quarta-feira, dezembro 03, 2008


Conforme se lê nesta notícia aqui trazida pela camarada Sílvia Santos, e à qual estamos agradecidos, a Igreja Catolica continua nos EUA a sua campanha imigracionista.
Desta feita, o novo bispo do Arkansas tem uma mensagem forte para os católicos: o Natal é uma história de imigrantes.

Pergunta-se ele, em sermão (isto é, pergunta aos fiéis) «Será que Jesus encontra boas-vindas nas nossas comunidades? Que mudanças temos de fazer aqui no Arkansas para garantir que as Marias e os Josés de hoje recebem as doces boas vindas verdadeiramente dignas do nosso Salvador?»

Baseia-se aqui nas palavras atribuidas a Jesus em Mateus 25: «Eu era um estrangeiro, e vocês acolheram-me...»

Diz o bispo que «às vezes receber os imigrantes leva tempo a ajustar... mas é precisamente a isto que Jesus nos chama, cada um de nós e todos nós. Nisto, Jesus usar-nos-á para sermos a luz da nossa nação.»
Ele e quejando padralhame opõem-se às leis já aprovadas que punem as igrejas que dêem guarida aos estrangeiros sem papéis.

Esta mais uma confirmação de que a Cristandade continua a constituir uma ameaça interna no coração do Ocidente, neste caso em termos directos, como se já não bastasse ser também a grande originadora indirecta do vírus que neste momento ameaça de morte o mundo ocidental, a saber, o universalismo anti-racista politicamente correcto, imigracionista e culpabilizador do homem branco europeu... aliás, este tipo de discurso eclesiástico é cada vez mais notoriamente semelhante ao da Esquerda imigracionista. Não admira: a mentalidade é a mesma, a vontade de impingir o esboroamento de fronteiras raciais, étnicas e nacionais também.

Já dizia Justino, o mártir, uma das maiores autoridades da Igreja:
nós que antes matávamos e nos odiávamos e não compartilharíamos nosso lugar com pessoas de outra tribo devido a seus [diferentes] costumes, agora, depois da vinda de Cristo, vivemos juntos com eles.
Isto é, inequivocamente, o mundialismo fraternalista do pária e do apátrida militante.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ainda há meia duzia com juizo. Não me refiro a este.

3 de dezembro de 2008 às 23:41:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Se há, andam bem escondidos e não se fazem ouvir em lado nenhum, que curioso...

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 00:59:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A notícia não está linkada. Trata diso antes que apareçam os antifas a dizer que queres inventar coisas.

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 18:57:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Obrigado, o lapso foi corrigido.

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 19:08:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Se há, andam bem escondidos e não se fazem ouvir em lado nenhum, que curioso...»

O cardeal Ruini ou o padre que se matou como protesto contra a islamisação da Europa (embora este ultimo tenha exagerado pois era muito melhor que estivesse vivo).

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 19:58:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

O que diz o cardeal Ruini?

Quanto ao que se deixou queimar, é verdade que protestou contra a islamização, mas também é verdade que neste caso se posicionou apenas contra a «concorrência», não contra a imigração. E importância hierárquica, tinha alguma?

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:05:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Cardeal Ruini e Cardeal Stephen Hamao.

«A number of Catholic cardinals have warned Italian women against mixed marriages with the rising number of Muslims in the country.

Church officials say that as Italy´s Muslim population touches the one million mark, some 20,000 mixed marriages took place this year alone.

That is an increase of around 10% on last year.

The Catholic Church´s official position is to encourage dialogue between Rome and other religions, including Islam.

The late Pope John Paul II was the first pope in history to pray in a mosque, when he visited Damascus. His successor, Benedict XVI, has insisted that he is also keen to promote religious and cultural dialogue with the Islamic world.

But two documents published in Rome have called for extreme caution by Catholic women contemplating marriage to a Muslim.


In one, issued by the Vatican last year, a Vatican cardinal, Stephen Hamao, wrote about what he called the «bitter experiences» that European women have had in marrying Muslims.

The difficulties are compounded if the couple then goes to live in a Muslim country, the cardinal warned.

The tone was unusually strong in an age when interfaith dialogue seems the predominant buzz word. Then last month, Cardinal Ruini, the head of the Italian bishops, added his voice.

In addition to the problems any couple faces setting up a family, he said, Catholics marrying Muslims have to reckon with extra difficulties arising from deep cultural differences.

Some Muslim scholars have expressed surprise at the Vatican documents and Italian liberal groups have also criticised them.»


4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:20:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Priest burns himself to death over Islam

From David Crossland in Berlin
A retired priest committed suicide by setting himself on fire in a German monastery in protest at the spread of Islam and the Protestant Church’s inability to contain it.
Roland Weisselberg, 73, poured a can of petrol over his head and set light to himself in the grounds of the Augustine monastery in the eastern city of Erfurt, where Martin Luther spent six years as a monk at the beginning of the 16th century.

Witnesses said that Weisselberg climbed into a building site next to the monastery church, where a Reformation Day service was being held. He shouted “Jesus and Oskar” before the flames engulfed him. The latter name was an apparent reference to Oskar Brüsewitz, a priest who burnt himself in 1976 in protest against the Communist regime in East Germany. Monastery staff tried to put out the flames and Weisselberg was still conscious as a nun prayed with him before he was taken to hospital. He died a day later, on Wednesday.

Media reports said that he had tried to kill himself inside the church but changed his mind when he found the side door was locked.

The Provost of Erfurt, Elfriede Begrich, told reporters that Weisselberg’s widow had said that he killed himself because he was alarmed at the spread of Islam and the Church’s stance on the issue.

She described Weisselberg as an erudite man who had addressed repeatedly the Church’s position on Islam in meetings over the past three to four years. He had written to her, urging her to take the matter more seriously, she said.

The Protestant Bishop of Saxony, Axel Noack, said the suicide had shocked the community and that he hoped it would not hurt relations between Christians and Muslims.

“We in the East are still among ourselves when we discuss Islam,” said Bishop Noack, adding that there were not many Muslims in the area.

Relations with Muslims have been a matter of intense debate in Germany in recent months, stoked by the cancellation of a Mozart opera in Berlin amid fears that it could provoke Muslim violence, and a speech by the Pope in September in which he quoted from a medieval text linking the spread of the Islamic faith to violence.

The Berlin Deutsche Oper has said that it will stage the opera, which has a scene showing the severed heads of the Prophet Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha.»


4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:24:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Falou bem, Ruini. Mas, repito, falou apenas contra a «concorrência», não contra a imigração.

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:27:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:29:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Mas, repito, falou apenas contra a «concorrência»,...»

Mas quase todos nem isso fazem.

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:34:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Exactamente - é mesmo isso que interessa focar, é estarem praticamente todos calados e só falarem contra as posições nacionalistas. E os menos maus o máximo que fazem é zelar para que a concorrência não leve tudo...

4 de dezembro de 2008 às 20:50:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

E também se ouve disto:

«Archbishop of Canterbury: `Sharia law unavoidable in Britain´»


4 de dezembro de 2008 às 22:01:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

E esse é simplesmente o vigário mais importante lá da «rua» dele...

Quanto ao catolicismo, já se sabe que o Estado Papal apela abertamente ao imigracionismo e condena frontalmente a política anti-imigracionista do actual governo italiano.

5 de dezembro de 2008 às 02:18:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


(ANSAmed) - ROME, DECEMBER 4 - Marriages between Catholics and Muslims can have «dramatic» consequences on the children because of cultural differences, the No.2 of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) said today. Such marriages are «not to be encouraged,» said CEI Secretary-General Msgr Mariano Crociata. A recent CEI study showed that people in such marriages tended over time to return to the social, cultural and religious relations they had before getting married, Msgr Crociata said. This entailed «sometimes dramatic consequences which fall on their children,» he warned. Requests from Catholics for permission to marry Muslims should therefore be handled «with great prudence,» the CEI secretary-general said. Crociata said the problem could be eased by a greater integration of Muslims. Marriages between Italians and immigrants have surged in recent years, according to the Catholic charity Caritas. Some 10% of the marriages are now between Muslims and Catholics. The biggest problems in mixed marriages have to do with children, especially where Muslim or North African men are concerned, Caritas said. By custom and religion these men have a strong perception of their domestic entitlements - a fact that can lead to growing tension, it said. The Muslim tradition of female subservience often leads to marital break-down, even though most Italian women convert to Islam, the recent report said. There have been cases of fathers kidnapping their children to bring them back to more patriarchal societies. Given the tension sparked by these crucial cultural mismatches, mixed marriages can be short, the report said. The current average duration is just five years in Milan, compared to 13 years in the southern melting-pot port of Lecce, the report said. Catholic religious instruction in Italian schools - no longer compulsory, but without alternatives - was also cited by some couples as a problem. Pope Benedict XVI has repeatedly called for the greater integration of immigrants into Italian society, saying they are a much-needed resource. (ANSAmed).»

6 de dezembro de 2008 às 18:16:00 WET  

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