sexta-feira, setembro 23, 2005


Mitt Romney, governador do Massachusetts, afirmou que as mesquitas dos E.U.A. devem ser vigiadas como modo de impedir o terrorismo.

Como seria de esperar, houve grupos islâmicos a protestar e a exigir pedidos de desculpa públicos - como se um indivíduo não tivesse o direito de dizer, na sua própria terra, que deve haver vigilância sobre uma religião estrangeira em nome da qual é feito terrorismo e se incita frequentemente à violência.

O mais inquietante é que os factos dão razão ao governador do Massachusetts, pois que é sabido que em muitas e muitas mesquitas (ler o artigo para observar os dados estatísticos) se incita à violência contra o Ocidente. Aqui, aplica-se plenamente a recomendação de John Lock, autor da obra «Carta Sobre a Tolerância»: as religiões perigosas para o Estado, devem ser vigiadas de perto.

Há ainda uma agravante - é que as mesquitas suspeitas de terem laços com o terrorismo são tantas, que o esforço de vigilância de todas elas implica gastos imensamente acrescidos em cima do pagador de impostos ocidental. É dinheiro que não é aplicado noutras coisas só para proteger os Europeus de um fanatismo assassino que podia ser combatido com outra eficiência, estivessem os Europeus dispostos a entender que vale mais uma vida dos «nossos» do que um milhão das dos «deles».


Anonymous Anónimo said...

CRE Anglophobes get BNP councillor banned

21st September 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

Signing the death warrant of any troublesome Briton -CRE boss Phillips

The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) has forced the Standards Board for England (SBE), which monitors the conduct of all publicly elected individuals and deals with complaints accordingly, to suspend a BNP councillor.

Terry Farr, councillor for Alderton ward on Epping Forest Council was yesterday suspended from taking part in council meetings for three months, leaving the entire ward temporarily without the councillor the constituents democratically elected.


Clr. Farr had written a letter criticising Labour’s asylum policy which was then sent to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and CRE chief Trevor Phillips. Clr. Farr is a well-educated and locally well-respected businessman and the content of his missive was suitably mild in tone and cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered offensive or hate-filled. The High Priests of Diversity and assorted anti-British (anglophobes) at the CRE however claimed it was offensive and complained to the SBE who then investigated the complaint.


The Standards Board said that if Clr. Farr attended a “Race Awareness Course” he would be “forgiven”. Needless to say Terry did not take up this attempt of moral blackmail.

This same Standards Board refused to take any action when an odious Lib Dem councillor Gavin Stollar made a highly offensive anti-Jewish Nazi comment to one of Terry's BNP colleagues on the council, Pat Richardson, who happens to be Jewish. This is why they are now known as the Double Standard Board.

Councillor Stollar allegedly said, “We don’t want Nazis in our town”. The complainant said that this was particularly offensive because the Group Leader of the BNP on the council is Jewish.

The Ethical Standards Officer did not consider that Councillor Stollar’s comments were disrespectful or capable of bringing his office or authority into disrepute. The Ethical Standards Officer considered that Councillor Stollar expressed his views on a rival political party within the normal and acceptable limits of political debate.

Bizarre ruling

The Ethical Standards Officer perversely concluded that it was acceptable behaviour for a councillor to call a Jewish councillor a “Nazi”. No doubt this bizarre ruling applies only to BNP Jewish councillors and not Jewish councillors of other political parties.

It is in fact a great honour for Terry to be the first BNP councillor to be suspended by one of these anti-democratic kangaroo courts. Our councillors are not elected to pussy foot around - they are there to cause problems for our enemies and to act as the spokesmen for our oppressed people. They were elected to speak up and that is exactly what Terry has done.

Day of action

We are holding a major day of action this Saturday (24th) to show the people of Epping Forest that we are there to speak up for them and to expose the council's and the Commission for Racial Equality's anti-democratic action.

This is a very important event to support both our councillor and to make sure that the message goes out loud and clear that the voters in Loughton will not accept double standards - make sure you are there!

A BNPtv video clip which includes a short interview with Clr. Farr is available on BNPtv.

23 de setembro de 2005 às 12:50:00 WEST  

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