quarta-feira, março 11, 2009


O cardeal espanhol Antonio Canizares diz estar preocupado com as vozes do mundo islâmico que pedem a reconquista de Espanha, e exorta os espanhóis a não perderem as suas raízes cristãs, que considera serem a “base da História e da unidade” do país.
“O domínio muçulmano durou séculos e parecia um assunto encerrado. Mas não escondo uma preocupação porque, no mundo islâmico, há quem queira recuperar as nossas terras para o Islão”, disse o cardeal numa entrevista publicada no último número da revista italiana '30 Giorni’.
Segundo Antonio Canizares, prefeito da Congregação para o Culto Divino e a Disciplina dos Sacramentos, os católicos querem ter relações com todos, “muçulmanos incluídos”, mas esses projectos, que aparentemente não são só teóricos, “são preocupantes”.

O vigário do Crucificado está agora preocupado, e com razão, com a sua eventual perda de mercado num dos «mercados» mais sólidos da Europa... claro que a sua Igreja está na linha da frente do lóbi imigracionista, combatendo abertamente os desígnios nacionalistas em Itália, no Reino Unido, em Portugal; todavia, é significativo que já admita a realidade da intenção maciça e constante por parte do mundo islâmico de retomar o seu controlo sobre a Ibéria. Quando um indivíduo desta relevância sócio-religiosa vem a público fazer uma declaração deste teor, é porque já muita coisa grave se passa.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Grande video!


Nacionalismo é solução

11 de março de 2009 às 23:20:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Muslim Burns a Young Copt Alive and Murders His Father Because of a Rumor

A Muslim man set fire to a Coptic young man, murdered his father and wounded his younger brother, after it was rumored that the young Copt allegedly had a relationship with the Muslim man’s sister!!

The events took place in the small village of “Dmas” Meet-Ghamr, after a rumor spread around of a relationship between the 25-year-old Copt Shihata Sabri, and the sister of a Muslim man named Yasser Ahmed Qasim.

Yasser went to Coptic Shehata, holding a gasoline canister, poured it over him and set him on fire, as bystanders looked on in horror. The young Copt threw himself into the adjacent canal to try to put out the flames from his burning body. The fire left burns all over his body, leading to his death.

Following this incident, people in the village rallied and when the 60-years-old Sabri Shehata, father of the Coptic victim arrived, he was attacked by a group of Muslims stabbing him with knives and daggers; one stab penetrated his back to come out of his abdomen below the rib cage, resulting in his death, after being transferred to hospital.

A Coptic witness said that Yasser Ahmed, who is reputed to be a thug, and others have also beaten the Coptic victim’s younger brother, 22-year old Rami Sabri Shehata, causing a deep injury to his head.

The security forces moved into the village of Dmas, which has a population of 60,000 people, including over 1000 Copts, surrounded the victims’ house and deployed extra forces throughout the village.

The offenders were arrested together with the accused Yasser Ahmed Kassem and his friend, as well as the Copt Shehata Sabry who was held in custody in Dmas Hospital. The offenders were charged with deliberate homicide.

The body of Coptic victim Sabri Shehata was released for burial after prayers took place at the Church of Our Lady in the village of Dakados, which lies 20 kilometers from Dmas, amid a tight security siege.

A Muslim villager portrayed the incident as an honour killing stressing that it was because of Coptic Shehata Sabri teasing Yasser about a relationship he has with his sister, which prompted him and his friend to pour gasoline all over the Copt before setting him on fire. He denied that this incident will have an impact on the relations between the Muslims and Copts in the village.

The prosecution and the State Security Services are still investigating the incident amid media blackout.

12 de março de 2009 às 00:05:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Denmark: Two Police Officers Wounded

Two police officers are reported to have been attacked and wounded in Nørrebro.

According to initial reports, two police officers have been wounded in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen after a man attacked them with a knife and sword.

The condition of the two officers is not yet clear.

First reports speak of the two officers and an adversary having been wounded, with the adversary having been shot.

The Jagtvej road in Copenhagen has been closed off, and politiken.dk understands that the incident took place on Kronborggade street.

Denmark: Fear of ethnic riots

With forty shootings and three dead, the gang-war in Copenhagen is causing concerns that it would escalate into ethnic riots.

MS-NBC published a report on the gang wars. Politiken reports on the government’s anti-gang package, which includes deportation of criminal immigrants. The shootings have meanwhile forced the closure of a library, culture center and sports hall on Blågårdsgade (Blågård street), and stopped deliveries by a meal-on-wheels company

Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende reports that Copenhagen is on its way to becoming an American city. A survey of 1,016 residents conducts by Gallup shows that 60% of the residents say that there are places in the city where they wouldn’t go. 48% of the women changed their behavior due to the gang-war.

Copenhagen police spokesperson Flemming Steen Munch says that people have nothing to fear and should just call the police is they see anything unusual.

12 de março de 2009 às 00:17:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on March 2 a group of 25 Muslim radicals attacked the women and children of a Christian neighborhood in Pakistan while the male inhabitants were absent, killing one woman and injuring 12 other people. This attack was the culmination of several days of tension after a young Christian man registered a criminal case against a few Muslim youths who mugged him on February 26. Insulted that a Christian would register a case against Muslims, the attack was planned in order to "teach a lesson" to the Christian community.


12 de março de 2009 às 00:47:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

ainda vamos ver o caturo vestido de beato ahahahaha

12 de março de 2009 às 01:20:00 WET  
Blogger Unknown said...




12 de março de 2009 às 13:07:00 WET  
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12 de março de 2009 às 17:33:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

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13 de março de 2009 às 00:57:00 WET  
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13 de março de 2009 às 01:03:00 WET  

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