just differences in skin colour and hair texture. The many small differences add up to there being substantial differences between the world’s races. However, he says, the emphasis is on difference, not on superiority of any one race over another.

31 de outubro de 2005 às 13:53:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Happy Samhain

31st October 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

The traditional days of celebration of our people have all been turned into major money making extravagances by global confectionery companies, fashion houses and retailers. While Christmas remains champion in the league table of household spending, other important days from both the Christian and pre-Christian calendars have become cash generators; whether it is Easter, St. Valentine's Day or Mothering Sunday.

In the past few decades in particular October 31st has become morphed into some bizarre ghoulish fest akin to some Hollywood fantasy horror with Britons spending over £100 million buying assorted mass produced tat to “celebrate” what is now called Halloween. This day was called Samhain and variations of that name by our Iron Age ancestors who had much more focus on the basics of life and death, and has a much more down to earth origin as Cat tells us over on Catgrams.

31 de outubro de 2005 às 13:54:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Editor of "Identity", author and well respected veteran nationalist, John Bean, writes his "Nationalist Notebook". More of John's incisive observations on political life can be read every month in "Identity".

Back to Nationalist Notebook Intro

How Small Genetic Differences Give Racial Divergency
31st October 2005

DNA - building brick of life

When the Human Genome Project was completed in 2000, it was widely touted that its result showed no genetic basis for race. In fact some scientists of the liberal-left consensus went so far as to dub race a “biological fiction”. Developments since then have clearly demonstrated that quite small genetic differences can produce disproportionate results that substantiate the fact that racial differences are a reality and that they are more complex than just differences in skin colour and hair texture.

When we are told that as the difference in DNA between peoples from different parts of the globe is so small therefore there is really no such thing as ‘race’, let us first remember that the difference between humans and chimpanzees is only just over one per cent. Yet despite sharing 99 per cent of the same DNA how is it that we are so different in appearance, behaviour and, above all, in mental abilities? Our pet dogs and cats also share around 80 per cent of our DNA. Approximately 75 per cent of mouse genes so far identified have a firm counterpart in the human genome.

Furthermore, according to Prof Stylianos Antonarakis of the University of Geneva Medical School and Dr Ewen Kirkness of the Institute of Genomic Research, Maryland, latest DNA research shows that some DNA regions of humans, dogs, and species as distant as elephant and wallaby are nearly identical.2 Importantly, they also found that huge tracts of human DNA, previously written off as meaningless junk, have been found to contain a hitherto unrecognised “genetic grammar”, making the language of our genes much more complex than previously thought. More on the importance of this DNA junk in carrying group, or racial, differences later. But for the moment let it be noted that small though DNA differences may be the effects they can have are considerable,

It starts In Your Genes

We appreciate that for some readers we may be preaching the art of egg-sucking for grandmothers. For those who have not really bothered about ‘genes’, ‘chromosomes’ and DNA, the following is a basic guide suitable for anyone with O level Science.

The characteristics you inherit from your parents and other ancestors are in your inherited genes. This genetic information forms part of the chromosomes which are carried in DNA, which is a chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid.. The chromosomes, which exist in pairs, are threadlike structures, usually found in the cell nucleus of animals and plants carrying the genes. The DNA molecule takes the structure of a double helix, i.e. a pair of parallel helixes with a common axis, and it exists in the nucleus of every living cell. This was the revolutionary discovery made by the British scientists James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, including the fact that the two strands were complementary. The complete DNA sequence housed in a cell of an organism is known as its genome.

DNA consists of long sequences of four chemical ‘letters’ – C,T,G, and A – strung together in different combinations like different coloured beads on a necklace1.The information of DNA is encoded in the precise order of these four chemicals; like writing but using fewer symbols.
Genes are the smallest element of DNA and are the basis of heredity. There are many thousands of genes that create each chromosome. In the human body there are 46 pairs of chromosomes. They are sections of data that is received from our parents; one chromosome from each parent and they combine in the embryo to create a set. It was originally thought that the genetic message comes equally from each parent, but it now seems that some children might end up with three, four or even more copies of a gene from one parent. Although one can often see that offspring are related, even with large families each child , unless an identical twin, will be different in varying degrees. This is because the number of different offspring a pair of human parents could produce are to the power of 47 (remember there are 46 pairs of chromosomes that can be shuffled about) or 140,000,000,000,000.

Mitochondrial DNA

It is the nuclear DNA that really makes us what we are. It consists of around 25,000 genes, compared with a paltry 37 that our mothers pass to us in mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. They consume the sugars that our bodies have converted from food and in return produce electricity with which to power the cell But it is considered to be separate from the cell, because it has its own DNA, and this DNA is unaffected by other genetic exchanges.
Although you may have inherited all manner of characteristics through your nuclear DNA from parents, grandparents and back many generations, there is one factor that remains constant: the mitochondrial DNA hasn’t altered at all. It remains intact through the female line. Male sperm contains only enough mitochondria to power the sperm to the surface of the egg – it doe not enter the egg. The egg, however, contains mitochondria that have been passed from mother to daughter for countless generations. The only way for mitochondrial DNA to alter is by natural mutations, which occur very slowly when compared with the almost frantic gene mixing we and our parents take part in. Importantly, according to Adrian Woolfson 1 even the smallest DNA changes can result in significant changes to the structure and function of a living creature. In fact minute changes can have disproportionate results. It is this natural mutation of mitochondrial DNA occurring just occasionally over countless generations that has led to group differences and thereby the establishment of separate human races.

Because the rate of mitochondrial genetic mutation is slow it can be used as a clock to turn back time to a period before the mutations had crept in. The common belief at present is that modern Europeans originated from Africa (although some, such as Prof.Carleton S.Coon contend that homo sapiens evolved in several global areas). When mitochondrial DNA from modern sub-Saharan African populations are sampled they can be compared with European mitochondrial DNA. The mutation difference between the two populations can then be compared and a ‘clock’ can be produced to give a time-scale which indicates when modern Europeans first left Africa (assuming they did).

Another aspect of the slowness of mitochondrial genetic mutation is that the study of DNA samples from human skeletal remains (based on a branch of science known as ‘archeogenetics’) showed that the first human settlers arrived in Britain around 12000 BC as Britain was thawing from the last ice age. They were from what is now known as Western Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. According to David Miles, formerly chief archaeologist at English Heritage and a research fellow at Oxford University3 in his book , The Tribes of Britain, the genetic make-up of modern white indigenous Britons has hardly changed from those first Ice Age arrivals. He states that 80 per cent of the average white British person shares the same genetic characteristics as those early nomads.

Some nationalists have misinterpreted this important information by suggesting that the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, and even the Celts, must have had a minimal racial contribution to white British stock if 80 per cent of us share the same genes as the first arrivals of 12000BC. The point here is that all these people were but different tribes of a common race (the first known homeland of the Celts was in Southern Germany) which once stretched form the Urals to the Atlantic north of the Alps, and were found even in modern day Turkey and Iraq. Genetic testing has been carried out on modern day white Danes, Dutchmen and Germans from Saxony and in nearly all cases no difference in DNA has been found.

Small Differences – Wide Ranging Results

The human DNA carries an estimated 25,000 genes and not much more than 0.1 per cent, i.e. 320 genes, account for the differences between individuals and races, whether it be freckles, Afro hair, ginger hair or hereditary in-growing toenails. Geneticist Steve Scherer, a senior scientist at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children, has said: “Based on what we now know it (the genetic difference) is probably in the 0.2 per cent range and in the end it may even be as high as one per cent.”4

Within the last five years scientists have carried out in-depth work to chart these genetic variations. One of these, Francis, a former leader of the Human Genome Project, had to admit that “well-intentioned statements” about the biological insignificance of race may have left the wrong impression: “It is not strictly true that race or ethnicity has no biological connection”.5

Again, the importance of the small genetic differences between people groups/races was suggested in a paper this year by Hua Tang and other scientists on “Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity”. 6 Hua Tang et al contended that in a study of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians in 12 different U.S. locations and three in Taiwan, that there are 326 genetic markers on racial differences.
A variation in a single gene may explain why some people can withstand pain – or other physical or emotional stress – better than others, a team from the University of Michigan and the National Institutes of Health reported in a recent issue of Science.

If we bear in mind that flies and worms have around half as many genes as humans and that fish, rats and mice have almost the same number as us, then it cannot be genes alone that account for the differences between us. As Woolfson explains1, the main difference between the genes of ‘higher’ organisms, such as vertebrates, and those of ‘lower’ organisms is that they are ‘smarter’., which means simply that each gene is more complex, as are its behavioural patterns. As genes become smarter, the organisms they build and operate become more complex.

We also have to consider that as much as 98% of the human genome contains ‘junk’, which are DNA sequences that lack protein-coding genes and about which scientists still need to know much more.. It is now being found that a huge amount of information lies outside genes, scattered throughout the ‘junk’ and is responsible for the maintenance, regulation and reprogramming of genetic processes.
Now pulling all the above information together, it can be seen, for example, that the difference between the complexity of a fly and a human can be explained not only by the extra 10,000 or so genes found in a humans, but in the number of different gene behavioural patterns each genome is capable of producing. The difference is a huge number, larger than the number of elementary particles in the known universe, according to Woolfson1. This means that a relatively small variation in the number of genes between two species has the potential to generate a tremendous difference in biological complexity.
If one applies this to the 300 plus gene differences between, for example, the European and the African, it would explain the biological, physical and metaphysical differences between these two races of the common species homo sapiens.

The Evidence

Several laboratory investigations carried out on behalf of the Police and/or the FBI in the USA have confirmed that genetic testing can determine a persons exact racial profile. A classic report was that by Josh Noel, a staff writer for the theadvocate News, Florida, 06/04/03.

It stated:
“A private genetics lab altered the hunt for the south Louisiana serial killer after telling investigators that the person they sought was a black man. For eight months the investigation had focussed on white men.
“Tony Frudakis, chief executive officer of DNAPrint Genomics said that he told the task force that the serial killer was 85% Sub-Saharan and 15% Native American based on analysis of the killer’s DNA..”
Eventually a black man was arrested as his DNA matched exactly the lab’s report. Frudakis has said his company can determine a person’s ancestral past by analysing 73 DNA markers and narrowing the result to proportions in four categories: East Asian, Indo-European, Native American and Sub-Saharan African.

The Guardian, 16/06/05, reported that a drug (BiDil) was now available in America which was aimed specifically at African-Americans to remedy heart failure. Among New Yorkers aged 45 to 54 the death rate from heart disease among black people is 55% higher than among whites. The Food & Drug Authority’s stamp of approval for the drug was being opposed by some liberals because it would “give the stamp of authority on racial biological differences”.

In an article on genetic medicines in The Times, 18/6/05, Kenan Malik said that according to the American Heart Association the death rate amongst Black Americans was five times that of Whites. Malek also pointed out that Northern Europeans are more likely to suffer from cystic fibrosis than other groups. Tay-Sachs, a fatal disease of the central nervous system, particularly affects Ashkenazi Jews. Beta-blockers appear to work less effectively for African-Americans than those of European descent.

The New Scientist, 20/1/05 reported that a length of DNA has been found in a fifth of Europeans which is very rare in Africans and non-existent in Asians. This DNA is said to be 3 million years old and can only have passed to modern Europeans in the last 50,000 years, otherwise it would be present today in all other races.

In 1992 Bo Rybeck, Director of the Swedish National Defence Research Institute, stated that as we became able to identify the DNA variations of different races and ethnic groups, we will be able to determine the difference between blacks and whites and Orientals and Jews and Swedes and Finns and develop an agent that will kill only a particular group.”

The Sunday Times, 15.11.1998, revealed in a report from Israel : “Israel is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources. In developing their ‘ethno-bomb’, Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying genes carried by some Arabs.”

A North Korean team of microbiologists are also said to be working on an ethno-bomb which would destroy white races.

Earlier Evidence

Before the secrets of DNA began to be unravelled and showed clearly that there were many genetic markers indicating racial differences, ample evidence had existed but was ignored or suppressed by the Marxist-liberal intellectual ‘elite’ and its media mouthpieces. All differences were due to environmental factors, they said. This was the standard answer to the findings of countless IQ tests over the past century which have consistently shown that Eastern Asians (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) have a higher IQ than Europeans, who in turn are some 15 % above people of African origin. The most in-depth investigation into IQ was probably that carried out by Herrnstein and Murray, the results of which were published in The Bell Curve, 1994, and greeted in the main with abuse by those who could not challenge their findings on racial IQ differences and that it was largely genetic and hereditary.

This may be connected with the fact that the Sub-Saharan African has a brain weighing just under 1 kg, compared with 1240 gms for Europeans and 1300 gms for East Asians.

We are frequently told that there is a shortage of West Indian, African and Asian blood donors in the UK, but at the same time we are told there is no difference in the ratio of the blood groups in the various racial groupings. Similarly, with kidney, heart and other organ transplants emphasis is given to matching the race of the donor and the recipient. More recently doctors have found, to their apparent surprise, that this also applies to the success of bone marrow transplants.

It has long been known that West Indians and African are almost exclusively susceptible to the hereditary blood characteristic, sickle cell anaemia. This makes them more receptive to jaundice, pneumonia and TB, sometimes leading to death.

The UK Prostate Cancer Charity issued a report in March 2005 that Prostate cancer among African Caribbean men is three times more prevalent than among whites. American Indians have a tendency to hypertension and high blood pressure and, like the Japanese, have a low tolerance to alcohol.

We could probably continue with another page of specific biological, physical and mental differences to support our view that all these minor differences add up to there being a substantial difference between the world’s main races. However, the emphasis is on difference, not on superiority of any one race over another because it would depend on the yardstick chosen to do this.
To end on a personal note, the human genome project revealed that there are some 1400 potential illnesses/diseases carried by single gene markers, and one of them I suffer from. This is Dupuytren’s Contracture, which causes one or more fingers to bend in towards the palm; a ‘disease’ which I shared with Margaret Thatcher. Prior to an operation my surgeon said that it only occurs among people of “North European descent” and is sometimes known as the “Scandinavian disease”. The highest rates of incidence world-wide are in Iceland, followed by Denmark, and in Britain, the Orkneys and Shetlands followed by the north east of England (where many of my ancestors came from). Of course, distorted fingers are of little concern for the future of the world’s races, but distorted reporting on the genetic evidence of each race’s distinctiveness is of great concern.


1. Adrian Woolfson, An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Genetics, published by Duckworth Overlook, London, 2004.
2. Science, October 2003.
3. David Miles, The Tribes of Britain, Oxford University Press
4. Paper by Professor Henry Harpending, University of Utah, June 2005.
5. Nature Genetics, Autumn 2004
6. American Journal of Human Genetics, Spring 2005

Do you have a comment to make about this article? If so write to the usual email address.

All material published on these pages represents the personal views of the individual columnists and should not be taken to represent official BNP policy, which is decided by the Chairman after a period of ongoing consultation and discussion at the annual conference each November.

31 de outubro de 2005 às 19:11:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Editor of "Identity", author and well respected veteran nationalist, John Bean, writes his "Nationalist Notebook". More of John's incisive observations on political life can be read every month in "Identity".

Back to Nationalist Notebook Intro

A Salute To A Brave Italian Lady
24th October 2005

As I write, Oriana Fallaci lies dying of cancer in New York. In her mid-seventies, this renowned journalist dare not return to her native Italy where she faces being imprisoned for up to two years under an indictment by an Italian judge for “vilification” of “any religion permitted by the state”. The “vilification” was said have been committed against Moslems in her book The Force of Reason, which has sold over a million copies.

Its main point is that the European Continent is on the verge of becoming a dominion of Islam and that the people of the West have surrendered themselves fecklessly to the “sons of Allah”.

Interviewed by Tunku Varadarajan for the Wall Street Journal and republished in the Sunday Telegraph, 4/9/05, the brave Oriana said: “Europe is no longer Europe, it is ‘Eurabia’, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense but also in a mental and cultural sense. Servility to the invaders has poisoned democracy, with obvious consequences for the freedom of thought and for the concept of liberty.”

Interestingly, although she is by nature of the conservative right, she calls herself now a revolutionary; “because I do what conservatives in Europe don’t do, which is that I don’t accept being treated as a delinquent”.

The charge brought against Oriana Fallaci was inspired by the work of a Moslem extremist, one Adel Smith (yes,’Smith’). He made news in Italy by filing a suit for the removal of crucifixes from all public school classrooms (in which he had been mainly successful) and also, allegedly, for flinging a crucifix from the window of a hospital room where his mother was being treated.

This suppression of free speech is now scheduled to come to Britain, if New Labour has its way in getting its “Religious Hatred” Bill on the statute books.

Do you have a comment to make about this article? If so write to the usual email address.

All material published on these pages represents the personal views of the individual columnists and should not be taken to represent official BNP policy, which is decided by the Chairman after a period of ongoing consultation and discussion at the annual conference each November.

31 de outubro de 2005 às 19:14:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ou seja, é tempo de regressarmos à Idade Média.
Já agora - não resisto a esta provocação - matando os últimos pagãos que ainda pululam por aí...;)

2 de novembro de 2005 às 18:18:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Não somos nós que regressamos à Idade Média, é ela que regressa a nós, porque alguma elite não teve o devido cuidado - mas pode ser que haja justiça histórica e, desta vez, seja elite a sofrer mais as consequências das suas acções.

7 de maio de 2007 às 13:40:00 WEST  

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