sexta-feira, julho 29, 2011


Na Holanda, uma sondagem recente indica que o Partido da Liberdade Holandês, PVV, liderado por Geert Wilders, que apoia o governo minoritário, ganharia vinte e oito assentos se as eleições se realizassem agora, o que representa um crescimento, uma veza que neste momento tem vinte e quatro lugares no parlamento.
O Partido Trabalhista (PvdA) desceria de dezassete para treze; o partido conservador, VVD, do primeiro-ministro Mark Rutte, ficaria com trinta e dois assentos, um a mais do que os que tem agora; o socialista, SP, que tem agora quinze, ficaria com vinte e três.

Não sei quando foi realizada a pesquisa, mas se a data é posterior à do massacre na Noruega, ai ai, a intensa cobertura jornalística do caso norueguês não está a convencer o povinho de que a Extrema-Direita é malévola... ainda por cima o criminoso escandinavo está incomparavelmente mais próximo de Wilders, em termos ideológicos, do que dos «nazis» todos...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

O que é verdadeiramente preocupante é o socialismo...

29 de julho de 2011 às 23:46:00 WEST  
Anonymous Vera said...

"por Miriam Assor – O embaixador da Noruega[bb] em Israel é um cruel desvairado.

O senhor Svein Sevje devia regressar a casa em voo directo e de janela aberta. Em declarações à imprensa o limão diplomático distinguiu o inimaginável. Terrorismo na Noruega é mau. Terrorismo contra Israel, já não é.

Indo por partes, porque a monstruosidade dita de seguida provoca soluços, o terror na terra dele é coisa feia pelo facto de não existirem motivos evidentes que justifiquem tal atrocidade.

O terror em Israel pia diferente garante quem, conheceu a intolerância, em Damasco, em 2006, quando era embaixador da Noruega[bb], e viu a sua embaixada a ser atacada por protesto contra a publicação das caricaturas de Maomé.

Há uma razão que dá direito à chacina rotineira avança Mr. Svein Sevje: a “ocupação israelita”. O representante do governo norueguês, infelizmente ainda em funções no único país livre das redondezas, não sabe o que diz, perdeu o tino algures no prato da sopa. Seguindo o seu raciocínio medieval no “bom” terrorismo as vítimas são culpadas e o terrorista é inocente.

Uma lição a Noruega aprendeu. Após o massacre lavrado pelo varrido fanático, essa cobra que, durante uma hora e meia, disparou para matar, assassinando com mão delinquente fria, rafeiro que fez explodir o edifício do séquito governamental, o primeiro-ministro Jens Stoltenberg engolirá a seco o pedido oficial que, em 18 de Fevereiro do corrente ano, dirigiu à Embaixada de Israel em Oslo[bb]: que saísse da capital para se instalar na periferia.

Porquê? Ora porquê. As medidas de segurança eram excessivas. Agora já não serão."

30 de julho de 2011 às 02:40:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

De facto, é na elite que se observam os casos de fanatismo xenófilo mais graves. Aquilo é, realmente, uma espécie de religião, disso não restam dúvidas.

30 de julho de 2011 às 02:49:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Aiai, esse povinho racista...Só há uma solução contra o racismo (que é nascer branco): immigration!!Mas de preferência aquela que dê lucros aos bolsos da elite, é claro...

30 de julho de 2011 às 03:58:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

ai,ai - estas estas extremas direitas lideradas por mestiços(geert wilders) sionistas!

30 de julho de 2011 às 13:50:00 WEST  
Blogger Anti-ex-ariano said...

FireHead disse...
«O que é verdadeiramente preocupante é o socialismo...»

Fascinante. E podes explicar-nos porquê?

30 de julho de 2011 às 18:39:00 WEST  
Blogger Anti-ex-ariano said...

Caturo esceveu...
«(...)uma sondagem recente indica que o Partido da Liberdade Holandês, PVV,(...) o que representa um crescimento (...)»

Ah ah ah! Os universalistas passaram toda a semana a fazer propaganda desonesta, tentando associar o Breivik à extrema-direita e, mesmo assim, mesmo assim o PVV cresceu!

Não admira que a antifaria ande tão amedrontada: o povo Europeu começa finalmente a abrir os olhos e a perceber que a narrativa que lhes tem sido impingida desde o final da Segunda Grande Guerra é um enorme engodo e, sobretudo, uma ainda maior traição.

A vossa hora chegará, traidores multiculturalistas!

30 de julho de 2011 às 18:43:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«A pressa obscena com que se associa o crime de Breivik ao seu alegado cristianismo também não é refreada pela lembrança de que a mesma associação se fez persistentemente, universalmente, no caso de Timothy McVeigh, autor dos atentados de Oklahoma em 1995, até que veio, tardiamente como sempre, a prova de que o criminoso era muçulmano e ligado a organizações terroristas islâmicas. Veremos quanto tempo transcorrerá até que a pesquisa histórica erga um sussurro de protesto contra o vozerio unânime da mídia internacional.» -- olavo de carvalho

30 de julho de 2011 às 19:01:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

According to intelligence sources in Belarus, Anders Behring Breivik received paramilitary training earlier this year at a secret camp in Belarus.

30 de julho de 2011 às 19:05:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

mais merda islâmica:

OIC head İhsanoğlu: Breivik’s massacre in Norway tip of iceberg

The chief of the world’s largest Muslim body has said the Norway massacre and blast that left at least 76 dead and dozens injured is only “the tip of the iceberg,” warning that the incident is the latest product of rampantly rising extremist political movement sweeping across Europe.

Ekmelledin İhsanoğlu, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) told Today’s Zaman in an interview that growing animosity toward Islam in Europe in the past few years needs to be analyzed in order to decipher last week’s Norway massacre. Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has admitted that he set off a car bomb in the government district of Oslo, killing at least eight people, then drove several miles northwest of the Norwegian capital to an island where the youth wing of the ruling Labor Party was holding its annual summer camp.

He arrived at Utøya Island posing as a police officer, then opened fire on scores of unsuspecting youth, executing them one after another as they tried to flee into the water. Sixty-eight people died, many of them teenagers.

İhsanoğlu said that before the incident on July 22 the Western world always either had a difficult time understanding or did not want to understand the phenomenon of growing Islamophobia. Giving credit to the organization he leads, İhsanoğlu said he has been very aware of this issue since he assumed his position in 2005. He said a series of major events revealing anti-Islamic sentiments afoot in Europe began with the infamous cartoon crisis.

A Danish daily published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in 2006 that led to a crisis between European nations and the Muslim world. Muslims across the world staged protests, sometimes violently attacking the embassies of Western countries, which defended the cartoonist’s freedom of speech.

İhsanoğlu said a great deal of what he had to deal with at the outset of his job as a secretary-general was related to this “insulting” issue. He said many senior European officials accused Muslims of trying to restrict freedom of speech, alleging that the outrage among Muslims was a result of their “extreme sensitivity” and that it is acceptable to draw cartoons of anyone.


30 de julho de 2011 às 19:11:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


He said his organization was unable to persuade Europeans that it is animosity against Islam which is on rise, despite repeated calls. But he said by time this issue began to be debated, similar incidents had begun slowly increasing, and the OIC introduced this matter at the United Nations General Assembly and its human rights agency. He said they OIC was also successful in pushing for UN endorsement of several decisions related to defamation of religion. He said these resolutions, adopted at the United Nations Human Rights Council in March of this year, were in support of OIC’s viewpoints.

İhsanoğlu added that these decisions were challenged by European nations, who argued that they are one-sided and restrict freedom of speech. He said the language of the statements was then changed to avoid bias, by specifying “religions and faiths” rather than “religion or faith.”

European countries have been under fire for overlooking right-wing terrorism threats, while devoting much of their resources to Islamist threats, despite a sharp decline in the number of such attacks. In the wake of Norway’s terrorist attack, the European police agency Europol established a task force of more than 50 experts to help investigate non-Islamist terrorist threats in Scandinavian countries. Europe has seen an overall increase in xenophobia, boosting the ranks of ultranationalists and fueling their activity.

In contrast, Europol’s 2011 terrorism watch report, released in April of this year, stated that Islamist terrorists carried out only three attacks on EU territory in 2010, while separatist groups, on the other hand, were responsible for 160 attacks and left-wing and anarchist groups were responsible for 45 attacks.

İhsanoğlu said the Norway massacre is very thought-provoking, when we consider that Breivik had no tolerance for Muslims or for those who are tolerant of Muslims.


30 de julho de 2011 às 19:13:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Recalling a July 15 conference on the topic of interfaith dialogue in İstanbul with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, İhsanoğlu said that that meeting also stressed the importance of the UN Human Rights Council’s decision. The conference called on nations to reconcile freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

“The participants ... reaffirm their commitment to freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression by urging states to take effective measures, as set forth in Resolution 16/18, consistent with their obligations under international human rights law, to address and combat intolerance, discrimination, and violence based on religion or belief,” read the final declaration produced in the conference, in which Clinton, İhsanoğlu, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, together with foreign ministers and officials from 19 countries, the Office of the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Arab League and the African Union participated.

Clinton and İhsanoğlu, who represents 57 Muslim nations in international forums, announced plans for future talks on how to reconcile freedom of speech with tolerance. İhsanoğlu urged in a speech given at the meeting that steps be taken to end double standards and racial or religious profiling. Such acts, he said, must not be condoned by states and should be addressed through structured and sustained engagement.



30 de julho de 2011 às 19:14:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A man in Pakistan shot his six daughters to death because two of them were said to have violated the family’s honor. He was told by his son that two of this teenage daughters had had romantic relationships, so he shot all six. He told police that he was glad that he had done it, and if he had it to do over, would still do the same thing.

In other news, a crowd of Muslims violently attacked a group of Copts in a predominantly Christian village in Egypt. A number of Christian victims were hospitalized, including a pregnant woman. The proximate cause of the attack was anger among the Muslims over a bell that was recently installed in the renovated village church.

30 de julho de 2011 às 19:21:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Statement of Geert Wilders concerning the massacre in Norway

The brutal murder of dozens of innocent Norwegian civilians several days ago has shocked the Freedom Party (Dutch PVV). We mourn and stand by the Norwegian people who suffer from a massive blow.

The manifesto of the perpetrator makes clear that this is a madman. He wants to work with Al Qaeda (which he cherishes great admiration for), craves the bombing of cities, dreams of knights that surgically mutilate themselves, and wants to meet his hero Karadzic.

Breivik also refers to the Netherlands. That the fight against Islam is violently abused by a psychopath is disgusting and a slap in the face of the global anti-Islamic movement. It fills me with disgust that the perpetrator refers to the PVV and me in his manifesto.

Neither PVV nor I are responsible for a lone idiot who twisted and violently abused the freedom-loving anti-Islamization ideals, no matter how much some people would like that. We are democrats at heart. The Freedom Party has never, ever called for violence and will never do. We believe in the power of the ballot box and the wisdom of the voter. Not bombs and guns.

We fight for a democratic and nonviolent means against the further Islamisation of society and will continue to do so. The preservation of our freedom and security is our only goal.

— Geert Wilders»

30 de julho de 2011 às 19:28:00 WEST  

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