domingo, agosto 12, 2012

Mércores, 29 de Janeiro de 2778 AUC


Termina hoje mais uma sessão dos Jogos Olímpicos. A cerimónia de encerramento realiza-se hoje à noite. A de abertura originou forte polémica no Reino Unido, nem referida em Portugal, desde que um militante conservador, Aidan Burley, denunciou o carácter esquerdista da mesma, segundo aqui se lê:
O sujeito foi duramente criticado, e insultado, mas secundado por outros militantes da Direita, e a verdade é que depois houve gente no maior partido de Esquerda, o dos Trabalhistas, a elogiar o evento como «socialista», isto é, fortemente esquerdista, devido ao aspecto multicultural e «proletarista» do espectáculo, o qual foi conduzido, note-se, por um indivíduo com passado de militância esquerdista, Danny Boyle, que começou a sua carreira na Extrema-Esquerda ao participar numa revista de orientação marxista, publicação do Partido Comunista Revolucionário Britânico.

A ver vamos se hoje sucede o mesmo...

E, se suceder, não surpreende minimamente, sabendo-se como é dominantemente esquerdista o mundo da cultura e do espectáculo.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Retirado de um site sueco e traduzido para o inglês pelo google. Um dos participantes do chat afirma que ocultar a etnia dos criminosos não está mais funcionando, pois o povo sueco é racista:

"Solis: 2010-04-22 In a country as segregated as Sweden occur rapidly the risk of racists and people with no college education believe that it is immigrants who have committed a crime simply because it occurred in, for example, the Bishop's Palace or Tensta. Maybe they unwillingness to publish the offender's descriptions have the opposite effect to that intended. Do not you think it would be best to avoid reporting on the crime was committed? In all cases where they occurred in exposed, segregated and discriminated areas.

Ulf Johansson: We receive many questions even if this, that is to say that we are too much highlighting crimes in areas that have a high proportion of people from other countries. We try to balance the reporting so that it is correct but it would be wrong to avoid reporting the crimes.

Solis 2010-04-22 Another thing: do not you think it is a problem that the perpetrator characteristics - sadly, often ethnic ones - are now reaching out to many through non-traditional media? The responsibility to refrain from publishing irrelevant information such as descriptions of criminals still free of course, is good journalistic practice in a country where racism is by far the biggest problem, but what do you do when it is not enough? Would not it be great if the state, or perhaps the EU could step in and prevent the expression on the internet which publishes dangerous and lättvantolkad information? Or it is enough to newspapers and television to avoid substances that can cause a breeding ground for intolerance?

Ulf Johansson What you describe is really just a more organized form of gossip and rumors. People have always gossiped, but the network has given this gossip is a much wider spread. I would think that there is a problem that gossip and outright lies spread but it is up to each individual to determine what to believe. I can only stand for what we publish should readers to believe.

Solis 2010-04-22 Basically, it is of course as I said a good thing that avoids the media to publish material that can cause social disorder or threaten the progress based on a democratic decision, such as immigration. Just as you write is always such a form of gossip, which can not compete with it, despite all pretty balanced information in the Swedish media. The only question is why not apply this principle also in its external reporting. Do we really need to know that "Muslims" blew up the World Trade Center, or "black" kill "white" farmers in Zimbabwe? Do not you think that, just as the question of the so-called immigrant crime is a form of false knowledge that can only lead to intolerance?"

O artigo completo pode ser lido em sueco no seguinte link:


A mídia sueca está preocupada. O povo continua racista, mesmo com a mídia ocultando a etnia dos criminosos.

12 de agosto de 2012 às 22:44:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

Ai este povinho... e é mesmo o povinho mais povinho e menos domesticado, aliás, influenciado pela elite, como aqui tenho dito: «people with no college education believe that it is immigrants who have committed a crime».

12 de agosto de 2012 às 22:47:00 WEST  
Blogger Caturo said...

Ai este povinho... e é mesmo o povinho mais povinho e menos domesticado, aliás, influenciado pela elite, como aqui tenho dito: «people with no college education believe that it is immigrants who have committed a crime».

12 de agosto de 2012 às 22:47:00 WEST  

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