A organização «Slowiánska Wiara» («Fé Eslava») convida os interessados a participar na sua cerimónia do Dia dos Ancestrais, ou Dziady, que será realizada na Polónia a 25 de Outubro. Todos os anos, esta associação organiza num anfiteatro perto de Opole, no sul do país, uma das mais importantes e extraordinárias celebrações do ano - o Festival dos Ancestrais. Aguardamos por convidados de toda a Polónia, bem como convidados estrangeiros. Como usual, a celebração será conduzida por quatro sacerdotes. Iremos providenciar acomodação e transporte de Opole ao anfiteatro.
Para mais informações, enviar e-mail para
Galeria fotografica relativa a algumas das futuras mesquitas da Alemanha
«UK Women Protest Woman-Led Prayer
LONDON — British Muslim women took to the streets in the south-east city of Oxford on Friday, October 17, to protest the first-ever women-led Friday prayer in Britain.»
«Bosnian Muslim Schools in Graft Grip
Bosnain Muslim professors selling exams, demand money for a passing grade, others want sex from female students; dean of the Bosnian Muslim law school arrested for soliciting Ukrainian prostitutes and organizing orgies for professors in a hotel.
The Muslim half of Bosnia is in the midst of cascading reports and shocking revelations of sexual abuse of students and corruption in its educational institutions.»
«Obama’s Muslim Outreach Problem
by Robert Spencer
Last Friday, Fox News — one of the few media outlets that isn’t entirely in the Obama camp — revealed that yet another Muslim outreach adviser for the Obama campaign has questionable ties to jihadist groups.»
«Spain: Melilla, Fresh Incident With Moroccan Police Officers
(ANSAmed) — MADRID, OCTOBER 17 — A Spanish policeman was assailed by Moroccan policemen at Melilla while he was trying to stop them from putting under arrest a Spanish national on Spanish territory, the daily El Pais reported Friday. It was the second incident at the border of the Spanish enclave in Morocco.»
«Sangh Parivar Wants to Remove Every Christian Trace in Orissa
Christians are not allowed to pray even in government-run refugee camps. The ground on which homes and churches once stood are taken over and “cleansed” of every trace of violence. Hindus tell raped nun to marry her rapist. The hue and cry is still on for Christians.
Bhubaneshwar (AsiaNews) — The Hindu fundamentalist groups that have been involved for more than a month in Orissa’s anti-Christian pogrom are becoming more methodical. Sometimes with police assistance they prevent Christians from meeting to pray, try to murder new converts, and are trying to take over the land where churches and Christian homes once stood in order to wipe off the face of the earth any trace of Christian presence. Whilst Indian public opinion is shocked by the violence, especially by the rape of a nun, Hindu radicals want to reintroduce a tribal law that would have the rape victim marry her rapist.
The destruction of 180 churches and 4,500 homes, burnt and razed to the ground, and the 50,000 refugees this has generated are but the first chapter in a programme whose ultimate goal is to do away with Christianity in this state from the roots up. Christians are treated like criminals even in refugee camps set up by the government for those who fled their homes.»
«Islamist Group Claims Responsibility of US Financial Meltdown
CAIRO- Members of the Egyptian Jihad group have declared that Islamic Jihad groups are responsible for the financial meltdown in the US as they distributed hundred of millions of US dollars in the world stock markets.
Fact International (FI), received a copy of the statement made by members of the Jihad Group in Abu Zabal Prison in Egypt, which said that the Jihad groups distributed the millions of dollars in the world’s stock exchanges, to hit the US economy, which resulted in the global financial crisis.»
Pra aqueles que são cegos pra não ver as maravilhas que ele fez
pra aqueles que não deram e nem dão ouvidos a sua doce voz
pra aqueles que desprezam ao seu maravilhoso nome que é acima de todo o nome, pra aqueles, que ainda não conhecem o
verdadeiro filho de Deus, digo a vc que ELe continuará existindo
e sempre havera os verdadeiros filhos de Deus, que continuaram
acreditando nele, pois ELe jamais foi esquecido, mas um dia Ele
irar julgar a cada um segundo as suas ações e obras amigo.
ELe sempre foi perfeito, mas o homem nunca terá moral pra querer se igualar ao Senhor Jesus, pode crer nisso, a todos os
ATeus e todos que rejeitam e difamam ao nome que é digno de
toda a glória e louvor, serão envergonhados, pois ELe sempre
será lembrado, mas vc, jamais......tenha uma boa noite
Ainda que o desprezem, ELe Jesus, continuará existindo para a glória de Deus Pai, e para a vergonha de todos
que rejeitam a sua palavra que sempre será verdade para o que crer.
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