quarta-feira, junho 30, 2010


Como se sabe, o Islão considera o cão como um animal impuro e proíbe ao muçulmano que tenha cães em casa. Nalguns casos, há muçulmanos que matam cães à pedrada - tal como de resto chegou a ser ordenado pelo próprio profeta do Islão, Maomé.

Isto diz respeito aos preceitos da fé muçulmana, que são de todo estranhos ao Ocidente, onde o cão é um animal particularmente apreciado e frequentemente mantido como animal de estimação.

Ora a pouco e pouco esta lei muçulmana, a charia, começa a chegar, subrepticiamente, ao Ocidente, começando pelo nível do quotidiano mais prosaico...
Em Londres, por exemplo, uma indígena deu a conhecer que lhe foi barrada a entrada em dois autocarros seguidos porque se fazia acompanhar da sua cadela: da primeira vez, disseram-lhe, declaradamente, que no veículo seguia uma senhora muçulmana e esta «podia ficar zangada por causa do cão»; da segunda, o próprio condutor do autocarro era muçulmano...
Não admira que o social-democrata Ângelo Correia, presidente da Câmara de Comércio Luso-Árabe, tenha dito, em debate televisivo de horário nobre, que com o multiculturalismo já não se podia fazer tudo e mais alguma coisa, que agora era preciso contar com os muçulmanos...
Comprova-se pois, mais uma vez, que o multiculturalismo é inimigo mortal da Liberdade do Ocidente.

E ainda a procissão vai no adro. Este foi só mais um episódio, tão curto como significativo, da crónica da iminvasão do Ocidente, processo em curso que não agrada à maioria dos Europeus, mas contra o qual só a Resistência organizada pelos Nacionalistas se opõe de forma activa e sistemática.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Não admira que o social-democrata Ângelo Correia, presidente da Câmara de Comércio Luso-Árabe, tenha dito, em debate televisivo de horário nobre, que com o multiculturalismo já não se podia fazer tudo e mais alguma coisa, que agora era preciso contar com os muçulmanos...»

D E P O R T A Ç Ã O !

D E P O R T A Ç Ã O !

D E P O R T A Ç Ã O !

30 de junho de 2010 às 21:55:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

os islâmicos usam os antifas

os islâmicos querem usar os membros do stormfront:

Hello Everybody, I am a Muslim Canadian, and am not a white nationalist. I took the decision of registring here...

1 de julho de 2010 às 02:12:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Most Americans are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program known as Agenda 21. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development created Agenda 21 as a sustainability agenda which is arguably an amalgamation of socialism and extreme environmentalism brushed with anti-American, anti-capitalist overtones.

A detailed history on sustainable development, definitions, and critical actions can be found here. Section III of the Agenda 21 Plan addresses local community sustainable development. The Preamble and Chapter 28 discuss how Agenda 21 should be implemented at a local level. The United Nations purposely recommends avoiding the term Agenda 21 and suggests a cleverly named alternative: "smart growth." The United Nations Millennium Papers - Issue 2 (page 5) says this of Agenda 21 and smart growth:

Participating in a UN-advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society such as the National Rifle Association, citizen militias and some members of Congress. This segment of our society who fear 'one-world government' and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined 'the conspiracy' by undertaking LA21. So, we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management, or smart growth [emphasis added].

Undoubtedly, residents of any town, county, or city in the United States that treasure their freedom, liberty, and property rights couldn't care less whether it's called Agenda 21 or smart growth. A recent example of this can be found in Carroll County, Maryland, where a smart growth plan called Pathways was drafted by the County Planning Department. The plan, if enacted, proposed a breathtaking reshuffling of land rights:



1 de julho de 2010 às 04:06:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

1.4. The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21.

1 de julho de 2010 às 04:23:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Like many ‘green movement initiatives’ Agenda 21 is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’. As explained in my brief biography I have been actively involved in preparing Agenda 21 action plans and monitoring compliance with environmental permits. All the policies and plans we developed were required to begin with a description of how they met the objectives of Agenda 21 and various other UN agreements, and were audited too determine how they complied with UN requirements. It was these experiences that lead to my research into what was ‘behind it all’ and the subsequent publication of this website.

Agenda 21 is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to impose a global centrally planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations. Under Agenda 21 all central government and local authority signatories are required to conform strictly to a common prescribed standard and hence this is just communism resurrected in a new guise.

1 de julho de 2010 às 04:26:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

“The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will
in fact become like the Ten Commandments.”
- Maurice Strong

1 de julho de 2010 às 04:43:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

the real intent behind the Earth Charter, and the Global Green Agenda in general, is to eliminate national sovereignty and place all humanity under the control of a single 'Earth Government.' They clearly and explicitly state that this is their goal:

"In my view, after fifty years of service in the United Nations system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government ... There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems - if systems they are - are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways. The less we lose time, the less species' and nature will be destroyed.

Since the United Nations is the only world-wide, universal organization that is presently available, since it had fifty years of valuable experience and many successes, since it paved the way to proper Earth government, instead of putting it on the defensive, unjustified attacks and criticism, reduction of resources and non-payment of obligatory contributions, governments should honestly ask themselves if a better way would not be to consider a second generation United Nations upgraded by a true quantum jump into a proper Earth preserving and human well-being and justice ensuring organization of our planet.

The continental approach to a world union remains an important avenue. One could conceive five continental unions: the European Union, an American, an African, an Asian, and an Australian Union. A World Union could be constructed as a super-structure and common political, economic and environmental instrument to achieve these objectives."
from - The Earth Charter in Action

Unlike Agenda 21, which is a hard law document, the Earth Charter lays out the principles which laws and regulations will have to promote and enforce. The Charter "was drafted in coordination with a hard law treaty that is designed to provide an integrated legal framework for all environment development law and policy." This hard law treaty is called the International Covenant on Environment and Development and is being prepared by the Commission on Environmental Law at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a behemoth agency which oversees 700+ governmental agencies worldwide. Interestingly, Maurice Strong (busy man!) is on the IUCN's Board of Directors.

Again, unlike Agenda 21, the Earth Charter is not being forced on local communities from above. The United Nations is quietly fostering a grass-roots mainstream movement where people personally commit themselves to the Charter. They believe that this personal commitment will be necessary to bring about the societal transformation that the Charter requires. The primary tool being used to permeate society with awareness and acceptance of the Charter is the Earth Charter Initiative. This is another brain-child of Strong and Gorbachev.

1 de julho de 2010 às 04:44:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Ai Jesus, não sei o que postar hoje no meu blog. Hum, deixe-me pensar. Preciso arrumar algum assunto pra 'sacanear' os muçulmanos, mas estou sem uma idéia 'genial'. Ah, já sei, vou postar a primeira coisa que vier à cabeça!!!"

1 de julho de 2010 às 04:44:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

the real intent behind the Earth Charter, and the Global Green Agenda in general, is to eliminate national sovereignty and place all humanity under the control of a single 'Earth Government.' They clearly and explicitly state that this is their goal:

"In my view, after fifty years of service in the United Nations system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government ... There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems - if systems they are - are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways. The less we lose time, the less species' and nature will be destroyed.

Since the United Nations is the only world-wide, universal organization that is presently available, since it had fifty years of valuable experience and many successes, since it paved the way to proper Earth government, instead of putting it on the defensive, unjustified attacks and criticism, reduction of resources and non-payment of obligatory contributions, governments should honestly ask themselves if a better way would not be to consider a second generation United Nations upgraded by a true quantum jump into a proper Earth preserving and human well-being and justice ensuring organization of our planet.

The continental approach to a world union remains an important avenue. One could conceive five continental unions: the European Union, an American, an African, an Asian, and an Australian Union. A World Union could be constructed as a super-structure and common political, economic and environmental instrument to achieve these objectives."
from - The Earth Charter in Action

Unlike Agenda 21, which is a hard law document, the Earth Charter lays out the principles which laws and regulations will have to promote and enforce. The Charter "was drafted in coordination with a hard law treaty that is designed to provide an integrated legal framework for all environment development law and policy." This hard law treaty is called the International Covenant on Environment and Development and is being prepared by the Commission on Environmental Law at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a behemoth agency which oversees 700+ governmental agencies worldwide. Interestingly, Maurice Strong (busy man!) is on the IUCN's Board of Directors.

1 de julho de 2010 às 04:47:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Chechen Police Shoot Paintballs at Women With Uncovered Hair

by Sarah Menkedick

Police officers in Chechnya have been firing paintballs at Chechen women with uncovered hair; the policemen drive by in cars with tinted windows and shoot the women in the face and neck as they’re walking down the street.

Following the initial attacks last week, fliers from the shooters appeared in the Chechen city of Gudermes warning that if women didn’t cover themselves the paintballers would resort to “tougher measures.” The fliers also admonished, “Isn’t it nasty for you, while dressed defiantly, with your head uncovered, to hear various obscene ‘compliments’ and proposals? Think again!”

This infuriating and degrading development — shooting women with paint?! — is one result of Russia’s cold bargain with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, a Chechen rebel-turned-Kremlin-loyalist. Trying to maintain control over Chechnya and quash any separatist uprisings, Russia has essentially allowed Kadryov to run the Chechen republic according to his version of Islamic law.

Russia has turned the other cheek as Kadryov gathers thousands of men into a personal militia to enforce bans on alcohol and mandatory headscarves for women. This method of enforcement via paintballing is particularly abhorrent — both violent and humiliating, a form of subtle terror aimed at forcing women into subjugation.

Human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva told Reuters, “this paintballing is an obvious Kadyrov rule just used to strengthen and tighten his grip over his tiny republic.” Shooting women with paint in the face on the street and filming it on mobile phones, then, is apparently this man’s idea of strengthening power. This is an alarming sign of the increasing oppression of women in Chechnya that the international community needs to speak out about immediately, chastising both Kadyrov and the government in Moscow for violent violations of women’s rights and dignity

1 de julho de 2010 às 07:54:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Não admira que o social-democrata Ângelo Correia, presidente da Câmara de Comércio Luso-Árabe, tenha dito, em debate televisivo de horário nobre, que com o multiculturalismo já não se podia fazer tudo e mais alguma coisa, que agora era preciso contar com os muçulmanos...»

Em que contexto é que esse traidor proferiu tão infames palavras?

1 de julho de 2010 às 10:19:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

«Em que contexto é que esse traidor proferiu tão infames palavras?»

Penso que se falava em comunicações e em globalização.

1 de julho de 2010 às 13:09:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Em que contexto é que esse traidor proferiu tão infames palavras?»

Penso que se falava em comunicações e em globalização.

1 de Julho de 2010 13h09min00s WEST

Essa personagem tão à frente do nosso tempo não teve também uma tirada dessas no episódio
das caricaturas publicadas num jornal da Dinamarca?!Pelo menos eu tenho essa ideia.

1 de julho de 2010 às 13:26:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

que agora era preciso contar com os muçulmanos...»



1 de julho de 2010 às 13:55:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


1 de julho de 2010 às 13:55:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

os islâmicos usam os antifas


os islâmicos querem usar os membros do stormfront:


1 de julho de 2010 às 13:56:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

«"Ai Jesus, não sei o que postar hoje no meu blog. Hum, deixe-me pensar. Preciso arrumar algum assunto pra 'sacanear' os muçulmanos, mas estou sem uma idéia 'genial'. Ah, já sei, vou postar a primeira coisa que vier à cabeça!!!"»

Vixi Maria! Máis qui interêssi tem isso?? Só porrtuguêiss nazi prá ficá dando importância a um nêgócio mixuruca como essi! Eles tem que aprender, todo o mundo tem que aprêndê! o modo de ser brasilêro, dji levá tudo numa boa, e si tem bandido batendo e ameáçando, a gentchi negoceia, e si ajêita, sempre si entrosando lá com eles, e depois nem precisa polícia nem nada, a gentchi se adapta a novas regras que eles quisé impô e vai vivendo, e ainda tem qui ágrádêcê prá Deus porr continuá vivendo. O mundo pricisa dji aprendê a sê adaptáveu como o brasilêro, pricisa sim...

1 de julho de 2010 às 17:17:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

The Daily Mail:

'Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom': Al Qaeda launches its first online magazine in English

Al Qaeda has launched its first online propaganda magazine in English.

Called 'Inspire', the magazine has features including one on 'How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom',

It could help the terror group recruit inside the US and Europe.

It is being run by Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen, which has been linked to the failed Christmas Day bombing attempt of a US-bound airliner.

The launch suggests that, as Al Qaeda's core has been weakened by CIA drone airstrikes, the group hopes to broaden its reach inside the US, where officials have seen a spate of home-grown terrorists.

'This new magazine is clearly intended for the aspiring jihadist in the US or UK who may be the next Fort Hood murderer or Times Square bomber,' Bruce Riedel, a Brookings Institution scholar and former CIA officer, said.

Tuesday's launch did not go smoothly. The magazine was 67 pages long, but all but the first three pages were just garbled computer code, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist websites and obtained a copy of the magazine.

The table of contents included articles such as 'Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom,' which promised to be 'a detailed yet short, easy-to-read manual on how to make a bomb using ingredients found in a kitchen.'

'We also call upon and encourage our readers to contribute by sending their articles, comments or suggestions to us,' the magazine's introduction read.

At the heart of Al Qaeda's propaganda effort is Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical US-born cleric now living in Yemen. Authorities say his online sermons, in English, have inspired several recent terrorist plots in the United States.

The magazine promotes an article by al-Awlaki titled 'May Our Souls be Sacrificed for You.' But like most of the magazine, the article did not appear in the version circulated Tuesday.

Until now, Al-Qaeda has relied on Arabic websites to carry its message. Now it appears to be capitalizing on its recent success recruiting inside the US.

Using propaganda on the Internet, the terrorist group has been able to attract Americans such as Bryant Neal Vinas and Najibullah Zazi, two admitted Al Qaeda terrorists. Both were radicalised in New York and travelled to Pakistan to join the fight against the US.

In a recent terrorism case in New Jersey, prosecutors say two US citizens watched al-Awlaki's videos on their cell phones and took inspiration in his call for smaller, single acts of terrorism.

1 de julho de 2010 às 17:44:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


1 de julho de 2010 às 18:49:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Vixi Maria! Máis qui interêssi tem isso?? Só porrtuguêiss nazi prá ficá dando importância a um nêgócio mixuruca como essi! Eles tem que aprender, todo o mundo tem que aprêndê! o modo de ser brasilêro, dji levá tudo numa boa, e si tem bandido batendo e ameáçando, a gentchi negoceia, e si ajêita, sempre si entrosando lá com eles, e depois nem precisa polícia nem nada, a gentchi se adapta a novas regras que eles quisé impô e vai vivendo, e ainda tem qui ágrádêcê prá Deus porr continuá vivendo. O mundo pricisa dji aprendê a sê adaptáveu como o brasilêro, pricisa sim...

1 de Julho de 2010 17h17min00s WEST



1 de julho de 2010 às 18:51:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

'Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom'


1 de julho de 2010 às 18:52:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Boa a imitação do Caturo. Porém, no Brasil é propibido levar cães em ônibus ( autocarro em Portugal).

2 de julho de 2010 às 00:39:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Anónimo disse...
Boa a imitação do Caturo. Porém, no Brasil é propibido levar cães em ônibus ( autocarro em Portugal).

2 de Julho de 2010 00h39min00s WEST

mas não é nos países onde muslos têm implicado com os cães nos autocarros, nos taxis, nos restaurantes...

os muslos que voltem prá arabia!

3 de julho de 2010 às 09:43:00 WEST  

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