domingo, novembro 21, 2004


Recomendo a leitura paciente do texto do qual apresento, abaixo, algumas partes. Trata-se de uma confrontação entre o que dizem os moderados do Islão afirmam a respeito da sua religião e os factos, factos, factos não só históricos, mas também doutrinários, isto é, observa-se directamente o que está escrito no Alcorão e tiram-se conclusões.

It's too late for the likes of Abdullah to any longer prettify Islam. Too many people can now read the Qur'an and hadith, for they are on-line. Too many people, finally fed up with the likes of Esposito and Armstrong or the endless propagandists, including that triumvirate of transparent propagandists, Rashid Khalidi at Columbiai, Rami Khoury at the Daily Star in Beirut, Fawaz Gerges (like Khoury an “islamochristian” who parrots the Muslim agenda and view of things, but with a broader grimace), those who want us to keep focusing on the putative sins of Israel and the “centrality” of that matter when a glance around the from Beslan to Amsterdam to Madrid to Kashmir to southern Sudan to northern Nigeria to the Balkans to New York, to Washington, to southern Thailand causes us to release that the war against Israel is only a local expression of a world-wide totalitarian belief-system whose adherents firmly believe in the right, as Muhammad says, of “Islam to dominate and not to be dominated.” Naturally the Arabs would prefer that Infidels learn nothing about the tenets of Islam, still less about the treatment of non-Muslims under Muslim rule, over 1350 years, and from Spain to Indonesia, and to keep the high-beams on that little affair of little Israel.
As it says in Luke: "If they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when the wood isdry?" If Muslims in Europe behave with the same violence and hatred, and threats even now --what will it be like, if their numbers continue to grow through overbreeding and Da'wa among the economically and psychically marginal, for the Infidel peoples, and civilisations, of Europe?

isto é,

se os muçulmanos já se portam do modo que se pôde assistir no caso do assassinato de Theo Van Gogh, como será se vierem a ter mais poder na Europa, por via, não só da conversão, mas também da imigração?...