quarta-feira, outubro 15, 2008


Ritual realizado em meados deste ano pela organização Nova Roma.


Anonymous Anónimo said...


However, Western women are not the only victims. «In Indonesia, in 1998, human rights groups documented the testimony of over 100 Chinese women who were gang raped during the riots that preceded the fall of President Suharto. Many of them were told: You must be raped, because you are Chinese and non-Muslim.»

Consequently, the Muslim male definition for a rape victim is not nationality but religion. If one is not Muslim, one is rape bait. Actually, again, it must be pointed out that Islam is not a religion among world religions. It is a killing cult. All other world religions tolerate those who do not agree with their tenets. Islam does not; death to those who do not convert to Islam.

«Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported that in April 2005, a 9-year-old Pakistani girl was raped, beaten with a cricket bat, hanged upside down from the ceiling, had spoonfuls of chillies poured into her mouth, and repeatedly bashed while handcuffed. Her Muslim neighbors told her they were taking revenge for the American bombing of Iraqi children and informed her they were doing it because she was an infidel and a Christian.

«In Sudan “ where Arab Muslims slaughter black Muslim and Christian Sudanese in an ongoing genocide “ former Sudanese slave and now a human rightsâ activist Simon Deng says he witnessed girls and women being raped and that the Arab regime of Khartoum sends its soldiers to the field to rape and murder. In other reports, women who are captured by government forces are asked; Are you Christian or Muslim? and those who answer Christian, are gang raped before having their breasts cut off.»


16 de outubro de 2008 às 17:45:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«In Norway and Sweden, journalist Fjordman warns of a rape epidemic. Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen stated that the steady increase of rape-cases and the link to ethnicity are clear, unmistakable trends. Two out of three persecutions for rape in Oslo are immigrants with a non-Western background and 80 percent of the victims are Norwegian women.

«In Sweden, according to translator for Jihad Watch, Ali Dashti, Gang rapes, usually involving Muslim immigrant males and native Swedish girls, have become commonplace. A few weeks ago she said, Five Kurds brutally raped a 13-year-old Swedish girl.»


16 de outubro de 2008 às 17:51:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...



16 de outubro de 2008 às 18:05:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

All other world religions tolerate those who do not agree with their tenets.

«All other world religions tolerate» agora... porque o Cristianismo, quando dominava a Europa, não tolerava...

16 de outubro de 2008 às 18:06:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


16 de outubro de 2008 às 18:21:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«All other world religions tolerate» agora... porque o Cristianismo, quando dominava a Europa, não tolerava...


16 de outubro de 2008 às 18:22:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«The Party and its leader, he said,

“have gone to bed with Islamists, operatives of the Canadian Islamic Congress, and other organizations, such as the Council on American Islamic Relations Canada, the Muslim Student Associations in our universities, ISNA – the Islamic Society of North America … for reasons of sheer political opportunism at the expense of the security of our citizens, and defending the fundamental values of our democracy.”»

16 de outubro de 2008 às 18:27:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Caturo, você é reencarnacionista?

16 de outubro de 2008 às 18:31:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«Venezuela: Oil falls below $80, “Baby needs a new pair of shoes.”»

16 de outubro de 2008 às 19:06:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«An ideological Axis of Evil: Islamism, Leftism, and neo-Nazism»

«The fluid nature of neo-Nazism and contemporary Socialism also needs to be stressed. While Leftists across Europe denounce as “Nazis” and “fascists” any party opposed to Islamism, a review of neo-Nazism shows that neo-Nazis are — to the contrary — pro-Islamist. Neo-Nazism and contemporary socialism in fact are almost inseparable in their positions: pro-worker/trade union, anti-American, anti-colonialism/anti-imperialism, anti-neo-Conservative, anti-Israel, and, though sometimes disguised, anti-Semitic. But, as Islamism has become an increasing concern for the West, neo-Nazis and socialists are especially alike in regard to their support for it…»


16 de outubro de 2008 às 19:12:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A Liga do Norte avançou com uma nova proposta legislativa....só podem ser integrados nas escolas publicas italianas os filhos de imigrantes que passem num exame previo.

A esquerda grita XENOFOBIA! XENOFOBIA!....e até a neo fascista Alessandra Mussolini, apoiante de Berlusconi, parece estar com receio de manifestar apoio publico a esta proposta da Liga do Norte.

16 de outubro de 2008 às 19:24:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

Caturo, você é reencarnacionista?

Se acredito na reencarnação? Talvez, não digo que não exista, já li coisas convincentes a esse respeito, mas honestamente prefiro a crença na imortalidade bem aventurada num plano superior de existência.

16 de outubro de 2008 às 19:35:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

A esquerda grita XENOFOBIA! XENOFOBIA!....e até a neo fascista Alessandra Mussolini, apoiante de Berlusconi, parece estar com receio de manifestar apoio publico a esta proposta da Liga do Norte.

E nem é nada xenófoba, é simplesmente prudente. Não se pode permitir que os estudantes nacionais possam ser atrasados pelo peso dos que nem sequer percebem a língua do País.

16 de outubro de 2008 às 19:36:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


«After Muhammad’s death, the Muslims armies under Khaliph Umar captured Jerusalem in 638, but there were no historical references/sources left which would mention any Muslim claims as to whether Jerusalem was a holy Islamic place (neither Muslim nor Christian).

The Jerusalem (as a Muslims holy place) issue was born some 50 years after the prophet’s death in 682 when Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr rebelled against the second Umayyad khaliph, Yazid B. Muawiya and after taking Mecca prevented pilgrims from fulfilling the Hajj.

Yazid’s successor Khalif Abd al-Malik needed an alternative place for the pilgrimage and decided upon Jerusalem which by then was under his control.

To convince the pilgrims that the new place was as good as Mecca Abd al-Malik used some creative «theology» and re-discovered that the prophet had traveled to some place called the Remote Mosque (Al-Aqsa), during his extravagant night-voyage into heaven in A.D. 619.

AL-Aqsa mosque was indeed mentioned in the Qur’an:

Qur’an-17.1 Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the Remote Mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

And so the Remote or Furtherest Mosque was “rediscovered” as the sacred Temple in Jerusalem.

There was only one problem. Muhammad could not see any great temple in Jerusalem during his mystic journey with Angel Gabriel because the last Jewish temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Roman Emperor Titus (some 500 years before Muhammad’s alleged birth).

Somehow though, such trivia as facts and history had never seemed to bother Islamic scholars and theologians.

To support the new Khaliph’s Quranic discovery, a new Temple, which became the Dome of Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhra) and later the Remote Mosque ( al-Aksa Mosque ) were conveniently built.

Al Malik did not succeed though in convincing his fellow Muslims about the sanctity of Jerusalem and so they continued to direct their “quibla” towards Mecca and the pagan Kabaa as they always had even before the invention of Islam.

In fact the contemporary Arabs knew that the Remote Mosque (al-Aksa) had always been near Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula. This is stated in Kitab al-Maghazi by a historian and geographer al-Waqidi (d.822 A.D.)According to him there were two places of prayer in al-Gi’ranah, a village between Mecca and Ta’if, one was “the closer mosque” (al-masjid al-adana) and the other was “the remote mosque” (al-masjid al-aqsa).(...)»

16 de outubro de 2008 às 21:06:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«it’s time Islam was really subjected to some hard scrutiny but that won’t happen in today’s universities where an American study already shows the ‘paint a rosy’ picture, level of research.»

16 de outubro de 2008 às 21:19:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

«“My mother used ‘purdah’. She wore a ‘burqa’ with a net cover in front of the face. It reminded me of the meat-safes in my grandmother’s house. One had a net door made of cloth, the other of metal. But the objective was same – keeping the meat safe”.

During the period of Muhammad and his successors, prostitution diminished for a time (Durant, 1950. p. 220). It’s not because Muhammad had a high regard for women and he worked for the welfare of the fallen women and upgraded their condition. It’s because Muhammad lowered the status of married women to the lowest level of sex-slavery and prostitution. He allowed sexual appetite so many outlets within the Islamic law that the prostitutes became jobless. The shocking truth is that Muhammad viewed women as domestic animals. In his farewell sermon Muhammad equated women to cattle. Tabari (IX:113) recorded (cited Winn, 2004, p. 557):

“Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur’an.”

As per Sunaan Abu Dawud 11.2155; Women, slaves and camels are same; must seek Allah´s refuge from all these. Muhammad’s teaching was too great. During 2007, a man (of forty years) from Afghanistan first shaved his wife Nazia’s (of seventeen years) head and then cut off her ears, and nose and broke her teeth with a stone, knocked her down and beat her severely until her hands and legs were broken and burnt her feet with boiling water while she fainted, on the first day of Eid ul Adha, an Islamic ritual of sacrifice. Nazia is his second wife. He already killed his first wife. (Hairan, 2007; IRIN, 2007). This is how some Muslims celebrate Eid festival; sacrificing own wife in place of a camel. Camels are costly but women are cheap.

In Urdu, women are called ‘aurat’ (عورت), which came from the Arabic word ‘awrah’ (عورة). The Arabic word refers to the genitals of a woman’s body, in a simple and straightforward word, which is called the ‘vagina’. It means, the entire body of a Muslim woman is a huge vagina and nothing else (Warraq, 2005. p. 316). How many Urdu speaking Asian Muslims know this fact that for referring their mothers, sisters and daughters, they use a word which actually degrades their women folks?

‘Nikah’ (Muslim marriage, النكاح) is an Arabic word whose literal meaning is penetration (Kaleeby, 2002; Warraq, 2005). It can be pronounced as ‘Nokh’, which again means the ‘awrah’, the giant vagina, i.e, the entire body of a Muslim woman. When the word ‘Nikah’ is used to mean marriage, the actual meaning is not marriage but literally ‘sexual penetration’. Ignorant Muslims often use these words, without knowing their actual meaning and degrade their woman folks to the level of sex-slaves and cheap highway prostitutes.

The compensation (dower) for sexual service of the wife is known as ‘mahr’, which all Muslim men must agree to pay before marriage. It can be immediate or deferred to a future date. No Islamic marriage is valid without the payment of ‘mahr’. Sometimes, Muslim women take keen pride in the sums paid for them as ‘mahr’ without knowing the actual purpose of it. In reality, however, ‘mahr’ is nothing but the payment to purchase a female body for sexual enjoyment. This degradation is sanctioned by Allah in ‘Sha’ria’ (the divine law of Allah). So when a Muslim marries off his sister or daughter to another Muslim family, he actually auctions his sister’s or daughter’s soft and warm vagina for a quick financial profit. If the ‘mahr’ is not sufficient, then as per ‘Sha’ria’ Law, the marriage can be cancelled. Often the wife does not get to use the ‘mahr’ for herself. This money is used to furnish the house of the newly married couple or her father grabs the entire amount (Warraq, 2005, p. 311). In an Islamic marriage, there is hardly a trace of romantic love. One rarely finds love poetry in their marriage songs.

Under Sha’ria Law, the husband is not obliged to pay for her medical expenses in case of illness except childbirth (Warraq, 2005. p. 311).

“For a woman, the first night after marriage is the night of forcible sex. In Bangladesh, the number of marital rape incidents is several times higher than any other rapes.”

“Here [Bangladesh], there are single rapes and multiple rapes. Here; father rapes daughter, son-in-law rapes mother-in-law … top executive rapes sweeper of his office, teacher rapes girl student, Imam rapes the kindergarten girl, brother-in-law rapes the sister-in-law, father-in-law rapes daughter-in-law…”[original in Bengali, translated by author].

Mukhtaran Mai (Pakistan)was gang-raped and left naked on the orders of a tribal council in 2002 as punishment for her brother´s alleged affair with a woman from another tribe.

Sha’ria Law permits temporary marriages (Nikah Mutah), though there is a Hadith which prohibits it. Mutah marriage is a type of prostitution in the guise of marriage. Dictionary of Islam defines Mutah as ‘a marriage contracted for a limited period, for a certain sum of money’ (cited Brahmachari, 2008). Though Sunni Muslims have banned Mutah, but it is still widely practiced amongst Shias. Under this system, a Muslim can change his wife everyday. It’s a temporary permit for sexual service and hence a legalized prostitution.

In Islam, even the breast-milk of a woman does not belong to her and the husband (who purchased her with ‘mahr’) has the lawful right on it. If the adult husband forcefully drinks the milk of his wife under ‘Sha’ria’, the milk is treated as a food and not as foster milk. According to Malik’s Muwatta (Book 30, Number 30.1.11), «Suckling…after the first two years, little or much, it does not make anything haram. It is like food.» As per another Hadith from Malik’s Muwatta (Book 30, Number 30.2.14), a Muslim man is divinely allowed to drink his wife’s milk (or, multiple wives’ milk on choice and test) regularly and still can remain her sex-partner (Truly, a Muslim has a lot of advantages over non-Muslims!). This is the height of stupidity in Allah’s divine law.

As per Sha’ria, a woman can be married at any age even when she is a newly born baby. Khomeini said:
«A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby” (Paz, 2006).
What Khomeini said was ethically wrong but islamically divine. Muhammad, the master of darkness was a sex-maniac. Much had been written about his superb collection of wives (which includes baby Aisha and daughter-in-law Zainab), slave-girls and concubines. The lesser known fact is that, once he was sexually attracted to a crawling baby also. Ibn Ishaq, the earliest and most authentic biographer of the prophet recorded in his book Sirat Rasul Allah.

The laxity in the number of wives and concubines, and freedom of men to marry and remarry, marriage within close relatives etc often make Muslim families to proliferate confusingly. So, when little Munawwar Ali goes to Madrassah for Islamic education; his best identity is; he is one of the twenty children by one of the thirteen wives of Sheikh Abdullah Ali! Large family is one of the reasons for which bulk of the Muslims are poor.

Throughout the history, Muslim rulers used to have a closely guarded wing called ‘harem’. In Arabic a ‘harem’ is a prohibited place where all the ‘begums’ (wives) live – vacuum-sealed world of their own. In plain language these harems are private brothels. In India, the Mughal haram was an immense establishment.

Akbar, the Mughal Emperor had more than 5000 women (Early, 1977. p. 642). Out of this, his private wives numbered only 300 and rest all was concubines. His son Jahangir had more than 1000 wives (Pelsaert, 1972). Ali had 200 wives. Ibn al-Teiyib , a famous dyer of Baghdad, who lived to be 85 years, is reported to have 900 wives, al-Mutawakkil had 400 wives – each of whom had shared his bed one night only (Durant, 1950, p. 222). Muhammad’s grandson Hasan had up to 300 wives. Hasan often married four wives in one sitting and then divorced four wives in one sitting (Kasem, n. d). Muslims have no respect for celibacy. Most Muslim saints are married with a houseful of kids.

In addition to above; domestic violence is the most widespread and common form of violence against women and young girls in Muslim families. Child brides live with older men who expect them to carry out all the duties of an adult woman, even if those responsibilities are too great for a child, let alone a woman. Frequently, the husbands assert their authority in the home through physical violence and consider wife torture a heroic deed. In Egypt twenty-nine percent of married adolescents have been beaten by their husbands; out of this forty-one percent during pregnancy. In Jordan, twenty-six percent of reported cases of domestic violence were committed against wives under eighteen. As per one report by Amnesty International; over ninety percent of Pakistani wives have been mishandled (struck, beaten, or abused sexually) for minor offences like cooking unsatisfactory meal and failure to give birth of a male child (Spencer, 2005). Wife beating is sanctioned by Allah (Koran 4:34). In a Hadith Muhammad advised:
“Hang up your whip where your wife can see it” (cited Warraq, 2005. p. 314).
In Sudan, the genital passage of the divorced women and widows are closed by stitching keeping a small portion open for menses (Azad, 2005. p. 197).

Even Muhammad raised his violent hand on his child bride, Aisha. It is recorded in Sahih Muslim, Book 004, number 2127 (cited Kasem, 2005) – once while sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad secretly left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi; Aisha spied and followed Muhammad; when Muhammad learned Aisha’s misdeed he hit her (beat her) on her chest that caused much pain to her. This divine act of wife-beating is recorded in The History of al-Tabari. Vol. IX, (cited Kasem, 2005). However, the ‘kind’ treatment of women does not end here. Kasem (2005) cited another Hadith from Sunaan Abu Dawud (11.2142) –
‘The Prophet said - A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife’.
Somali Muslims whip their newly wedded wives on the very first night (Azad, 1995. p. 197; Miles, 1988. p. 89). Merciless beating without any reason is a religious tradition in Somalia.

Fajlur Rahaman referred to one Hadith (cited Azad, 1995. p. 166), which says:
“even if the husband is a leper and the wife cleans the pus of his wounds with her tongue and swallows the pus, still she is not equal to her husband” (original in Bengali, translated by author).

In pre-Islamic Arabia women were free, happy and respectful. They used to take part in meetings, often attended in court of law with similar equality of man; run business (Khadija, the first wife of Muhammad was a business women and employed several men to look after her business); even fought many battles. Only under Islam they were animalized.»


17 de outubro de 2008 às 18:40:00 WEST  

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