sexta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2005

Sáturnes, 25 de Janeiro de 2778 AUC


Só ontem é que dei pela existência deste interessantíssimo artigo na secção «Raça e Identidade» do Forum Nacional. Mas mais vale tarde do que nunca. Por isso, cá vai:

News article filed by BNP news team
1st February 2005

A press release from Stanford University a few days ago is probably one of the most significant to be released in the last fifty years. A major study in ethnicity and culture undertaken by the California based University concludes that race is very much a reality and not a myth created by supremacist Europeans.

Very briefly the study found that the racial category chosen by a participant in the study correlated with a distinct group found by genetic markers in the DNA of the same participants. For example participants X, Y and Z may have all ticked the box marked African-American. The participants X,Y and Z could be identified by distinct genetic markers as belonging to a unique group.

The research engaged over 3,600 participants for study making this the largest genetic study ever undertaken has proven that the Far Left and the Liberal politicians who make a profit from lies about race have been deceiving the public for decades. Race exists and therefore it is legitimate for people to defend their racial and folkish interests through community and political work.

No more can the lies of the left be used to smear those of us who stand up for truth and justice. The new age of genetic science where bio-genetic medicines can treat those people with racially inherited diseases and the new age of Pharmacogenomic medicines where the issue of race has to be addressed in order to save lives, means the debate on race must occur. People across the world are dying just because the leftists and the politicians can make political capital out of lying to the public.

Talking about race is not racist - but denying race exists is murder.

The full text of the 27th Jan 05 Stanford University Press Release can be found here:


Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Talking about race is not racist - but denying race exists is murder."

Claro! É óbvio que assim é! Como é que alguém pode dizer que ama as Raças todas e nos impede de existir?... Aquilo que eu vejo não são pessoas que gostam de nós, o que eu vejo é pessoas que nos querem destruir! Como é que alguém pode ver outra coisa?


11 de fevereiro de 2005 às 16:31:00 WET  

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