sexta-feira, novembro 11, 2005


Artigo escrito há um ano por Hugh Fitzgerald do Jihad Watch, mas mais actual do que nunca, de tal modo que foi novamente editado pelo dito site: a opressão dos Franceses na sua própria terra por parte dos alienígenas muçulmanos já vem de há muito e ocorre ao nível do quotidiano - nas ruas, nas escolas, nos transportes públicos. No entanto, a grande maioria dos filhos dos Gauleses, tal como os outros Europeus, prefere assobiar para o lado, como se tal indignidade não fosse nada com eles. Basta-lhes desviarem-se do caminho se encontram algum norte-africano pela frente, ajeitam-se assim e assado, inclinam-se um bocadito, e pronto, a coisa vai passando.

Mas o problema é que só podem meter a cabeça na areia – não podem esconder o resto do corpo que fica deste modo vulnerável a qualquer agressão.

O mais grave, e especialmente revoltante nesta atitude, é o facto de ser produzida por uma conjunção do egoísmo tacanho burguês com a militância universalista fraternal, cuja bandeira é constantemente agitada pelos histéricos e vigilantes moralistas do amor sem barreiras tido universal e obrigatório.

E é por isso que, tarde ou cedo, as consequências desse autismo ideologicamente forçado acabam por se tornar pateticamente tristes, tal era a previsibilidade da desgraça.

Devido à prisão moral imposta pelos arautos da Nova Inquisição anti-racista, o Estado francês não actua em conformidade, levando a que os seus indefesos cidadãos se limitem a tomar medidas que mais não fazem do que, como se disse acima, «ajeitar-se» à situação, contorná-la, mas de um modo que pura e simplesmente adia o problema, deixando-o avolumar-se, ao mesmo tempo que agrava a já de si alarmante perda do seu próprio território perante o alienígena hostil.

Como se não bastasse, o contribuinte francês ainda tem de arcar com os custos da vigilância policial acrescida que a presença maciça de muçulmanos acarreta: mais custos com a segurança (câmaras de filmar, vigilância do que se passa nas mesquitas e nas prisões onde haja muitos muçulmanos, etc.), mais polícias nas escolas, nas estações de metro, nas ruas, nos aeroportos, etc..

Fitzgerald descreve com exemplar eloquência a mentalidade burguesa das elites económico-sócio-culturais que dirigem o Ocidente e, vivendo num mundo cor de rosa, desconhecem o constantemente agravado sofrimento quotidiano do cidadão comum europeu ao ter de lidar com magotes e magotes de muçulmanos.

But the Muslims are indifferent to expenses incurred by the French state. France is part of the world; the world belongs to Allah, and to his Believers. That doctrine has remained immutable for 1400 years. Imam Bouziane, the one they keep trying to deport, had 16 children by two wives, all living on the French state: a representative Muslim man. Over time, the difference between average family size of Muslims and non-Muslims steadily increases. And, over time, the education system continues to disintegrate. Right now, perhaps, you cannot see it. Your children go to the best schools, followed by the best lycées. You vacation in Normandy, or Brittany, or the Ile de Ré. And you do not take the metro often enough, or walk in the right districts, or work in the right factories or offices, to understand what tens of millions of your fellow Frenchmen now have to endure. You, for the moment, are still immune, still willfully unaware. You have spent the last few decades learning about the Muslim world from Eric Rouleau, and his epigones (after they silenced Peroncel-Hugoz, the one journalist who reported the truth) in Le Monde. You are deeply-versed in the constantly reported-upon, endlessly dilated-upon, perfidy of the mighty empire of Israel. You know what we have all had dinned into us: that the Arab Muslims are reasonable people, with clearly-justified grievances, grievances so reasonable and so limited in scope, that justice demands they be satisfied. Everyone agrees on the “solution.” It is called a “two-state solution” and of course it is a “solution” for otherwise, of course, it would not have been called a “solution.”

And everything looks the way it always has looked: the linden trees, the river, the bridges, the réverbères, the étalage in the neighborhood boulangerie. Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance. At the end of the school day, chic mothers still congregate in little towns, or small cities, outside the school – this or that Ecole Jules Ferry -- waiting to pick up their children. Here come the littlest ones, from Maternelle, running up now -- just look at how small they are. And here are the CE1 group, with those huge cartables on their tiny backs. Run, run, run, to Mommy. Oop-la. And then the years of study, study, study marked by ever-larger cahiers -- "cahier" and "cartable" are the words that identify French DNA better than Piaf or gauloises, isn't that true? And now we will read the books, and study the subjects, set down so completely and precisely by the Ministry of Education. And now we are up to the final year, preparing for the Bac, with copies of blue-backed BALISES, guides to Les Châtiments and La Peau de Chagrin. And just look at the results listed in the newspaper: Claire-Alix has a mention très bien. Fantastic. Everything is fine, everything will always stay the same, whole countries cannot change. It’s not possible.

But it is changing, coming apart, quietly, slowly -- let’s not look too closely, we mustn't pay too much attention -- the streets, the schools, the hospitals, the ability to speak the truth about things, about life as it is lived, la vita vissuta as they like to say in a neighboring country.


Fitzgerald rejeita formalmente Le Pen, como ele próprio diz na secção de comentários. Mas, no artigo, realça o fanatismo imbecil da Esquerda que acha que tem obrigação moral de contrariar a extrema-direita francesa, porque sim, mesmo que se vá frontalmente contra a verdade.

E, a seguir, volta a mostrar a sua sarcástica verve, descrevendo mais uma vez a postura dos bem-pensantes que começam a desesperar:
At a certain point, and despite everything that causes you not to see what is staring you in the face, you realize that something has gone irreparably wrong with your country, and you, and your children, are in danger of losing that country, down to every village and house, qui m’est une province et beaucoup davantage. And you do not know what to do, or how to explain this feeling to others, or in whom to confide your secret fears, or what can be done. It is so confusing, and so upsetting. You cannot vote for Le Pen. You cannot endorse "cowboy" Bush or those ridiculous Americans. You have no place to go.
And then you learn what Jacques Chirac -- who now has a Muslim grandchild himself -- and Dominique de Villepin, do not wish you to learn. For if you did, you might be very angry. You discover that 1 out of every 3 babies born in France today is a Muslim baby. And that means, in 20 years, one of every three 20-year-olds in France will be a Muslim twenty-year-old. And that means, twenty years after that, at present rates of reproduction, France will have a majority Muslim population. Where shall we hide the statues from Marly-le-roi? And the Venus de Milo? And what about all those paintings of animated life -- all those portraits in the Louvre, and the Grand Palais, and the Musée Guimet down there in linden-lined Aix, and everywhere else in art-filled artful France, mère des arts, des armes, et des loix -- that are absolutely forbidden according to the immutable strictures of the Qur'an. Should they be sent for safekeeping to those Americans across the seas? By then most of the Jews in France will have left, gone across the oceans for their own safekeeping, to Israel or to English-speaking Canada (they were worried about the Muslim population of Quebec, you see, which had been allowed to grow under the Province of Quebec's policy of encouraging francophone immigrants, preferring North Africans to potential immigrants from Italy, Greece, Spain), and above all, to America. What luck those Americans have had. No more bequests to France by the likes of the Rothschilds, or Nissim Camondo. No more Donations from another Pierre Lévy. Enjoy the Kufic calligraphy; some find it endlessly fascinating.

For the moment, you allow yourself to believe that something will come up. Most likely, all those Muslims will simply convert. I mean, they do that, don't they, quite easily I'm told. Of course, why didn't I think of it, that is exactly what will happen. The situation is always saved in time. Just like during the war. Nothing to worry about. Nothing.