sexta-feira, junho 03, 2011


Ontem, na cidade alemã de Estugarda, o grupo de defesa dos direitos humanos Pax Europa realizou um evento que contou com a presença de Robert Spencer, polemista anti-Islão que por todo o Ocidente alerta os Ocidentais contra o perigo do domínio muçulmano. Como seria de esperar, a antifaria, naturalmente simpatizante de tudo o que não é ocidental e que é inimigo do Ocidente, compareceu em peso para perturbar a disseminação da mensagem da Pax Europa.
Assim, cerca de mil militantes de Extrema-esquerda e afins abancaram nas imediações e, ostentando cartazes «anti-islamofobia» e «anti-racismo», com imagens de Che Guevara e da foice-e-martelo, além da bandeira palestiniana, ameaçaram pessoas, bateram tambores e usaram apitos, e vuvuzelas, além do histerismo do costume, para abafar a voz do Ocidente anti-islâmico. Tiveram de para aí ser canalizados pelo menos quinhentos polícias com fardamento anti-motim. Os organizadores da Pax Europa disseram a Spencer «isto é tudo para ti», porque o seu nome tinha sido publicitado. Um jovem dirigiu-se a Spencer dizendo-lhe «tens sorte por estar aqui tanta polícia hoje.»
No evento da Pax Europa estavam previstas as actuações de músicos cristãos do Médio Oriente, de um activista copta, entre outros, mas a polícia pediu que as actividades fossem reduzidas ao mínimo essencial: todos os oradores ficaram restringidos a apenas dez minutos de voz pública. Alguns dos participantes resolveram não aparecer, devido ao perigo físico que corriam. De facto, vários integrantes do Pax Europa foram agredidos, tendo um deles ido parar ao hospital.

Ou seja, a intimidação e aparelho violento antifa resultam...

A polícia pediu que os antifas dispersassem, mas estes, como seria de esperar, avançaram e aumentaram o seu habitual cagaçal. A dada altura começaram a atirar garrafas, ovos, excrementos, etc..

Podem ler-se a seguir excertos do que nessa altura Spencer resolveu dizer aos jovens (a versão integral pode ser lida no texto do vídeo em Inglês):

«Vim dos Estados Unidos da América para lutar pela liberdade, com todas as pessoas livres, contra as forças da opressão e das trevas que vocês estão a representar. Vim cá para estar ao lado de gente que está a lutar pelas liberdades que tornam possível vocês fazerem o que estão a fazer hoje. Não a violência e o ódio, mas de discordar (...) Mas vocês não toleram a discórdia, por isso têm de tentar atirar garrafas e de nos sufocar com multidão, porque vocês são cobardes, porque vocês sabem que não lutam por nada excepto paixão e trevas e ódio, e é por isso que aqui estão. E é por isso que eu aqui estou. Vocês estão a lutar pela ideologia mais radicalmente intolerante e odiosa do planeta. Em toda a parte do mundo onde há muçulmanos e não-muçulmanos, há conflito porque os muçulmanos atacam os não-muçulmanos. Porque incessantemente fazem guerra contra os infiéis e subjugam-nos. Vocês já estão subjugados! Vocês já são os seus idiotas úteis. Vocês já são as suas ferramentas. Vocês já estão ao seu serviço. E julgam vocês que lutam pela liberdade. Vocês estão a lutar pela vossa própria escravização!
Vocês estão a lutar por uma ideologia que nega a liberdade de expressão e um dia vocês irão desejar ter a liberdade de expressão contra a qual estão hoje a lutar. Vocês estão a lutar por uma ideologia que nega a liberdade de consciência e irá matar-vos se vocês discordarem, o que é exactamente o que vocês já querem fazer.
Vocês estão a lutar em nome de uma ideologia que nega a igualdade de direitos das mulheres, e todas as mulheres entre vós serão um dia escravizadas, se vocês tiverem o que querem.
Vocês estão a lutar pela destruição de todas as liberdades de que gozam. Estão a lutar pela derrota de vocês mesmos, das vossas vidas.
Nós estamos a lutar pelas pessoas oprimidas que combatem a guerra santa muçulmana.
E portanto, a fechar, vos digo: tenham vergonha!»

À parte a necessária simplificação do discurso que se impõe quando se discursa nestas condições, e das referências à «luta contra as trevas», marca típica de uma certa americanice do discurso, de teor religioso cristão, as palavras de Spencer foram acutilantes, como de costume - despejou na tromba colectiva da antifaria o que a antifaria não costuma ouvir.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Mais um... Eu aposto que elas fazem de propósito. É sempre com pretas, a dar à luz e a porem-se a risco para isto. Nunca é "sueca deu à luz no avião", ou "italiana deu à luz no avião". Na volta começou a forçar o parto pouco antes de embarcar, já ouvi dizer que as pretas têm essa mania. Conheço uma mulher que estava grávida de 8 meses, quando foi ao hospital para uma consulta de rotina a puta da enfermeira preta começou a pressionar a barriga, a tentar "dar pressa" porque dizia que já faltavam poucas semanas... Era a 3ª gravidez daquela mulher, nunca lhe tinha ouvido tal história antes. Poucas horas depois de chegar a casa perdeu alguns líquidos e teve que ir para o hospital. De facto, o parto só ocorreu 1 mês depois, mas a enfermeira preta bem tentou.. São peritas nisso lá na terra delas. Esta do avião deve ter feito o mesmo e deu-se bem. Senão, tinha dado à luz já em Madrid, que também lhe servia bem.

3 de junho de 2011 às 18:41:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Por minha vontade os antifas eram todos deportados para o Médio Oriente ou para África, depois quando lá chegassem os muslos que fizessem o que quisessem com eles.

3 de junho de 2011 às 18:46:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Pudera, qualquer um sabe que tais centros regionais da Alemanha (principalmente ocidental) são grandes focos de propaganda antifa na Europa. Ditaduras fascistas também não são do meu agrado, mas o facto da Pax Europa poder apresentar-se em público legalmente já é de bom agouro. Resta ainda convencer tais comunas que sofreram lavagem cerebral a vir para o lado do nacionalismo.

3 de junho de 2011 às 19:38:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Músicos cristãos do Médio Oriente? Ativista copta? Mais tiro que sairá pela culatra, suponho. Tentar impedir um credo semita totalitário universalista para substituí-lo por outro, até eu protestava contra. :D

3 de junho de 2011 às 19:55:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

so que entra a 100 sai a 1000
em pessoas com lavagem cerebral, que nao conseguem pensar, é assim

3 de junho de 2011 às 20:26:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

é o costume da policia ao serviço dos partidos da pro-globalizaçao . estao la , mas nao fazem nada a esses antifalhados . agora pergunto , e se fossem os nacionalistas a fazer essa contra manifestaçao ? aposto que a policia iria usar os carros anti motim com muito gosto .

3 de junho de 2011 às 20:38:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

é isto que os dhimmi querem??????

«The Jawa Report:

Yemen protesters burnt alive, buried in mass graves

Over 250 at least were killed in Taiz, Yemen over the past four days.»

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:04:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


MI6 attacks al-Qaeda in 'Operation Cupcake'
British intelligence has hacked into an al-Qaeda online magazine and replaced bomb-making instructions with a recipe for cupcakes.
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
7:16PM BST 02 Jun 2011


4 de junho de 2011 às 00:06:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


The missiles did not explode" - Two dead, 52 injured as Russian arms depot continues to explode

From Will at The Other News:

Two people have died and at least 52 have been injured in ongoing explosions at an artillery arsenal in Russia's Volga region Republic of Udmurtia, a spokesman for the Emergencies Ministry said."As of now, 52 people turned for medical assistance, 25 were hospitalized with two of them already discharged," the spokesman said.

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:10:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Anónimo disse...

Mais um... Eu aposto que elas fazem de propósito. É sempre com pretas, a dar à luz e a porem-se a risco para isto. Nunca é "sueca deu à luz no avião", ou "italiana deu à luz no avião". Na volta começou a forçar o parto pouco antes de embarcar, já ouvi dizer que as pretas têm essa mania. Conheço uma mulher que estava grávida de 8 meses, quando foi ao hospital para uma consulta de rotina a puta da enfermeira preta começou a pressionar a barriga, a tentar "dar pressa" porque dizia que já faltavam poucas semanas... Era a 3ª gravidez daquela mulher, nunca lhe tinha ouvido tal história antes. Poucas horas depois de chegar a casa perdeu alguns líquidos e teve que ir para o hospital. De facto, o parto só ocorreu 1 mês depois, mas a enfermeira preta bem tentou.. São peritas nisso lá na terra delas. Esta do avião deve ter feito o mesmo e deu-se bem. Senão, tinha dado à luz já em Madrid, que também lhe servia bem.

3 de Junho de 2011 18h41min00s WEST


4 de junho de 2011 às 00:13:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

New, Free Egypt: Prominent Cleric Says Financial Problems Can Be Solved By Conducting Jihad Raids To Capture “Slaves, Women And Children To Sell Like Groceries”…

From Atlas Shrugs.

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:15:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Don't forget about the jihadists who really began the Bosnian war

John Rosenthal's written on Big Peace about what the MSM does not want you to know about: how the Bosnian government was being supplied by al Qaeda

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:26:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


BREAKING: Somali suicide bomber was from Minneapolis

Abdirahman Warsame at Terror Free Somalia informed us late last night that messages appearing on known al-Shabaab websites indicate that a suicide bomber who carried out on attack on AMISOM forces in Mogadishu on Monday was a Somali-American from the Minneapolis area. A twenty-two minute audio was posted on the Somali Memo website (article and audio have since disappeared) that included a segment of an English-speaking Somali speaker — apparently the suicide bomber — who encourages Muslims in the West to “die for their religion.”

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:27:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Gmail Hackers Had Access to Accounts for Months
Thursday, 02 Jun 2011

SHANGHAI - Hackers who broke into Google's Gmail system had access to some accounts for many months and could have been planning a more serious attack, said the cyber-security expert who first publicly revealed the incident.

Google said suspected Chinese hackers tried to steal the passwords of hundreds of Gmail account holders, including those of senior U.S. government officials, Chinese activists and journalists.

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:28:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


EXCLUSIVE: Northrop Grumman May Have Been Hit by Cyberattack, Source Says
By Jeremy A. Kaplan
Published June 01, 2011

Top military contractor Northrop Grumman Corp. may have been hit by a cyber assault, the latest in a string of alarming attacks against military suppliers, a source within the company told

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:30:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Libya: Habeshia: Ethnic Cleansing Risk for Black Libyans

(ANSAmed) — Rome, May 25 — Black Libyans risk an ethnic cleansing action in Libya because of the determination against them by Libyans of Arab origin that sympathise with the rebels, who attack them as though they were Gaddafi’s mercenaries. Such is the warning raised by don Mussie Zerai, an Eritrean priest who in Rome presides the Habeshia cooperation and development agency and who reported the “massacre of 800 Africans in Misrata alone”.

He pointed out that the massacre was directly reported to him by African refugees who landed in Italy. It is allegedly documented in a number of videos of the Habeshia agency website that depict “cruel episodes and fury on lifeless bodies”, which are “manifestation of deep held hate”. In Libya there are two ethnic groups not of Arab origin, said don Zerai, and the risk that they may become the victims of ethnic cleansing during the bloody clashes between Gaddafi’s supporters and the rebels is very high......

4 de junho de 2011 às 00:31:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...



«Stephen Schwartz, a convert to Sufi Islam who has also published under the name Suleyman Ahmad Al-Kosovi, has written in The Weekly Standard a new panegyric to Sufism as a paradigm of pluralism within Islam. It was reprinted at FrontPage magazine with the subheading: "There is a tolerant, pluralist tradition in Islam. We can't afford to ignore it." Yet in this piece he does not consider evidence I presented over two years ago in National Review Online demonstrating that Sufi Islam historically has been just as intolerant as other Islamic traditions.

Sufism as practiced in the Indian subcontinent was quite intolerant of Hinduism, as documented by the Indian scholar K. S. Lal:

The Muslim Mushaikh [Sufi spiritual leaders] were as keen on conversions as the Ulama, and contrary to general belief, in place of being kind to the Hindus as saints would, they too wished the Hindus to be accorded a second class citizenship if they were not converted. Only one instance, that of Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh, need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re-invigorate the Shariat [Sharia] and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote, "Extend utmost patronage and protection to theologians and mystics... that they should be maintained and subsidized by the state... No non-Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims and should be forced to keep their Kufr [infidelity] concealed and not to perform the ceremonies of their Kufr openly and freely... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims. (The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India [1992], p. 237)

Since that time, while researching my forthcoming book, The Legacy of Jihad, I have discovered that there are many other influential Sufis who shared, and who share today, these bigoted views. Sufi intolerance is clear from, most importantly, never-before-published translations of the great Sufi Al-Ghazali himself (which I've presented at FrontPage), as well as from statements by an important contemporary Shi'ite Sufi ideologue, Sultanhussein Tabandeh (also published at FrontPage).»

4 de junho de 2011 às 04:32:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«I. Al-Ghazali

The eminent Islamic scholar W.M. Watt stresses Al-Ghazali's Muslim orthodoxy. He says that Al-Ghazali was "acclaimed in both the East and West as the greatest Muslim after Muhammad, and he is by no means unworthy of that dignity...He brought orthodoxy and mysticism into closer contact...the theologians became more ready to accept the mystics as respectable, while the mystics were more careful to remain within the bounds of orthodoxy."[1]

Here is Al-Ghazali, evidently with no intention of departing either from Sufism or Muslim orthodoxy, writing about jihad war and the treatment of the vanquished non-Muslim dhimmi peoples:

[O]ne must go on jihad (i.e., warlike razzias or raids) at least once a may use a catapult against them [non-Muslims] when they are in a fortress, even if among them are women and children. One may set fire to them and/or drown them...If a person of the Ahl al-Kitab [People of The Book - primarily Jews and Christians] is enslaved, his marriage is [automatically] revoked...One may cut down their trees...One must destroy their useless books. Jihadists may take as booty whatever they decide...they may steal as much food as they need...
[T]he dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle...Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya [poll tax on non-Muslims]...on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]... They are not permitted to ostentatiously display their wine or church bells...their houses may not be higher than the Muslim's, no matter how low that is. The dhimmi may not ride an elegant horse or mule; he may ride a donkey only if the saddle[-work] is of wood. He may not walk on the good part of the road. They [the dhimmis] have to wear [an identifying] patch [on their clothing], even women, and even in the [public] baths...[dhimmis] must hold their tongue.... [2] (From the Wagjiz, written in 1101 A.D. Emphasis added.)»

4 de junho de 2011 às 04:33:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«II. Tabandeh

This modern Sufi leader wrote a whole treatise against various elements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that are at variance with Islamic law: an "Islamic perspective" on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [3]. According to Professor Eliz Sanasarian of the University of Southern California, who has analyzed the plight of religious minorities in the Islamic Republic, Tabandeh's tract became "the core ideological work upon which the Iranian government...based its non-Muslim policy." [4] His views on non-Muslims, says Sanasarian, were implemented "almost verbatim in the Islamic Republic of Iran." [5]

Tabandeh begins his discussion by lauding Shah Ismail I (1502-1524), the repressive and bigoted [6] founder of the Safavid dynasty, as a champion "of the oppressed." [7] He reaffirms the traditional inferiority of non-Muslims to Muslims as sacralized by the Shari'a:

Thus if [a] Muslim commits adultery his punishment is 100 lashes, the shaving of his head, and one year of banishment. But if the man is not a Muslim and commits adultery with a Muslim woman his penalty is execution...Similarly if a Muslim deliberately murders another Muslim he falls under the law of retaliation and must by law be put to death by the next of kin. But if a non-Muslim who dies at the hand of a Muslim has by lifelong habit been a non-Muslim, the penalty of death is not valid. Instead the Muslim murderer must pay a fine and be punished with the lash. [8]
Since Islam regards non-Muslims as on a lower level of belief and conviction, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim...then his punishment must not be the retaliatory death, since the faith and conviction he possesses is loftier than that of the man slain...Again, the penalties of a non-Muslim guilty of fornication with a Muslim woman are augmented because, in addition to the crime against morality, social duty and religion, he has committed sacrilege, in that he has disgraced a Muslim and thereby cast scorn upon the Muslims in general, and so must be executed. [9]

Islam and its peoples must be above the infidels, and never permit non-Muslims to acquire lordship over them. Since the marriage of a Muslim woman to an infidel husband (in accordance with the verse quoted: 'Men are guardians of women') means her subordination to an infidel, that fact makes the marriage void, because it does not obey the conditions laid down to make a contract valid. As the Sura ('The Woman to be Examined', LX v. 10) says: 'Turn them not back to infidels: for they are not lawful unto infidels nor are infidels lawful unto them (i.e., in wedlock). [10]

Tabandeh is not an aberration among Sufis. He follows in the tradition of Turkish Sufi dervishes whose violent fanaticism contributed to the forced Islamization of the indigenous Christians in Asia Minor (see the copious documentation of this phenomenon from Turkish, Greek, Near Eastern and other sources in Professor Speros Vryonis' monumental The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh Through the Fifteenth Century, Berkeley, 1971, pp. 340-43, and especially chapter 5, pp. 351-402).
Tabandeh would also no doubt have looked with approval upon tracts against non-Muslims produced by prominent Indian Sufi theologians in the 17th and 18th centuries, including lionized Sufi teachers such as Sirhindi and Shah Walli Allah. Some of their statements:»

4 de junho de 2011 às 04:34:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«III. Sirhindi (d. 1624)

Shariat can be fostered through the sword.
Kufr and Islam are opposed to each other. The progress of one is possible only at the expense of the other and co-existence between these two contradictory faiths is unthinkable.

The honor of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects kafirs, dishonors the Muslims. To respect them does not merely mean honoring them and assigning them a seat of honor in any assembly, but it also implies keeping company with them or showing considerations to them. They should be kept at an arm's length like dogs....If some worldly business cannot be performed without them, in that case only a minimum of contact should be established with them but without taking them into confidence. The highest Islamic sentiment asserts that it is better to forego that worldly business and that no relationship should be established with the kafirs.

The real purpose in levying jizya on them (the non-Muslims) is to humiliate them to such an extent that, on account of fear of jizya , they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It in intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam.

Cow-sacrifice in India is the noblest of Islamic practices. The kafirs may probably agree to pay jizya but they shall never concede to cow-sacrifice.

The execution of the accursed kafir of Gobindwal [a Sikh who lead an uprising against the oppressive Muslim rule of his community] is an important achievement and is the cause of great defeat of the accursed Hindus...Whatever might have been the motive behind the execution, the dishonor of the kafirs is an act of highest grace for the Muslims. Before the execution of the kafirs I had seen in a vision that the Emperor had destroyed the crown of the head of Shirk. Verily he was the chief of the Mushriks and the leader of the kafirs.

Whenever a Jew is killed, it is for the benefit of Islam. [11]»

4 de junho de 2011 às 04:34:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«IV. Shah Wali-Allah (d. 1762)

It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt. Should that repository of majesty and dauntless courage (Nizam al-Maluk) gird his loins and direct his attention to such a task he can conquer the world. Thus the faith will become more popular and his own power strengthened; a little effort would be profoundly rewarded. Should he make no effort, they (the Marathas) would inevitably be weakened and annihilated through celestial calamities and in such an event he would gain no credit...As I have learnt this unequivocally (from the divine) I spontaneously write to draw your attention to the great opportunity laid before you. You should therefore not be negligent in fighting jihad.
Oh Kings! Mala a'la urges you to draw your swords and not put them back in their sheaths again until Allah has separated the Muslims from the polytheists and the rebellious kafirs and the sinners are made absolutely feeble and helpless."

In his testament to 'Umar, Abu Bakr had informed him that if he feared God, the entire world would be frightened of him ('Umar). Sages and declared that the world resembled a shadow. If a man ran after his shadow it would pursue him, and if he took flight from the shadow it would still pursue him. God has chosen you as the protector of the Sunnis as there is no-one else to perform this duty, and it is crucial that at all times you consider your role as obligatory. By taking up the sword to make Islam supreme and by subordinating your own persona needs to this cause, you will reap vast benefits.

We beseech you (Durrani, a Muslim ruler) in the name of the Prophet to fight a jihad against the infidels of this region. This would entitle you to great rewards before God the Most High and your name would be included in the list of those who fought jihad for His sake. As far as worldly gains are concerned, incalculable booty would fall into the hands of the Islamic ghazis and the Muslims would be liberated from their bonds. The invasion of Nadir Shah who destroyed the Muslims left the Marathas and Jats secure and prosperous. This resulted in the infidels regaining their strength and in the reduction of the Muslim leaders of Delhi to mere puppets.

When the conquering army arrives in an area with a mixed Muslim-Hindu population, the imperial guards should transfer the Muslims from their villages to the towns and at the same time care for their property. Financial assistance should be given by governments to the deprived and the poor as well as to Sayyids and the 'ulama. Their generosity would then become famous with prompt prayers for their victories. Each town would eagerly await the arrival of the Islamic army ('that paragon of bounty'). Moreover, wherever there was even the slightest fear of a Muslim defeat, the Islamic army should be there to disperse infidels to all corners of the earth. Jihad should be their first priority, thereby ensuring the security of every Muslim. [12]»

4 de junho de 2011 às 04:35:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


4 de junho de 2011 às 04:36:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


'Sufism is the heart of Sharia' - Tariq Ramadan

4 de junho de 2011 às 05:08:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Tariq Ramadan

«Nove dias antes de a família embarcar para a América, Ramadan recebeu a notícia de que o Departamento de Segurança Nacional tinha revogado o visto de trabalho. Um porta-voz do DHS, Russ Knocke, explicou depois que a decisão apoiara-se em uma lei que proíbe a entrada nos Estados Unidos a estrangeiros que se aproveitam de uma "posição de destaque em um determinado país para endossar ou se envolver em atividades terroristas". A revogação, Knocke acrescentou, baseara-se no "interesse da ordem pública ou da segurança nacional".

Ele elogiou o brutal regime islamista do político sudanês Hassan Al-Turabi. Este, em troca, chamou Ramadan de "o futuro do Islã".
Ramadan foi proibido de entrar na França em 1996, sob suspeita de ter ligações com um islamista argelino que iniciava uma campanha terrorista em Paris.
Ahmed Brahim, um argelino processado por pertencer à Al-Qaeda, mantinha "contatos freqüentes" com Ramadan, de acordo com um juiz espanhol (Baltasar Garzón) em 1999.
Djamel Beghal, líder de um grupo acusado de planejar um ataque à embaixada americana em Paris, afirmou em 2001, durante o seu processo, que tinha estudado com Ramadan.
Igual a praticamente todos os islamistas, Ramadan negou a existência de "sequer uma prova incontestável" de que Bin Laden estava por trás do 11 de Setembro.
Em público, ele refere-se às atrocidades islamistas do 11 de Setembro, Bali e Madri como "intervenções", minimizando-as a ponto de quase endossá-las.
Serviços de inteligência suspeitam que Ramadan (junto com seu irmão Hani) organizou um encontro no Hotel Penta, em Genebra, entre Ayman al-Zawahiri, o segundo homem na hierarquia da Al-Qaeda, e Omar Abdel Rahman, o xeque cego, agora encarcerado em uma prisão de Minnesota.
O endereço de Ramadan aparece nos registros de um caixa eletrônico do Banco Al Taqwa, uma organização acusada pelo Departamento de Estado de financiar o terrorismo islamista.

Existe também a interessante possibilidade, referida por Olivier Guitta, de Osama Bin Laden ter estudado com o pai de Tariq em Genebra, uma sugestão de que o futuro terrorista e o futuro intelectual tenham se conhecido na época.

Ramadan nega qualquer vínculo com o terrorismo, todavia os indícios são claros. Como Lee Smith escreve na revista The American Prospect, Ramadan é um islamista com sangue frio, cujo "grito de morte ao Ocidente é uma jihad mais discreta e suave, mas ainda assim é uma jihad".» - danielpipes

4 de junho de 2011 às 05:13:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

the Telegraph on June 5, 2011:
Universities 'complacent' over Islamic radicals, Theresa May warns

The Home Secretary has criticised universities for their “complacency” in tackling Muslim extremism as she prepares to publish the Government’s updated strategy for countering Islamic radicalism.

Theresa May told The Daily Telegraph that universities were not taking the issue of radicalisation seriously enough and that it was too easy for Muslim extremists to form groups on campuses “without anyone knowing”.

She also said the Government would cut funding to any Islamic group that espoused extremist views, and set out the “key British values” to which those seeking support must subscribe. It is understood that about 20 groups are already losing their funding....


As part of the Prevent strategy, the Government will define as extremists anyone who “does not subscribe to human rights, equality before the law, democracy and full participation in society”, including those who “promote or implicitly tolerate the killing of British soldiers”.

Mrs May said: “We are looking at a set of values we believe we have here in the UK and those people opposed to those values are people who the Government won’t be funding or engaging with.”

It is understood that the strategy will also name 25 boroughs that are most at risk from Islamist extremism, including areas of London, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.

There will also be a move to limit access to extremist websites from public buildings, particularly schools and public libraries....

David Cameron will emerge as the victor from a bitter cabinet battle over multiculturalism this week as the government unveils a hardline approach to tackling Islamist extremism.

Home Office sources say that Cameron has quashed Nick Clegg's argument for a more tolerant attitude to Muslim groups by insisting on a strategy centred upon the notion that violent extremism is incubated within the ideology of non-violent extremism.

The shift in approach will be outlined when the government's counter-terrorism strategy is unveiled by the home secretary, Theresa May, on Tuesday. Central to the Prevent strategy is a broader definition of extremism that will be extended beyond groups condoning violence to those considered non-violent but whose views, such as the advocacy of sharia law, fail to "reflect British mainstream values"....

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:02:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

New Trend Of Fecal And Urinary Jihad

From Will at The Other News:

Allah hates all non muslims because they are the worst of creations, lowest of the low , worse than animals and evil (Koran, verses 2.99, 8.22, 8.55, 95.5, 98.6). They have been declared filthy and najis (untouchable) like feces (9.28).

Here is very famous learned muslim scholar of quran Dr Qazi vey rightly describes a non muslim.As good people are served with good food najis and evil people are served with feces and urine. Here are some jihadi muslims who made the whole umma proud by serving kuffar with urine and feces.

Yasser serves urine popsicles. Ice cream with an attitude !Yasser made Allah happy by carrying his urine in bottles in his ice cream truck; and every time a little one bought an ice cream cone he sprinked his urine on it. He carried frozen urine also for those who big kids who wanted a big bowl of ice cream.
“A man sprayed a mixture of urine and feces in two supermarkets, a pub and a bookshop in Gloucestershire, a jury at Bristol Crown Court has heard. Sahnoun Daifallah, 42, a devout muslim of Bibury Road, Gloucester, is alleged to have caused damage estimated at £700,000 last May.
Two muslim Bakery/Pizzeria owners were today fined for selling chocolate cake – which had been sprinkled with human feces.A horrified customer ate the foul-smelling gateaux but noticed that it didn’t taste or smell “quite right” and handed the cake to public health scientists.The analysts soon established that the sweet treat was covered in feces and legal proceedings against the bakery owners were started.Owners Saeed Hasmi, 25, and Syed Jan Yadgari, 23, were fined £1,500 for selling food unfit for human consumption.The pair – who ran the Italiano Pizzeria in Roath, Cardiff – admitted the charge but did not say how the chocolate cake was contaminated.
Dallas, USA where Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh, 49, a devout muslim ,is on trial for allegedly throwing the feces on pastries at a Fiesta grocery store. Police said that during an investigation, they found a pile of human feces by his bed. Investigators believe Nahidmobarekeh would dry the feces, either by microwave or just letting it sit out, grate it up with a cheese grater and then sprinkle it at the store. A young boy, maybe 3 years old, was later seen on the surveillance tape, eating one of the defiled cookies.........

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:09:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Spain: Moroccan arrested on Jihad recruiting activities

The roommate of the young Moroccan arrested in Gran Canaria for alleged links with Al Qaeda cells, Othaman Elovadi, said that Imad El Mouahhid “is a mentally ill person. ” Elovadi, who ensured that the detainee takes drugs, had known him since 2003 and was at home when the police raided it.
The young Moroccan is accused of glorifying terrorism and proselytism. Presumably, El Mouahhid recruited young people and tried to persuade them to take part in terrorist activities.

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:15:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Hamburg Is The Epicenter of the Deadliest E. Coli Outbreak in Modern History"

For anyone who does not remember, Hamburg is the city of Mohammed Atta. And, after 9/11, it was reported that Hamburg was a home to over 1,000 "Islamic Radicals".

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:17:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«In a new video message released on the internet Friday, American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun shows, and to target major institutions and public figures.

"What are you waiting for?" asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been released. "Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom."

The two-part, two hour video appeared on jihadi websites Friday with images of jihadi leaders as well as snapshots of alleged underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and accused Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan. Both Hasan and Abdulmutallab are charged with carrying out attacks inside the U.S.

Called "Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself" and produced by al Qaeda's media arm, as Sahab, the tape mixes Gadahn's new message with clips from old videos of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al Qaeda leaders praising one-man attacks. They call on jihadis in the West to carry out lone wolf operations.

Gadahn sounds the same theme in his message, a series of soundbites interspersed throughout the video and accompanied by images of U.S. airliners, bombmaking and the logos of U.S. companies. "Muslims in the West have to remember that they are perfectly placed to play an important and decisive part in the Jihad against the Zionists and crusaders, and to do major damage to the enemies of Islam, waging war on their religion, sacred places, and things, and brethren," says Gadahn. "This is a golden opportunity and a blessing."

He urges Muslims to pursue attacks with whatever is available. "Let's take America as an example. America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

Gadahn suggests targeting major institutions -- after a clip showing the logos of such firms as Exxon, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America -- and "influential public figures." "Getting to these criminals isn't as hard as you might think," says Gadahn. "I mean we've seen how a woman knocked the Pope to the floor during Christmas mass, and how Italian leader Berlusconi's face was smashed during a public appearance. So it's just a matter of entrusting the matter to Allah and choosing the right place, the right time, and the right method."»

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:23:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Why the Open Fuel Standard Act Will Seriously Cripple the Global Jihad
Anne Korin of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security makes the case for energy security. She outlines a path to foreign oil independence with flex-fuel vehicles running on biofuels, explains why energy security is so vitally important, and answers some of the common objections people have to this idea.

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:24:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Key al Qaeda Operative Killed in Pakistan by U.S. Drone
Saturday, 04 Jun 2011 08:47 AM

ISLAMABAD, June 4 (Reuters) - Senior al Qaeda operative Ilyas Kashmiri, regarded as one of the most dangerous militants in the world, was killed by a U.S. drone aircraft missile strike in Pakistan, an intelligence official and local media said on Saturday.

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:28:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Muslim Group Offends Some Christians With Jesus Advertisements

From CNS:

“Jesus: A prophet of Islam” states the provocative tagline in a “public awareness” advertising campaign launched by a Muslim group in Australia’s largest city.

The group, calling itself Mypeace, says its aim is to inform, not offend – but offend it has, with one Catholic bishop calling the assertion about Jesus “a direct assault on Christian beliefs.”

Roadside billboards in the metropolitan Sydney area carry one of four simple slogans: “Jesus: A Prophet of Islam,” “Holy Qur’an: The Final Testament,” “Muhammad: Mercy to Mankind” and “Islam: Got Questions? Get Answers.”

Each banner invites people to get in touch by phone or online, for literature and a free copy of the Qur’an. Mypeace says the ads will stay up for four weeks, and later this year will be run on scores of public buses in the city.

One of the billboards featuring the Jesus slogan was vandalized a day after it was erected.

Mypeace says its aim is to “address the many misconceptions on Islam, to educate fellow Australians on Islam, invite them to ask any questions that they may have.”

Islamic awareness campaigns are not new, but the slogan referring to Jesus is causing a stir. Muslims and interfaith advocates sometimes invoke Jesus to assert some sort of commonality with Christians, implying that Muslims, too, “believe in Jesus.”

But Muslims, and the Qur’an, deny the central Christian beliefs regarding Jesus – his divinity, crucifixion and resurrection.

Elsewhere on its Web site, Mypeace states that “the Qur’an … repeatedly reminds that Jesus was a human prophet sent by God, not part of God Himself.”

“In Australia with its Christian heritage a billboard carrying the statement ‘Jesus A prophet of Islam’ is provocative and offensive to Christians,” Julian Porteous, auxiliary bishop at the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, responded in an article.

“Central to Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is more than a prophet,” he said. “He is the Son of God. He is acclaimed Lord and Savior of humanity. This statement is a direct assault on Christian beliefs.”

Porteous said religions should not “set out to antagonize those with differing beliefs.”

“Dialogue between the religions can only take place when it is founded in mutual respect. It is not fostered by provocative statements.”

Porteous urged Mypeace to withdraw the ads.

Islamic doctrine holds that the 7th century Arabian Mohammed was the last in a long line of prophets of Islam stretching back to Adam, and including Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jonah, John the Baptist – and Jesus. (The “Got Questions?” ad in Sydney also describes Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed as “prophets of Islam”.)

Mypeace did not respond to queries.

6 de junho de 2011 às 18:31:00 WEST  

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