terça-feira, outubro 19, 2004


Todas as sociedades têm os seus dogmas - e são os vencedores quem os impõem. Mas tudo muda. Os vencedores de ontem, não o serão para sempre e, consequentemente, toda e qualquer verdade por estes escondida ou falsificada, pode um dia vir ao de cima.

David Duke already spent 3 months in jail for telling the truth
Former Louisiana state representative David Duke has been in jail for 3 months now. His conviction has been politically motivated. As you can read in the articles published on AlterMedia, Mr. Duke has been coerced to plead guilty or face a mostly black jury in court. The man, who directed the prosecution of David Duke for receiving support from his organization's members, is the same man who freed 200 Israeli spies involved in September 11.
David Duke's real crime has been to tell the truth. He has restlessly exposed the government's lies. He was the first who dared to point out Israel's role in 911. He also pointed out before the last war against Iraq that it had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction nor would it be for oil, it was for Israel.
Many people call David Duke a racist. Isn't it strange though that his most virulent opponents are the people who claim that there are no races but their own, that everybody is equal and yet they are very special people, that no ethnic group is entitled to rule his own country but they rule over a country they stole with our help.
I think that David Duke is not a racist. He respects people from all races the way they are. He doesn't want to change them, integrate them nor make them like us. Isn't the most ultimate form of racism denying a black man to be black, a Chinese to be Chinese or a denying Palestinian the right to live peacefully in his own country. David Duke respects people from all races and ethnical backgrounds, as long as they respect us. That makes him a dangerous political enemy of the system.
Putting political opponents in jail or even killing them has become more and more acceptable in so called western democracies. In Canada Erst Zundel has already spent 6 months in a high security facility for immigration charges. He lived in Canada for more than 40 years. His only crime was to question post world war II anti German propaganda. In France an Historian has been sentenced to 6 month for the same thing. In the UK the former weapons inspector who exposed the hoax about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, was murdered. A top German politician who dared to confront the arrogance of the Mr Friedman the vice president of the German Jewish counsel, died in a very suspicious accident just a week before the police found out that Mr Friedman was involved in drugs and prostitution. In Germany there are many people in jail, sometimes for up to 5 years, just for questioning Germany's most sacred hoaxes.

Fonte: http://www.altermedia.info/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=208&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0