terça-feira, março 02, 2010


(...)60.000 catalanes han acudido este domingo 28 de febrero a votar en la segunda oleada de consultas independentistas que se ha hecho en 80 municipios catalanes. Esto supone solo un 21% de los cerca de 300.000 ciudadanos que tenían derecho a voto, entre ellos los jóvenes de 16 y 17 años y los inmigrantes, aunque el porcentaje de ’sí’ se sitúa entorno al 90%. (...)

E assim avança o Nacionalismo na Catalunha. O castelhaname mais chauvinista bem tenta ridicularizar o referendo devido à baixa taxa de participação dos eleitores, mas o que é facto é que, quantidades à parte, e independentemente do que, arbitrariamente, se considere vinculativo, o que é certo, dizia, é que em Democracia contam os votos dos que se quiserem pronunciar. Os que não quiserem votar, é porque não se interessam pelo assunto, pelo que qualquer decisão tomada por uma minoria de eleitores será aceite pelos passivos (e se não gostam, votassem)...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Essa gente não aprende nada com as lições da história. Ainda hei-de ver os espanhóis a matarem-se mutuamente mais uma vez.

2 de março de 2010 às 11:30:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

lol os galegos é que nao saem da sepa torta

2 de março de 2010 às 16:08:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A fan of boulogne in a coma in Paris

Sunday evening before the kickoff of the match PSG - OM, clashes between supporters forums Auteuil and Boulogne have been one serious injury. A man of 38 is in a coma.
In the confusion of clashes between supporters and forums Boulogne Auteuil, a supporter of 38 years, member of the Boulogne stand blue, was violently attacked by supporters of Auteuil. Witnesses said that regular at Parc des Princes was beaten feet, iron bars and stones by fifty assailants. Suffering multiple fractures, he was transferred to the Hospital Beaujon in Clichy. In a coma since the incident, his prognosis is engaged.

Source: RMC.fr

A little after 19:30: vs. Boulogne Auteuil

This small charge of police disrupts the small block, hitherto compact. It is virtually 19:30. Ten minutes later, bypassing security checkpoints, independent of the landing platform Boulogne Boulevard parallel and arrive at the forum I. Shouting "Supras, Supras, they fuck you", they charged towards the tribune Auteuil. They appear around 300, maybe less, young people are at the forefront, followed closely by the former. Taken by surprise, the ultras of the tribune Auteuil seem to accuse the blow back and forth at first. Then reseal and decrease self up their starting point-the entrance to the forum I.

Smoke, bombs agricultural barriers, is seen stealing everything and anything. It comes to blows, so violent. Those who fall to earth are lynched by-blows on each side. A member of the Boulogne stand-it is for the Casual Firm-, lynched, was seriously injured. He was evacuated by ambulance. To prevent the situation worsening, the attendants closed the doors of access point, thereby preventing extremists already in G and forum forum Auteuil out. The "Boulogne, Boulogne, we fuck you" to burst forth everywhere, so very impressive, and appear as an expression of ras-le-bol quasi-General, including-and especially for some fans "lambdas" who do not understand exactly why fans of one team over to clap their eyes.

Since the spans of the park, some throw everything they going to hand over the independents. The kobistes respond by making Nazi salutes and singing the glory of their platform. All this happens without the intervention of riot police. Did they let him on purpose? Have they been overwhelmed by events? Hard to say. Still, the procession of Indéps was anything but discreet songs, rat hunts, one could predict what would happen. These clashes, which took on the appearance of civil war will last a good thirty minutes. Some see a victory Auteuil Boulogne others. Nevertheless, it appeared to everyone that the near majority of the tribune Auteuil has decided to stand facing the tribune Boulogne. Unlike the Tigris in 2006, Supras are not alone in the war now official that opposed the KOB.

Source: SoFoot



2 de março de 2010 às 16:55:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Continua a "guerra" racial e politica em Paris, entre os adeptos do PSG, de um lado nacionalistas ( Kop of Boulogne) do outro a racaille vinda dos suburbios de Paris ou mais propriamente vinda dos suburbios de Argel ou de qualquer outra cidade africana, junto com os antifas (virage auteuil)...

Violent incidents between supporters parisiens

Less than an hour before the clasico, near the Parc des Princes has been the scene of clashes between supporters and forums Boulogne Auteuil.

Reportedly, members of the forum Boulogne appeared around 20 hours before entering the forum Auteuil. The latter attacked the people present around them. A few minutes after the start of misbehavior, Auteuil fans have descended to replicate their counterparts in Boulogne. The two sides have clashed with blows from glass bottles. The CRS intervened and extended the Auteuil fans in the stands. Members of Boulogne were driven into the surrounding streets. These have repeatedly attempted to charge again, this time using safety barriers placed around the stadium. For long minutes, access to the forum Auteuil were blocked. Towards 20h45, things had returned to normal.

Source: RMC.fr

2 de março de 2010 às 16:55:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Continua a "guerra" racial e politica em Paris, entre os adeptos do PSG, de um lado nacionalistas ( Kop of Boulogne) do outro a racaille vinda dos suburbios de Paris ou mais propriamente vinda dos suburbios de Argel ou de qualquer outra cidade africana, junto com os antifas (virage auteuil


essas noticias não interessam ao CATARRO,ha não ser que as mesmas venham ha falar do islão

3 de março de 2010 às 01:42:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Em relação ás coisas em paris, teme-se que o confronto descambe e segundo se fala, se se confirmar a morte do membro dos Boulogne Boys (está em coma) o caldo pode entornar de vez, se é que não vai entornar de qualquer maneira.
Segundo adianta o Parisiene e outras fontes.. os antifascistas, pretos e argelinos da Auteuil estão a recrutar escumalha de todos os bairros franceses para confrontarem os Kop Boulogne, e segundo consta os Boulogne podem fazer o mesmo, com outros grupos nacionalistas franceses de Lyon e Nice, isto para não falar de outros grupos da Europa, da Lazio, Real Madrid, Anderlecth.


Ainda dizer que os Kop of Boulogne foram ao terreno dos auteuil apenas com 150 membros (casuais) e os auteil ao verem se enrascados vieram com 1500 e com armas ou coisa do genero (veja-se a falta de honra e valores)...

O elemento dos Boulogne foi linchado por 20 !!!


Em 2005 já tinha acontecido algo do genero, e nessa altura os Boulogne acabarm cosm os Tigris (grupo de pretos e antifas) que agora foram para os Supras Auteuil.

3 de março de 2010 às 13:34:00 WET  

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