terça-feira, novembro 23, 2004

Vernes, 24 de Janeiro de 2778 AUC


Como disse certa camarada do Forum Nacional, actualmente já nada surpreende demasiado... Até porque, independentemente do aspecto paranóico e conspirativo da coisa, a notícia até tem o seu sentido.

Para tomar cum grano salis, isto é, para analisar com a devida distância, sem demasiada fé, mas tendo em mente que a Mossad, serviço secreto israelita, precisa, certamente, de testar os seus modos de eliminar oponentes...

Los Angeles, County Of


43423 Division St.
Lancaster, CA 93535


In this location there is two jewish doctors that are working for the Jewish secret service. One of them is named "Dr. Freedman" and the other is "Dr. Goldberg". They are trying to extract information from skinheads that visit the clinic and they are using devices that were given to them by jewish agents to give skinheads cancer. They are part of a jewish team that has been taking secrets out of the air force base in the local area. Now they want to specialize in killing skinheads and leaders of white supremacist groups in an effort to reduce the skinhead population in Lancaster. Lancaster has the largest skinhead population in California. These two jewish doctors are extremely dangerous and they are playing a game of cat and mouse. A skinhead that was visiting the clinic reported being followed around in the Lancaster Library, located in Lancaster, California, by a jewish man dressed in a white shirt and dark pants with a jerry springer nose. The Lancaster Library has video! footage of this incident but they are refusing to release the information because three jewish library personnel were protesting. The Lancaster Library also has been getting private visits from the head of a jewish organization. There is this man called Stan that works in the Lancaster Library who is married to a jewish woman called viscott who works in the child library in the city of Palmdale in California. Stan is the one who has been reporting the address of the skinheads to his wife who then gives them to the head of the jewish center. The jews know where every skinhead lives because the Lancaster Library holds the name, address and telephone numbers of all the skinheads in Lancaster. When skinheads come into the Lancaster Library with their dress and shaved heads, Stan connects them to the address in the computer and gives his wife the information. That same skinhead that was being followed around in Lancaster Library also reported that two jewish men were visiting hi! m in the Lancaster hospital. One had a black leather jacket and the other a brown leather jacket. The two jews were walking around in military walk and had Israeli accents. The jewish agents injected the doctor that was treating him with some chemical that made the doctors arm turn blue and the doctor got sick. The reason they injected the doctor was to send a clear message to the hospital that any doctor or nurse that treats skinheads in that hospital will become a target for death. The Lancaster hospital also has video footage of those two jewish agents but they are refusing to release the video because of privacy matters. It has been reported that two F.B.I. agents picked up the video from the Lancaster hospital for reviewing. The jewish agents are using military tactics to combat the skinhead population. They want to isolate skinheads from society so they can perform their jewish missions on skinheads without being bothered by the local police. It has been reported that ! the local sheriff deputies are terrified of the jewish agents because they work in secret and can not be seen and they kill without being noticed. It also has been reported that the F.B.I. and other federal agents have very little interest in chasing jewish agents who specialize on skinheads because the jews have managed to convince the Federal government that the skinheads are social criminals. The only time that the F.B.I. and C.I.A. get deeply involved is when jewish agents start to steal secrets from the U.S. government.