Tenho aqui dito, várias vezes, que, a médio ou longo prazo, a população negra da Europa poderá juntar-se às fileiras mais radicais de Mafoma, como acontece nos E.U.A., onde existe a Nação do Islão, que conta com seis milhões de negros muçulmanos (numa população de vinte e cinco milhões de negros).
E, de facto, é isso que está a acontecer.
O Islão é o inimigo tradicional da Europa e os negros guardam ressentimento contra os Europeus - uma coisa junta-se à outra.
Assim, quanto mais negros existirem na Europa, maior é o potencial de surgimento de muçulmanos especialmente anti-europeus dentro das fronteiras da Europa.
Que elementos estão em cena?
De um lado, jovens negros «revoltados», com as costas quentes pelo sistema que os desculpabiliza e pela quantidade imensa de parentes e «brothers» que têm; jovens negros desenraizados, unidos pelo mesmo ódio ao Europeu »por causa da escravatura» e essa treta toda;
do outro, o Islão, que é um credo simples, totalitário, agressivo, conquistador, anti-europeu - significa isto que TEM TUDO para agradar aos jovens violentos imigrantes desenraizados.
Hoje, confirmou-se na prática a realidade desta teoria: um dos terroristas do dia 7 londrino, era um «cidadão britânico» de ascendência jamaicana.
Um negro, portanto. Não é um paquistanês pobrezinho, filho de muçulmanos, nem um norte-africano filho de muçulmanos, nem um turco filho de muçulmanos... muito provavelmente, não tem qualquer tradição muçulmana na família... é simplesmente um não europeu que aderiu expontaneamente a uma religião que visa castigar e submeter a Europa.
E, de facto, é isso que está a acontecer.
O Islão é o inimigo tradicional da Europa e os negros guardam ressentimento contra os Europeus - uma coisa junta-se à outra.
Assim, quanto mais negros existirem na Europa, maior é o potencial de surgimento de muçulmanos especialmente anti-europeus dentro das fronteiras da Europa.
Que elementos estão em cena?
De um lado, jovens negros «revoltados», com as costas quentes pelo sistema que os desculpabiliza e pela quantidade imensa de parentes e «brothers» que têm; jovens negros desenraizados, unidos pelo mesmo ódio ao Europeu »por causa da escravatura» e essa treta toda;
do outro, o Islão, que é um credo simples, totalitário, agressivo, conquistador, anti-europeu - significa isto que TEM TUDO para agradar aos jovens violentos imigrantes desenraizados.
Hoje, confirmou-se na prática a realidade desta teoria: um dos terroristas do dia 7 londrino, era um «cidadão britânico» de ascendência jamaicana.
Um negro, portanto. Não é um paquistanês pobrezinho, filho de muçulmanos, nem um norte-africano filho de muçulmanos, nem um turco filho de muçulmanos... muito provavelmente, não tem qualquer tradição muçulmana na família... é simplesmente um não europeu que aderiu expontaneamente a uma religião que visa castigar e submeter a Europa.
BNP man walks free after political show trial
8th July 2005
News article filed by BNP news team
At Andover Magistrates Court today (July 5th) BNP activist, Trevor Pett, was found not guilty of ‘Racially Aggravated Harassment’, a charge that has been hanging over him for the past five months.
On Saturday 5th Feb 2005 Trevor, in company with Basingstoke Parliamentary Candidate Roger Robertson and one other Party Member was distributing our party newspaper, Voice of Freedom, and leaflets to passers by and shoppers in Basingstoke town centre. Just before the end of the morning Trevor was arrested in the street by three Police Officers, one of whom was an Inspector. Trevor was locked in the cells for well over 7 hours and during this time his home was raided and searched by the Police, causing great distress to his terrified wife and daughter who were home alone. This search was authorised by an Inspector without recourse to a Magistrate.
The pressure was maintained on Trevor and his family, with the trial being delayed for 5 months. Knowing that the allegations were totally false this delaying tactic was obviously politically motivated, particularly as it continued through the period of the General Election, an assumption borne out by the subsequent behaviour of the District Judge hearing the case.
Defence case clear
The defence case was clear, Trevor was not present at the time when the accuser claimed Trevor had made the “racially aggravated harassment”. The VoF sales team had positioned themselves in clear view of a CCTV camera, and using this footage the statement of the accusers was shown to be false. Trevor was not in attendance at the time he was supposed to have committed the offence! The Police should never have brought the case to court as there was no case to answer, but such is the political nature of British police today.
The magistrate’s behaviour was very alarming. She not only endeavoured to bully the defence barrister during the case but also, in her summing up and judgement she made overt political statements and expressed opinions at variance with the time and place.
Political statement by magistrate
After opening her judgement with the unnecessary warning that anyone who makes racist or derogatory remarks, ‘deserves to be severely punished’, (Trevor having been found to have made no such remarks), she went on to say, and quote, ‘this country is, and always has been a multi racial society with many races living here. From the Vikings and Romans, (she got her chronology wrong), who invaded the country to recent years when various races from around the world have settled here and have enriched our society and have greatly benefited our country with their contributions’.
Independent observers in Court gained the impression that it was our Party and polices which were on trial. This impression was reinforced by the partisan political nature of the remarks of the Judge’s summing up, an example of which is given above, which incorporated controversial opinions on both politics and history which are open to debate and dissention even within the main political parties. The basic tenet of the British Judiciary is that it is above politics and independent of the Executive. This must now be called into question!
Although the case is over and our man Trevor can walk freely again, unhindered by the burden of the trial, the matter is far from over. A number of complaints have been lodged against Hampshire and Surrey police and explanations demanded for the political nature of the police actions.
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