sábado, agosto 27, 2005


Nos Estados Unidos da América, na Dinamarca, em Itália, quem fala contra o Islão assassino, é posto à margem, arriscando-se ao despedimento ou mesmo ao processo judicial. No caso americano que aqui trouxe no elo acima, o do despedimento de Michael Graham, que disse na rádio que o Islão se tinha tornado numa fonte de terrorismo (o que é tão somente uma verdade factual), a organização islâmica que conseguiu tal proeza, a C.A.I.R., supostamente moderada, embora comprovadamente ligada ao terrorismo islâmico, gaba-se de ter conseguido silenciar Graham e, com isso, manda uma mensagem de intimidação a todo e qualquer americano que se atreva a expressar uma opinião negativa a respeito do Islão. É o domínio do medo e da censura... imposto pela mistura da subserviência neo-cristã ocidental com a arrogância islâmica que em terra alheia pretende ditar sentenças.

Imagine-se agora que ele, bem como a italiana Oriana Falaci e o dinamarquês Kaj Wilhelmsen, em vez de criticarem o Islão, resolviam bater no Cristianismo.
Algum mal lhes acontecia?

Mas, por falarem mal do Islão, são punidos pelas autoridades dos seus próprios países.

E porquê?

Porque na mente do politicamente correcto que domina o Ocidente actual, o Cristianismo é «a nossa religião», isto é, «a religião do branco europeu», e, por isso, dela se pode dizer todo o mal do mundo; enquanto isso, não se pode dizer mal do Islão, porque o Islão é a religião «do outro», e não de um «outro» qualquer, mas do «outro por excelência», isto é, do inimigo histórico da Europa. E mais uma vez actua aqui a ética de dar a outra face... de abraçar amorosamente o agressor para que ele se compadeça de nós e pare de nos bater.

Já agora - e se os citados comentadores resolvessem lançar-se contra o Hinduísmo, contra o Budismo, contra o Xintoísmo... algum mal lhes acontecia?
Provavelmente, nenhum.

E porquê?

É verdade que, na mente popular, e mesmo na de muitos supostos eruditos, o Hinduísmo, o Budismo, o Xintoísmo, entre outras, estão fortemente conotadas com gente não branca - só que nenhuma dessa gente não branca constituiu alguma vez o grande inimigo do Ocidente.

É pois uma questão de se querer obrigar os Ocidentais a darem a outra face quando agredidos.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Dá uma espreitadela no blog Batalha Final, e vê um comentário assinado por 'Galaico'.

28 de agosto de 2005 às 07:55:00 WEST  
Blogger João said...

Um dos problemas reside no facto do islão encontrar sempre quem se encontre disposto a fazer-lhe a defesa, quando não a apologética. Na Inglaterra, Omar Bakri, Abu Qatada e outros sempre puderam fazer a apologia do islão e apelar ao confronto com o Ocidente. Na Alemanha, no ano passado, um inquérito revelou que mais de metade dos turcos assumia a superioridade do islão sobre as demais crenças e civilizações. E por aí adiante. Quando Oriana Fallaci lançou A Força da Razão, apareceu logo um sr.juiz disposto a metê-la na cadeia, caso regressasse a Itália. Quando Berlusconi afirmou a superioridade da civilização Ocidental, veio logo a seita esquerdista acusá-lo de xenofobia até ele se retractar.
Estes "suicidas culturais" complementam e facilitam o trabalho aos outros suicidas, minando a confiança do Ocidente na sua cultura e nos seus valores.

28 de agosto de 2005 às 14:22:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

Sim, anónimo das 7:55, já li e já respondi.

28 de agosto de 2005 às 21:49:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Welcome to Europe

27th August 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

A ring of stars or barbed wire?

The European Socialist State of Republics welcomes you to the new order of politically correct regimes and hopes you have a pleasant stay. Please refrain from publishing or saying anything which is not considered to be prudent in the eyes of the E.S.S.R.

We feel you should be aware that certain individuals are indeed serving time within federal level prisons in the E.S.S.R. They communicated politically incorrect views and/or philosophy. Freedom of thought and speech is not welcomed in the E.S.S.R , but we do encourage a healthy adherence to the politically correct ideologies which we have sanctioned. This is merely a warning and is in no way intended to take away from your experience here in the E.S.S.R.

Cat's slightly tongue in cheek comments on the European Union are not too far from the revealed truth about the plans of that fledgling Superstate. Read more in the latest Catgram.


"Cat" is a remarkable lady writer who has been a committed nationalist since her teenage years. Her poetic and romantic style of writing her "Catgrams" may bewitch the casual reader, who is thus drawn into agreeing with the fundamental observations and conclusions that make perfect sense, but which are in defiance of today's politically correct repression.
It is a genuine pleasure to welcome a committed lady nationalist who is prepared to be so passionate and to make such a significant contribution to our struggle for survival.

Back to Catgrams Intro

Welcome to the E.S.S.R. Comrade
27th August 2005

The European Socialist State of Republics welcomes you to the new order of politically correct regimes and hopes you have a pleasant stay. Please refrain from publishing or saying anything which is not considered to be prudent in the eyes of the E.S.S.R.

We feel you should be aware that certain individuals are indeed serving time within federal level prisons in the E.S.S.R. They communicated politically incorrect views and/or philosophy. Freedom of thought and speech is not welcomed in the E.S.S.R , but we do encourage a healthy adherence to the politically correct ideologies which we have sanctioned. This is merely a warning and is in no way intended to take away from your experience here in the E.S.S.R.

You are free to come and go as you please and no one is restricting your movement in any way. The reason for this is that we have not yet managed to implement the laws which would allow us to arrest you without benefit of a trial, but we are sure you shall take into due consideration, the fact that we are only one step away from issuing 'control orders' and that you will act accordingly.

Control orders

Please note that we are planning on using these control orders on our own nationalists and do not take the idea of state ordered control orders as an indication of this zone’s lack of human rights as we are doing it all for your own good.

You are in a free zone. Please do note the government surveillance cameras though. We watch your every move. We have not yet placed cameras within individual units classified as residential space, but if and when this idea is implemented we know you will understand that it is being done for your own good. Here in the E.S.S.R we have trained our populace to understand that if they have nothing to hide then they will not mind intrusions into their basic human rights.

Anyone who protests under the guise of wanting privacy or any other basic human rights afforded them shall be considered suspect by not only the government , but also by the populace. It is not recommended that one attempt to spread any ideology which in any way undermines the will of the government in these matters as one is just as likely to be asked what it is they have to hide if they do not like being under government control to this degree in the E.S.S.R. And we would not want any innocent people to be arrested and confined, denied communication with the outside world and interrogated under the control orders we would have to issue on you, should you happen to incur our displeasure.

These warnings are for your own good and should not be taken lightly as they are designed to aid you in your enjoyment of the E.S.S.R .

Unarmed of course

You will be unarmed as you stay in and /or travel throughout the E.S.S.R. This is also for your own good. We acknowledge that the disarming has not stopped crime and if you should want to look more closely into this argument we will be sure to note it.

We have not yet managed to push through our plan to have each one of you carry your identity papers on your person at all times, but this shall come soon and once again, we are sure you shall take this into consideration as you travel through the E.S.S.R.

We are looking forward to the day when we can say," papers please".

Our expansion

We are an expanding union and may soon be taking the nation of Turkey into our zone. Much as the U.S.S.R did, we too, are now expanding our sovereignty to include more and more nations. We shall soon be one of the largest political zones in the world.

Nationalism is not encouraged within the borders of our zone. We find it divisive and inherently racist in nature. We plan to outlaw nationalism and are currently considering imprisoning nationalists from within the E.S.S.R.'s borders.

Nationalism is seen as a threat to the order of things here in the E.S.S.R, where we discourage any sign of individuality on a national level, which is to say we do not encourage nations to see themselves as separate entities, but instead encourage each nation to see itself as merely a part of the collective which is our union.

No borders, no barriers

We do not see borders here as barriers to race and encourage all nations within our zone to allow themselves to be filled with people from all other nations. This will, we feel, in time, lead to the further greatness of the E.S.S.R. as nationalism shall be eroded and the importance of the individual nation shall be clearly eradicated.

Please do not spread nationalism during your stay within the E.S.S.R as we find it an uncomfortable issue and within nations such as Britain where nationalism still runs strong, we are seriously considering nationalism be defined as terror and as such may be eradicated in the very near future.


We are doing very little to stem the flow of possible terrorists from the middle east and are currently allowing people from that part of the world into the E.S.S.R as we do not wish to be accused of racism in any way and are prepared to go to the furthest limits on this issue, even to the possible risk of damage from said middle eastern, potential terrorists entering our zone, but our laws are working well on our own people and we are sure that one day we shall get around to figuring out what to do about actual terrorists from the lands which pose a risk to our safety. Until then we are simply harassing our own nationalists for the furtherance of the cause of the non nationalistic E.S.S.R.

Enjoy your stay here and remember that if you should in any way be displeased with our laws here, you are welcome to enter the U.S.A/ Canada zone where you may freely complain.

We are sure they will notify us of it immediately and will be more than happy to inform you that they are also embarking on a state run way of life.

Please don't litter while you are here. Please do enjoy the scenery and have a wonderful time here in the E.S.S.R. Please feel free to take photos as we shall be sure to have reels of public camera footage of you too.

Do you have a comment to make about this article? If so write to the usual email address.

29 de agosto de 2005 às 16:32:00 WEST  

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