terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2009


No Estado norte-americano do Oregon, um professor de liceu que dá aulas numa escola maioritariamente frequentada por alunos brancos diz que, por causa da ascensão de um negro à presidência, toda a literatura norte-americana na qual os negros sejam malvistos deve ser suprimida do programa escolar. Nesta literatura incluem-se, entre outras, as obras do famoso Mark Twain.

É o revisionismo politicamente correcto em todo o seu esplendor, como há muito já se previa que viesse a suceder - a censura de todo o racismo, não apenas no presente mas até no passado, a ponto de ocultar a existência de obras literárias, não porque tenham baixo valor literário, mas porque contém passagens que a Nova Inquisição não admite.

O que tem mais graça é que tanto se quer pôr Obama como um legítimo sucessor do famoso presidente Abraham Lincoln, e traçam-se todos os paralelismos possíveis e imaginários entre ambos, e afinal Lincoln não queria negros nos EUA... em vez disso, achava que todos deviam ser deportados para África.

E disse mais:
«Digo que não sou, nem nunca fui a favor de trazer a igualdade social e política entre as raças branca e negra - que não sou e nunca fui a favor de fazer com que negros possam ser jurados, nem que se possam qualificar para desempenhar cargos públicos, nem para se casarem com gente branca; e mais digo que há uma diferença física entre as raças negra e branca, que eu creio que irá para sempre proibir ambas as raças de viverem em conjunto em termos de igualdade política e social. E uma vez que não podem viver juntos, enquanto permanecerem juntos terá de haver a situação de inferior e de superior, e eu tal como qualquer outro homem sou a favor de que a posição superior seja conferida à raça branca. Afirmo a propósito que não acho que só porque o homem branco deva ter uma posição superior que o negro tenha de ver tudo a ser-lhe negado.»


Anonymous Anónimo said...

a minha visão é parecida com a do Lincoln.

ele não era assim tão "amiguinho" dos negros como isso.

apenas se adiantou à sua época e lhes deu a liberdade, com a qual, aliás, eu estou de acordo.

27 de janeiro de 2009 às 17:55:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Os europeus devem estar preparados para esta campanhas anti-europa. Todos os livros e matérias escolares que os politicamente correctos e iminvasores considerem insultuosas ou atentatórias contra a cultura dos países emissores da iminvasão deverão ser suprimidas.

27 de janeiro de 2009 às 18:31:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

o corão também faz parte dessa lista?

é que o maomé era pela escravatura e o islão escravizou muitos africanos, mais de 28 milhões.

a escravatura continua...


«In the 7th century A.D., the Arabs, having conquered Egypt, proceeded to enslave numerous peoples of Nubia, Somalia, Mozambique, and elsewhere, during the first Islamic expansion. The Nubians had been harshly dealt with in the fierce attacks by Arab forces. They defended themselves courageously, but faced with superior numbers and the determination of the soldiers of the jihad and the repeated assaults by Arab jihadists, the Nubians preferred to negotiate peace, concluding in 652 the treaty known as Bakht. This treaty committed the vanquished African monarch to turn over annually a supply of 360 captives to become slaves in the Arab-Muslim world. Thus it was that a large-scale Negro slave trade was for the first time invented by Arab-Muslims. I use the term Arab-Muslim because after the Bakht, this trade became trans-Saharan and Eastern, implicating more and more peoples and regions and extending far beyond the Arab world. The traders who took part were also Berbers from the Maghreb, Turks of the Ottoman Empire and Iranians, hence Persians. Many African captives were sold by the Arabs as far away as India, since the king of Bengal possessed about 8000 slaves in the 15th century. The majority of men deported at the start of this trade came from the population of Darfur. It all began there, and apparently it has never ceased.»

«Before the terrible castrations there were first sudden raids and massacres. For example, in the Holy War led by that Sudanese Arab chieftain, a mystic, enlightened, who considered himself a Mahdi (descendant of the Prophet), the whole of Sudan from the ocean to Egypt, taking in all the plateaux of Africa - from the Nile to the Zambezi - was subject to manhunts and the sale of captives. This space was twice the size of Europe, and certain explorers estimated its population to be around 100 million in the the 19th century. To have an idea of the evil, you must realize that these same observers stated that to hunt down and carry off 500,000 individuals, it was necessary to kill almost two million others (who resisted or tried to flee). So if births had ceased at the time, then, in less than a half-century, the interior of Africa would be nothing but a desolate wasteland today.

You also speak of genocide. Do you think there was a desire to annihilate the African Negro populations?

I do indeed find the word “genocide” suitable for this unprecedented enterprise. It must be stated that the disdain of the Arabs towards Africans was also a catalyst. The famous Arab historian of the 14th century, Ibn-Khaldum, wrote: “The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, because of an inferior degree of humanity, their place being closer to the level of animals.” The question then was: how to see to it that these “animals” did not reproduce in Arab-Muslim lands. For from the outset of the slave trade, the traders wanted to prevent them from becoming rooted. Since there was nothing metaphysical about it, castration appeared to be a practical solution. And so, in this effort to abase human beings, if the Arabs sent most black women to harems, they mutilated the men, using rudimentary procedures that caused a terrifying mortality. The figures on this slave trade are quite simply harrowing. (…)»

«Very numerous are those who would like to see the Arab-Muslim slave trade forever veiled in oblivion, often in the name of a certain religious, or even ideological solidarity. It is in fact a virtual pact signed and sealed between the descendants of the victims and those of the executioners, that leads to this denial. Because in this sort of “Stockholm syndrome African-style,” all of these fine people agree to place everything on the shoulders of the West. The selective silence surrounding the Arab-Muslim crimes against black peoples and this effort to minimize it, so as to better point the projectors solely at the transatlantic trade, is a cement being used to bring about a fusion of Arabs and Negro-African peoples - who have long been ” fellow victims” of Western colonialism. That Arab-Muslim writers and other intellectuals attempt to make even the simplest memory of this infamy disappear, as if it had never existed, is easily understood.

On the other hand, what is harder to grasp is the attitude of many researchers, and even of African Americans who are converting more and more to Islam. This attitude is not always healthy and is strongly influenced by a sort of self-censorship. As if evoking the slave trading past of Arab-Muslims is in some way tantamount to minimizing the transatlantic trade. (…)»

27 de janeiro de 2009 às 18:52:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Why would a Black American want to become a Muslim?»


27 de janeiro de 2009 às 18:53:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«Besides being practiced more or less openly today in Sudan and Mauritania, there is evidence that slavery still continues beneath the surface in some majority-Muslim countries as well — notably Saudi Arabia, which only abolished slavery in 1962, Yemen and Oman, both of which ended legal slavery in 1970, and Niger, which didn’t abolish slavery until 2004. In Niger, the ban is widely ignored, and according to a Nigerian study, as many as one million people remain in bondage there. Slaves are bred, often raped, and generally treated like animals. The BBC’s Hilary Andersson reported from Niger in February 2005: “The slave owners encourage the slaves to reproduce to increase their numbers, sometimes even determining when they have sexual intercourse. They treat the slaves like their cattle….There are documented cases of slaves being stripped naked in front of their families to humiliate them, of female slaves being raped by their owners, and even of male slaves being castrated by their owners as punishment.”»


27 de janeiro de 2009 às 19:03:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

On the other hand, what is harder to grasp is the attitude of many researchers, and even of African Americans who are converting more and more to Islam.

Mas o ódio ao Europeu é mais forte do que os «pormenores» históricos...

Além disso, o negro respeita a força. E o Europeu passa a vida a pedir desculpas, enquanto o muçulmano não pede desculpas a ninguém.

Como diz o Povo, quem muito se agacha mostra o rabo.

27 de janeiro de 2009 às 19:19:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Muitos Europeus também foram escravizados pelos muçulmanos.

27 de janeiro de 2009 às 21:38:00 WET  
Blogger CiscoKid said...

Mark Twain não era contra os negros, e a sua literatura depicta os excessos da época - é estupido estar-se a censurar livros só porque têm a palavra "nigger".

É o revisionismo politicamente correcto em todo o seu esplendor, como há muito já se previa que viesse a suceder

É um professor de liceu.

28 de janeiro de 2009 às 16:53:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Não há fumo sem fogo.

28 de janeiro de 2009 às 18:47:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

É o revisionismo politicamente correcto em todo o seu esplendor, como há muito já se previa que viesse a suceder

É um professor de liceu.
Quarta-feira, Janeiro 28, 2009 4:53:00 PM

Olha este a atirar areia para os olhos a tentar adormecer o pessoal.

28 de janeiro de 2009 às 19:21:00 WET  

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