quarta-feira, novembro 02, 2005


Os confrontos em Paris continuam - pela sexta noite consecutiva. Nicolas Sarkozy julga que vai deter a escumalha criminosa... a ver vamos. Ainda agora a SIC Notícias está a meter nojo com a cobertura jornalística que está a fazer do caso, a querer dar a entender que Sarkozy «é extremista» por dizer que quem ataca a polícia «não são jovens, são escumalha» (curioso, parece que em França, a súcia de Esquerda também chama «jovens» aos petizes africanos e mouros...), e que o que é preciso é «combater a exclusão social», e que «a política de força não está a dar resultado».

Pois - é melhor a política de fraqueza:
- é melhor não perseguir sequer os jovenzinhos quando eles fogem à polícia;
- é melhor a polícia nem resistir;
- é melhor dar-lhes tudo o que querem quando se põem a fazer reivindicações depois de agredirem a polícia e queimarem veículos.

SIC Notícias? SICK, absolutamente SICK Notícias. Esta gentalha da comunicação sucial é aberrantemente doentia.

Adenda: desde sábado até este momento, já foram queimados cento e oitenta (180 - CLXXX) carros.

Mais outra adenda: e se Sarkozy começasse a deportar a escumalha amotinada, todos a eito, quantos fossem apanhados, quantos eram postos fora do país - será que assim a escória violenta não baixava a bolinha?
Se não baixasse, melhor - era da maneira que eram todos postos FORA DA EUROPA, JÁ.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Deviam era meter a comunicação sucial a "tentar" negociar com os amotinados, para verem se conseguiam alguma coisa - ou melhor, para nós conseguirmos alguma coisa!... ;-)

2 de novembro de 2005 às 17:38:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Viking city falls to race riots

2nd November 2005

News article filed by our Danish correspondent Jens Larsen

The ancient harbour city has seen nothing like it in its history. The most exciting thing that happens here is the ferry sailings for our capital Copenhagen but for several nights in a row, there have been the worst riots in Århus for many years and the attacks, just like those in Paris have been carried out by angry young Muslims. Whereas the Muslim rioters in France come from North Africa the ones here come from Turkey, Lebanon and Somalia. Policemen have been attacked, shops looted and one building set on fire. It seems as if Europe is about to ignite and it is now almost winter here. I fear what might have happened if this had been midsummer with our long hot sunny days bringing more people out on to the streets. Our local paper, Jyllands Post is the only paper that mentions the identity of the attackers. Our television channels have only talked about violence but not who has been the cause of the trouble.

"This land belongs to us", declared the young rioters.

On Sunday evening the Århus fire department needed police escorts to get in and extinguish an arsonist fire in Søndervangs Alle.

The words of the young Muslims sound like an open declaration of war against Danish society. The police must stay away. This area belongs to immigrants.

Four youngsters sit at the wall in the Rosenhøj centre, Sunday afternoon, self declared spokesmen, for those groups who three nights in a row has rioted, and set businesses on fire. All around the parking lot, there are swarms of cars with youngsters from the immigrant community, who are celebrating the worst riots in Århus in several years. Every night, 30 to 40 immigrant youngsters participated. Only two have been arrested. It was a victory.

A window was smashed in a house and a petrol bomb thrown in setting the building ablaze. The fire engines waited for a police escort so they could enter in and try to put out the fires. Bricks from the street have been thrown and used to smash windows along the street. The police reports that the youngsters came to the area armed with rocks that they brought in.

On Saturday(29th), a 16 year old from Somalia was jailed for committing dangerous violence, because he attacked a bakery with large rocks. One rock barely missed an employee’s face.


"We are tired of being oppressed. We are tired of the police raiding our parents. We are tired of the police stopping our cars, and raids (sic) us in public and damages our honour.”

"We are tired of the police beating up our friends, like they did this afternoon", screams a young man with his face covered.

He calls himself 100 percent Palestinian, born in a refugee camp in Lebanon, 19 years ago, and is now unemployed in Denmark.

"The police has to stay away. This is our area. We rule this place"

Local newspaper cartoons

Anger has also been directed towards a local newspaper, the Jyllands Post for apparently posting cartoons deemed to be offensive to the young Muslim migrants.

"We are angry to what has happened to our prophet. We are tired of the Jyllands Post …. but we are not going to take this, what the Jyllands Post has done towards the prophet", he states aggressively, and the others nod in agreement.

Planned for three weeks

Two of them are Turks, and it is the first time that Turks and Palestinians have joined forces, according to the spokesman.

"We have planned this for three weeks. That's why only two were arrested on Saturday.
Police tried to block us in, but we know how to get out", he states and disappears chewing on a piece of pizza that he has looted from Fun Pizza.

England, France, Denmark, the Netherlands; not one country which has opened its doors to large scale migration from Africa and the Middle East seems spared from the anger that the young people from these places bring with them. We have not seen people killed here in Denmark yet but many are wondering just how long it we be before we have a death reported. Local people, especially the older people are angry of course but too many are afraid of speaking openly because no one wants to be labelled as a racist.

2 de novembro de 2005 às 18:15:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Paris burns in sixth night of violence

2nd November 2005

News article filed by BNP news team

France has now witnessed six consecutive nights of violence across nine towns in the Paris area. Scores of vehicles and waste bins have been set ablaze and up to a dozen buildings attacked. Police have resorted to using rubber bullets to deal with the rioters. The scale of the violence by Muslim gangs is unprecedented and highlights the hatred and contempt for western society by the rioters who are mainly of Northern African Arab or central African black origin.

The troubles started on Thursday evening in the northern Parisian suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois following the accidental electrocution of two teenagers who were hiding to escape police in a power substation and has since escalated across an arc of suburbs across northern Paris.

The rioting appears to be a response to the French government’s attempts to deal with a crime wave in the suburbs. Last week Nicolas Sarkozy, Interior Minister and leader of France's ruling UMP party, vowed to wage a "war without mercy" on crime in the Paris where organised crime rackets, prostitution, people smuggling, drug dealing and car crime are rife.

However a spokesman for the opposition Socialist Party said:

"When an interior minister doesn't hesitate to use insulting terms, branding as 'rabble' communities which have the misfortune to be fragile and wanting to turn water-cannon on them, it is the image of the country that is tarnished".

The catalogue of violence by the mainly Muslim gangs demonstrates the folly of allowing a flood of inassimilable migrants into the heart of western cities.

Aulnay-sous-Bois- Police resorted to using rubber bullets on Tuesday evening on gangs of missile throwing rioters. 15 cars set ablaze. Molotov cocktails thrown at a municipal buildings including a fire station and annex to the town hall.

Bondy - Four people were arrested for throwing missiles at police. Firefighters called out to deal with 14 burning cars and a carpet store on Tuesday.

Clichy-sous-Bois- Monday saw a fifth night of violence with “scores” of cars set ablaze.

Hauts-de-Seine- Mobile gangs were setting fires to waste bins and vehicles.

Seine-et-Marne- Sporadic attacks by mobile gangs on police, some vehicles set ablaze.

Sevran - The mayor of Sevran said youths set two rooms of a primary school on fire, and attacked several cars. Police said three officers were slightly injured in attacks on Monday.

Val-d'Oise- Throughout Tuesday mobile gangs were said to be setting fires to waste bins and vehicles.

Yvelines- Sporadic attacks by mobile gangs on police.

Sedan in north eastern France saw a night of violence, apparently unrelated to the Paris incidents but apparently in response to police arrests of a member of a drugs gang youths set fire to an empty building and trash cans and stoned fire trucks in several nights of unrest in Sedan, northeastern France, authorities there said Tuesday.

2 de novembro de 2005 às 18:17:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

É isto o «futuro» - já estamos no futuro - e os sinais da guerra civil europeia, entre indígenas e invasores, avolumam-se.

O mais grave é que a maior parte dos indígenas está de mãos atadas pelo veneno abjecto que grassa entre eles. Nem os Troianos foram obrigados a ficar de braços cruzados, ou dopados, a assistir à destruição da sua cidade.

2 de novembro de 2005 às 18:22:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Que se fodan os gabachos.....

2 de novembro de 2005 às 20:29:00 WET  
Blogger vs said...

"Nicolas Sarkozy julga que vai deter a escumalha criminosa..."

Vai sim senhor, ou agora, ou em 2007, quando for eleito presidente francês.

O caturo fala em 'escória'.
Pois bem, foi utilizando precisamente a palavra 'ESCÓRIA' que Sarkozy qualificou os meliantes.*

Que é que o CAturo acha de Sarkozy?
Afinal, o presumível futuro presidente da França é filho de um húngaro e de uma judia.
Acresce que, ainda por cima, é conhecido frequentador da Sinagoga, é Sionista e alinhadíssimo com os EUA (o que seria uma grande mudança na política francesa e na correlação de forças internacionais).

Como se sentirão os muçulmanos em França (uma comunidade de ilhões) quando, subitamente, a sua vida fácil começar a mudar e virem que são governados por um.....bem, você sabe.

Acho que nem vai ser preciso le Pen, vai mesmo com o Nicolas.

*os 'jovens' reagiram com furiosos latidos e ruidosos balidos, afirmando que Sarkozy "ne connait pas autre chose que le luxe des quartiers juifs".

Ora cá está!
Pois é....
Eles mesmo o disseram!!

3 de novembro de 2005 às 01:12:00 WET  
Blogger Caturo said...

Sinceramente, acho que da Direita burguesa não vem solução de longo prazo. Mas a ver vamos o que faz esse meio judeu.

3 de novembro de 2005 às 02:30:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Por mim está óptimo! Aliás, já era ponto assente, e agora ainda mais, que só os Judeus é que sabem lidar com esta escumalha como deve ser, até porque são os únicos no Mundo que não têm complexos em usar a força apenas porque há 60 anos a força foi usada e abusada...

3 de novembro de 2005 às 11:15:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Por mim está óptimo! Aliás, já era ponto assente, e agora ainda mais, que só os Judeus é que sabem lidar com esta escumalha como deve ser, até porque são os únicos no Mundo que não têm complexos em usar a força apenas porque há 60 anos a força foi usada e abusada...

3 de novembro de 2005 às 11:15:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

La trahison de la langue : quand on n'ose plus regarder les choses en face, on prend la parole pour mieux les occulter. Appliquons les modifications du sens habituel des mots aux violences que nous connaissons dans les banlieues urbanisées et en d'autres lieux. On ne parlera plus en France d'«émeutes», mais d'«actions de harcèlement» ; de «délinquants», mais de «jeunes» ; de «policiers», mais de «provocateurs» ; de «trafic de stupéfiants», mais d'«économie parallèle» ; d'«acte de piraterie», mais de «détournement de navire» ou de «récupération de bien national» ; de «zones de non-droit», mais de «quartiers sensibles» ; d'«atteinte au droit du travail», mais de «mouvement de revendication légitime», etc.

(Le Figaro, 3/XI/2005)

Quantos não serão os casos iguais de que temos conhecimento em Portugal?

3 de novembro de 2005 às 22:22:00 WET  

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